I need all women's attention. Please reply



  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Have you tried WebMD's self-diagnosis tool?

    I was about to say that! Don't make a diagnosis yourself based on the results, but it might give you some indication. Definitely go to a doctor for a sure diagnosis.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I have had two children, and one miscarriage, and never has a buzzing cervix been a pregnancy symptom. How bizarre.
  • BlondeLisa1
    BlondeLisa1 Posts: 106 Member
    Midwife isn't going to cut it with all you have going on. Please get to a MD or DO
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Only go to your doctor. DO NOT SELF DIAGNOSE on this or accept any diagnosis without some kind of examination /face-to-face interaction with a proper DOCTOR.
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Holy fertility... I hear what you're saying.. but I agree with previous posts, DO NOT alter meds without speaking to a doctor. Talk to someone close to you (a woman) other than your mother maybe? Get her, or convince your mother, to take you to a doctor. Have your drastically changed your diet? Best wishes friend.. Everything is going to be okay. :)
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Coke light still has caffeine in by the way! It could be anything at all, see your doctor! I'm a nurse (well I will be in a couple of months when I finally qualify!) and that's what I'd tell any of my patients to do. After doing a pregnancy test lol. Are you eating enough? Because you could just be really hungry. Or something you're eating disagrees with you. It's probably nothing serious :) Let us know, because I am way intrigued!
  • traceyx69
    You should see your Doctor But in the mean time:-

    Lots of questions you need to answer.
    1.Any chance you could be pregnant
    2. Un-protected sex
    3. Last period
    4.If you have discharge does it smell?
    5.Are you weeing alot?
    6.Any back pain?
    7. Change in sanitry products
    8. Do your boobs hurt
    9. Opened your bowels

    Could be many things from Pregnancy, Thrush, PID (Pelvic Iaflammatory Disease) Urine infection, Fibroids, Gonorrhea, Or if your doing an extreme diet its your bodys way of saying look after me a bit better and eat properly.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Do NOT alter your meds. Go and see a GP, get a referral....
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    Okay, in looking back through your other posts... you posted about having stretchmarks back in November. You also appear to have an ED of some manifestation. Rapid weight loss and gain can cause stretchmarks.

    But... with the strange post here (compared to previous, comprehensible posts) I would say you are having a bad episode. Do not alter your psych meds on your own. Ever.

    And for heaven's sake if your own mother will not talk to you PLEASE find a responsible adult that will. Good LORD!
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    Tday the flutters are worse at night, I also have resless leg syndrome sometimes. If I'm pregnant my dreams are true then... I have an idea that it could be the caffeine I just drank, but it was only coca cola light. Thank you guys and girls. I'll go straight to the midwife before I have guitar classes. I'm going to be upset if I am pregnant, because I wouldn't have an idea who's it would be. because still virgin.... I'v had dreams of three people and a dream of me rollerskating out the arms of a black guy... haha... ok so, the flutters started 6-7 days ago... I have an idea if its no one thing then the blood tests shown would proove alot more than what I expect... I have alot of dreams that I sleep with men and I can't do nothing, I started giving upin trying anything. for the past three days I got these sore places at my back, almost like a zit, but it's more feeling of deep needle pain of it. I'll go to the midwife tomorrow. I'm afriad my mom thinks she knows alot more than I do. I have once typed an angry message, mostly a joke. because what stood there was said on a film at the end.... blah blah.... But honestly if I'm pregnant and nobody tells me, I will get rid of it and never open both my windows again. I also wished for bars on my windows... but that wasn't done at all... I am changing my medication of my scitzophrenia, I will then only drink 0,25 % of the pill... that's a qauter of what I would drink... My mom once spoke to my ad taht someone was having sex but I wouldn't know who, because she stoppedtalking once I walked in.... I'm never going to know until these people open up for me, when I'm already open minded, sorry if I spelled badly, you just have to live with it, because the keyboad is dirty.... Ok if I am pregnant I'm never swimming with guys again.... :( If the guy shows up, I will atleast know that I don't have to start crying. I have no idea what it could be, some say it could be a parasite. or a mussle twitch from too much discharge... I will go in the morning. I do walk around alot, so it could be from walking long times.

  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Tday the flutters are worse at night, I also have resless leg syndrome sometimes. If I'm pregnant my dreams are true then... I have an idea that it could be the caffeine I just drank, but it was only coca cola light. Thank you guys and girls. I'll go straight to the midwife before I have guitar classes. I'm going to be upset if I am pregnant, because I wouldn't have an idea who's it would be. because still virgin.... I'v had dreams of three people and a dream of me rollerskating out the arms of a black guy... haha... ok so, the flutters started 6-7 days ago... I have an idea if its no one thing then the blood tests shown would proove alot more than what I expect... I have alot of dreams that I sleep with men and I can't do nothing, I started giving upin trying anything. for the past three days I got these sore places at my back, almost like a zit, but it's more feeling of deep needle pain of it. I'll go to the midwife tomorrow. I'm afriad my mom thinks she knows alot more than I do. I have once typed an angry message, mostly a joke. because what stood there was said on a film at the end.... blah blah.... But honestly if I'm pregnant and nobody tells me, I will get rid of it and never open both my windows again. I also wished for bars on my windows... but that wasn't done at all... I am changing my medication of my scitzophrenia, I will then only drink 0,25 % of the pill... that's a qauter of what I would drink... My mom once spoke to my ad taht someone was having sex but I wouldn't know who, because she stoppedtalking once I walked in.... I'm never going to know until these people open up for me, when I'm already open minded, sorry if I spelled badly, you just have to live with it, because the keyboad is dirty.... Ok if I am pregnant I'm never swimming with guys again.... :( If the guy shows up, I will atleast know that I don't have to start crying. I have no idea what it could be, some say it could be a parasite. or a mussle twitch from too much discharge... I will go in the morning. I do walk around alot, so it could be from walking long times.

  • mesicali_chica
    mesicali_chica Posts: 71 Member
    Midwife isn't going to cut it with all you have going on. Please get to a MD or DO

    You really need to get an appointment with your M.D. immediately. I would also suggest seeing your Psychiatrist.
  • suzie43
    suzie43 Posts: 13
    I am really hoping you are not pregnant!
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    have you recently lost a small object that vibrates?
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Tday the flutters are worse at night, I also have resless leg syndrome sometimes. If I'm pregnant my dreams are true then... I have an idea that it could be the caffeine I just drank, but it was only coca cola light. Thank you guys and girls. I'll go straight to the midwife before I have guitar classes. I'm going to be upset if I am pregnant, because I wouldn't have an idea who's it would be. because still virgin.... I'v had dreams of three people and a dream of me rollerskating out the arms of a black guy... haha... ok so, the flutters started 6-7 days ago... I have an idea if its no one thing then the blood tests shown would proove alot more than what I expect... I have alot of dreams that I sleep with men and I can't do nothing, I started giving upin trying anything. for the past three days I got these sore places at my back, almost like a zit, but it's more feeling of deep needle pain of it. I'll go to the midwife tomorrow. I'm afriad my mom thinks she knows alot more than I do. I have once typed an angry message, mostly a joke. because what stood there was said on a film at the end.... blah blah.... But honestly if I'm pregnant and nobody tells me, I will get rid of it and never open both my windows again. I also wished for bars on my windows... but that wasn't done at all... I am changing my medication of my scitzophrenia, I will then only drink 0,25 % of the pill... that's a qauter of what I would drink... My mom once spoke to my ad taht someone was having sex but I wouldn't know who, because she stoppedtalking once I walked in.... I'm never going to know until these people open up for me, when I'm already open minded, sorry if I spelled badly, you just have to live with it, because the keyboad is dirty.... Ok if I am pregnant I'm never swimming with guys again.... :( If the guy shows up, I will atleast know that I don't have to start crying. I have no idea what it could be, some say it could be a parasite. or a mussle twitch from too much discharge... I will go in the morning. I do walk around alot, so it could be from walking long times.

  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Is she for real? I am not sure, I think this might be someone pulling all of our legs!!! Makes no sense. But if your are for real go to your doctor immediately!!!!!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I've locked this due to a number of reports.

    OP - The advice to see a Dr is good advice, I would suggest the same.

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
This discussion has been closed.