might be silly but........



  • xTenaciousJx
    thanks for everyone's answers ...feel free to add me =D can never have too many ppl to help for support.
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 283 Member
    I weigh in fairly often and my weight certainly does fluctuate and I don't see any point in trying to manipulate it . If you didn't lose weight this week, you probably will next week.
    I will echo the sentiments about sodium. It makes the biggest difference, so I try not to eat out the day before a weigh in, but I will always work out if I can.
    My goal is to lose weight of course, but what I really want to do is build up my strength so I will feel and look better and increase my metabolic rate.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I weigh myself a couple of times a week, the numbers move up and down a little each time, but I don't worry about that as long as the long term trend is DOWN. Daily fluctuations (e.g. water retention) don't matter, long-term trends do.
  • katielou1986
    I agree
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I have a rest day Tuesday and weigh on Wednesday morning. I have to have a rest day because my body is usually battered and screaming at me by that point, so I may as well make use of it to get a more accurate idea of what I ACTUALLY weigh.
  • katielou1986
    I don't do anything different. I want a true reading on the scale so I don't see the point of doing something different that might affect the number temporarily.

    I agree
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I don't do anything different, but try and keep the weigh-in the same time in the day and such like. I do it as soon as I have woken up and fed the animals (they wake me up the same time every day) and before I have anything to eat or drink. That way I am in the same clothes (pjs) and I should get the most accurate representation of how my weight has changed since the last time. I try weigh every Friday, but I do forget at times and will then do it the day I remember. My rest day is often more based on when I am off work as I work weekends sometimes, so not connected to weigh day at all.