How to stop a binge attack!? Helllppp!!



  • Alanakrahenbil
    Alanakrahenbil Posts: 811 Member
    I eat the kids goldfish to!
  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    Sometimes I will log in the unhealthy snack before eating then I go back to what I know is healthy..Sometimes :) Sometimes I just go for it!!
    EXACTLY! Log before eating the it em(s) will crub you from adding extra calories you may want to use towards something else:flowerforyou:
  • harempants
    harempants Posts: 11 Member
    I'm cutting out sugar temporarily, and have been having massive cravings for it. When I do allow myself something sweet (I gave in to a 100 calorie cookie bar the other day) it isn't really satisfying, and just makes me crave more carbs. So today when my sweet tooth started up, I did a mental exercise: I thought of what I could snack on INSTEAD of sweets, like a piece of cheese, or a carrot. At first that didn't sound appetizing, so I knew I probably wasn't actually hungry. Later it popped up again, and the cheese really did sound good, so that is what I had. And it was much more nutritious and long-lasting than the alternative.

    I also agree on the pickles--they're low in calories but salty enough to fill that type of craving (or make you stop thinking about sweets!)

    A diet book I read gave this tip: never eat your treat by itself. So for example, with the peanut butter--don't just pull out the peanut butter and a spoon. Instead, scoop out a portion of PB onto a plate, cut up an apple or dole out a serving of crackers, and enjoy your snack like it was a little meal. This way you get your PB, but it's more difficult to overindulge.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    What do you all mean by goldfish? Actual goldfish?

    Yes, they're delicious! ;)

    Crackers. Goldfish crackers.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Okay, so you know when that time comes between lunch and dinner, and you need a small snack? I sometimes get a "BINGE ATTACK" is what i call it...and go for the bad stuff! Like today...i scrunged to my pantry and started snacking on my kids goldfish! Ughhh! I eat healthy during all my meals, but when it comes to snack time..i just wanna eat something salty!!! HELP!


    Arming someone you love with a taser to stand in the kitchen....
  • alicepoppyh
    I almost had a binge attack today, my favourite food is cheddar cheese, and I so badly wanted some on toast today. Now, I usually hate these people who talk like I'm about to talk, so feel free to ignore me/curse me but this is what I thought:

    Is this cheese on toast going to be enjoyable enough to make up for guilt/disappointment/calories/disillusionment that I will feel 2 minutes later? I decided it wasn't. So I had some fruit, and distracted myself with something else.

    It's really tough, isn't it? Amazing how much you can rely on food.

    Also, others have a valid point, if you really want a little, eat a little, slowly, enjoy the taste, log it on your diary, and if you're over your calorie goal because of it do a quick workout or go for a walk.

    Good luck with everything!
  • KristinArredondo
    KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
    THANKS EVERYONE!!! Love all the ideas! I think I like the pickle idea...and also the idea about if im going to eat it....take a walk to help burn some of the calories! LOVE IT! Here's another thing i thought about...someone mentioned brushing your teeth...i decided i was going to put up a sign on my Pantry that says...CHEW GUM!!!!!! lol Hopefully all of the above will definately help!
  • ThinningDownChick
    ThinningDownChick Posts: 95 Member
    salty stuff makes me want to binge more, I usually will make hot tea, diet hot cocoa, diet apple cidar or eat sugar free popsicles... I've even been known to make a can of chicken broth and eat that like soup. Now granted, this is if I feel I'm going to binge, I think it's important to also have snacks, so make sure that you're including one in the afternoon. The binge mood may just be because you're really hungry!