How did I get to be this big?

Just a question I'm sure most people ask.


  • I got this big from a love for food and a lessened care for myself, it's no longer okay to me and I am trying to break free of being stuck in this outter shell I have for myself and find the one best suited for me!
  • ggus64
    ggus64 Posts: 22
    Don't stress and obsess over how you got that big....what's done is can't change the past but you CAN control the future. Look forward not can do it!!!!
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Don't stress and obsess over how you got that big....what's done is can't change the past but you CAN control the future. Look forward not can do it!!!!

    Well said!! This should be a mantra we all say to ourselves every morning!!
  • its so easy to get caught up with everything else in life, but we tend to forget about number 1..which is YOU. Losing weight has became an emotional rollercoaster for me. When I'm stressed and worried..I lose weight easily. But when I "put my mind to it" ..I lose Nothing. Some kind of way I can tie that energy together and have better results.
  • I love desserts!! Plus my husband is a great cook which actually turned out to be downfall, since I can't control myself.
  • Thanks. We all can do this!:)
  • Relationships seems to be a culprit of weight gain in some cases. Just saying
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    I can honestly say I have never asked myself this! I have, however, asked WHY I let myself get this big. I'm weird!
  • I used to ask myself the same question all the time. Before having my daughter at age 18, I was within the normal BMI range. When she was about 3 years old, my boyfriend and I moved in together. He was very fit and healthy before we moved in together. It seems as if we exploded overnight. He cooked a lot. We didn't go out to eat much, but we loved to eat. I guess once I reached a certain weight it was just too hard to lose it. 5 years after moving in together, we were both obese. It's definitely easier to lose weight when you don't have so much to lose. We shouldn't wait until we get to the point of (almost) no return.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    No one to blame but me! Not meds, not stress, not a condition.........just plain old hand to face. :)
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    I know exactly how I got this big, and the only person I can blame is myself. Because I got lazy, even before I met my husband, and I was the one eating the foods I knew would eventually lead me to this. I dont ask how...but I do ask why I let myself do this. And yes it did get worse with my hubby, not because of him, but because I became accepting of the fact that he was somewhat excepting of the way I was. But dwelling on it wont make it better, which is why I'm here, trying to fix it. Undoing a lifetimes worth of damage is hard...but not impossible =)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I got this big because I had no understanding of my caloric/nutritional needs or of the importance of physical activity. I ate whatever I wanted and got lazy. My mom introduced me to foods like fried quesadillas, my grandma never regulated the amount of cheese I ate, everyone bought me Doritos and soda. The only nutritional advice I ever got was to "stop eating candy". While that was definitely a big part of the problem it wasn't the only thing wrong with my diet.

    Now that I know better I limit my "bad" choices and I'm getting healthy so that I can be a good example for my children. My husband and I want to teach them the things we were never taught so that they can be healthy for their entire lives.
  • lori4013
    lori4013 Posts: 73 Member
    I know I can only blame myself.....being unemployed for over a year and being lazy and eating more did it to me. UGH
  • Yea I have and decided that I ate way too much, never worked out, and in my own head I didn't think I was as big as I actually was. It wasn't until I started losing weight that I finally could see how big I was. I am still stunned to this day that I couldnt actually see that I was a heavy girl (5'6" 200lbs).
  • lol..
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Depression and not knowing how valuable I really am.
  • AdrienneKaren
    AdrienneKaren Posts: 168 Member
    I got big because I had a pituitary tumor. The severe hormonal imbalances made me gain weight (partially due to extreme fatigue) and impossible to lose the weight without starving myself. Now, my tumor is gone and I don't have so much of a problem...except when I see cookies.
  • jocody
    jocody Posts: 2 Member
    I did by sitting at home with my kids all day.. I guess i just kinda gave up on what i needed and got this way!!! Hope it changes soon!!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I got fat on purpose. I can't believe I'm even saying that. I said I'd rather be fat that miserable. I did this to myself. On purpose.

  • Levi_Hansen
    Levi_Hansen Posts: 44 Member