Kettlebell workouts

I have read alot about the huge advantages to a kettlebell workout (burning as many calories as running a 6 minute mile) but I cannot find it in the exercise to journal it. I am new here and was wondering if there is a way to find out the calorie, etc. Any ideas?


  • AiryM
    AiryM Posts: 51 Member
    Hello! I love kettlebells!

    I take a bootcamp class 2-3x a week that utilizes them heavily. Since they are a weight, I'm going to assume that they can be logged under weight training. I usually log mine under circuit since they are part of my workout but not the whole shebang.

    Hope this helps!
  • butterflykoffee
    butterflykoffee Posts: 31 Member
    The only thing about the weight training is that everything I read says that you burn 400 calories in 20 minutes of kettlebell workout because of the extra, all -body movement? They definitely are a workout and I am just getting started :noway:
  • bmwgsa1
    bmwgsa1 Posts: 10
    On average, a person burns 20 calories a minute while working with KB's (an RKC over on DragonDoor goot hooked up to a machine to prove it).

    KB's are a great way to do a workout!!
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    I just log my kettlebell workout as circuit training. I don't know how accurate it is but I figure it's better than nothing. I love doing kettlebells I sweat more in 30 minutes of KB training than I ever did doing regular weight training.

    This is my workout that I do and it takes me about 30 minutes to do 3 circuits. I'm using 1 35 lb. KB and I definately get a better workout than I've had in a long time.

    Turkish Get Up x 1
    1 Arm Clean And Press x 5 per side
    Kettlebell Front Squat x 10
    1 Arm Row x 10 per side
    Around the World x 5 each Direction
    2 Arm Swings x 15

    **** Repeat circuit 3 to 5 times resting 60 -90 seconds between circuits.