Question for a.m. exercisers



  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    If I am doing an Insanity video or running less than 6 miles I do not eat breakfast before my workout. If I am running 6 miles or more then I eat a banana about 15-20 minutes before my run.
    WBSJR Posts: 26 Member
    iv'e heard of others who experience throwing up if they eat before... fortunately, i'm not one of them. my body requires some food before or i don;t have any energy. i think it is different for each person and you have to find/do what is right for you. have you tried a protein or energy drink before hand? i eat a protein bar 1/2 before i work out, which helps it to settle a bit. i'm sure if I ate a large, unhealthy breakfast i'd probably puke it up too. i hated AM workout in the past... not a morning person. now that i've adjusted my routine, i get up between 4:30 - 5:00am and hit the gym. best part is that is the least crowded at that time (no wait on machines) and it's a great way to start the day. good luck and Godspeed!
  • Teksavvy
    Teksavvy Posts: 133 Member
    I've tried working out without eating. It wasn't nearly as intense because I felt light headed. I do a banana and water and then eat a full breakfast afterwards. I tried once (to save time), eat a real breakfast first and felt like it was going to come up.

    If your body needs energy, maybe it needs something lighter. What about a glass of chocolate milk?
  • cspamomof2
    I have to eat something, so I'm up around 5, having coffee and an Atkins bar by 5:30. Usually hit the gym between 6 and 6:15. I find if I don't have something before, then I have absolutely no energy. Then I have my normal breakfast when I get home, which is usually around 8am.
  • MiAmorDeanna
    MiAmorDeanna Posts: 73 Member
    I eat breakfast every morning before my workout. I obviously wait about 45 minutes after I ate but then I go workout. I also have a snack after.

    I do the same as well.
  • CollegeGirl19
    I have a massive stash of mini Luna bars that are just perfect for me to munch on during my walk to the gym. I prefer to have a little bit of energy in me. It makes me feel like I can go longer and harder.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I tend to eat after my workout, but that's just me. I know lots of people who eat before. I just can't handle having something in my stomach that early. I also sometimes eat a bowl of cereal at night before bed if I'm worried about being drained of energy for my morning workout. THis also serves as my "late night" snack. A bowl of special K with red berries is sort of a treat for me :)
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I used to exercise before eating.... now I eat and wait at least an hour b4 my workout.
    Then after my workout I have a protein shake.
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    I'm usually up at 4:30, at the gym before 5 and don't leave until around 6:30 (Weightlifting). I'll eat around 7. The first day I ate then exercised, I spent a good amount of time afterwards feeling like crap!
  • knelson422
    When training for my races last year, if I was running more than 6 miles I had whole wheat toast with PB and sliced banana right before I ran. I had to change my exercise routine, so now I do DVD's in the early AM. I don't eat anything before I do them, they are about an hour.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I have read and believe that doing cardio before eating can burn fat.
    Different studies and experts will argue; who knows?

    I go by my own results which speak volumes.
    So, I wake up at 5am, workout from 530-630 - 1 hour.
    Then I wait until 7:30 to eat.

    It seems to work well though not some kind of miracle.
    Try it for a few months and see if it produces results for you, then let me know.
    Again, it appears to work for me.

    Good Luck!
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I have always eaten after I work out in the mornings and before I work out at night. I give myself at least an hour and
    a half break after eat though.
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    I wake up around 6:30, and drink a cup or two of tea. It's enough to warm my belly but not overfill it, which will cause vomiting. Also, my digestive system is sluggish in the AM so I avoid eating. If my stomach is rumbling when I wake up (almost always), I find it goes away after 10-15 minutes of cardio.
    P.S. I drink tea from 6:30-7ish, and work out by 7:30. This seems to work out just fine.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Do what works for you. If you don't need to eat before exercising, don't. If you think you do need to eat before a workout, be willing to try different things and figure out what works for your body.
    I run 3 or 4 mornings a week, I need fuel, so I use energy gels. I don't have enough time to digest food before heading out the door BY 5am. The other mornings where I do a video/bike/other strength stuff, I don't need the energy or caffeine, so I work on an empty stomach. I know a lot of other people swear by their whole wheat toast and peanut butter in the morning. That delicious combo doesn't work for me before a workout, nor does citrus fruits or dairy or any other nuts. This is all learned by trial and error.
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I have a short window to get my workout in each morning, so I always workout before eating but drink lots of water while doing it. I just don't have the time to eat before then wait for the food to settle
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    I have to eat afterward. I am like you and have thrown up when I've tried to eat before. When I worked out at night I couldn't eat dinner before I worked out either for the same reason. In fact, sometimes lunch would affect an evening workout. So, always after!! for me.

    Edited to add that I do work out early morning now and it makes for a much better day for me!
  • CruzZ8
    CruzZ8 Posts: 71
    My schedule typically allows for me to have a late morning workout, like 10 or 7ish. So I'm not sure how helpful my response is,but what I would do if I'm not super hungry is have a protein shake like half an hour before. I wouldn't be able to eat before my workout. I'll workout or feel too full to go hard at it. Usually, I have a protein shake about 15 minutes after my workout as a meal replacement. It seems to me shakes are the best thing when it comes to "eating" near your workout time.
  • tunktunk5583
    tunktunk5583 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm trying to get into the routine of exercising in the mornings which really isn't something I've ever done before. My question is when do all you morning exercisers find is the best time to eat breakfast? This morning I ate a banana and had a glass of water before working out and then threw it up about 20 minutes after my workout. I thought it would be good to have at least something on my stomach. I'm in relatively decent shape and I've never thrown up after a workout before. Would I be better off eating after exercising? Any opinions would be helpful, thanks!

    To be honest, I work out before I eat anything and eat my breakfast when I get to work (tight timing so I can't eat right after working out). I can't eat anything before working out because I will (like you) yak it up haha. On weekends I'll try to eat something before I go and give it a good 40-a hour before heading to the gym :)
    Also, I've heard it's good to eat soon after working out.
  • Butterfly3730
    I drink water only most days. The only time I will eat before a workout is when I wake up hungry or I wake up later than usual. Then I will have a whey/hemp protein drink (with water). This works well for me. But I do eat an hour after my workout.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Honestly, I don't see how what others do is going to help you here. If you know you'll feel (or be) ill if you eat before exercising, then don't.

    OR if you think it was a fluke, try it again. If it repeats, then it may not be for you. If you don't feel ill, then it was probably a one off and you can proceed from there.

    The world will not end if your banana waits however long it takes you to finish an exercise session.