Foods you HATE that everyone seems to LOVE??



  • Definitely eggplant! I'm also allergic to them, though, so eggplant doesn't like me either! =D
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    water melon...or any other kind of melon. cannot even get past the smell of them.
  • Lstrhi
    Lstrhi Posts: 132
    Mayo, mustard, cream cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, and hot sauce. Yeah, i know.
  • Lstrhi
    Lstrhi Posts: 132
    Oh and saurkraut . That crap smells like dead feet. Yuck.
  • kalepowered
    kalepowered Posts: 76 Member
    I'm vegan, so there's a huge list of foods right there that most people love that repulse me. Also, mushrooms & olives. I have cured myself of my cucumber hate, but my mushroom & olive hate will NEVER DIE. So gross.
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    CALAMARI !!!! :sick: :sick: :sick:

    Yuck...squid is the most hideous, disgusting creature ever! But people will eat anything deep fried right ! lol :drinker:
  • fudog
    fudog Posts: 16 Member
    you might like the yellow ones that grow in Panama. I agree wit the red and green ones being terrible
  • Dove954
    Dove954 Posts: 26
    Ginger, Seafood, Avocado.. eewww
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    :sick: Seafood :sick: ....

    ....and if you knew my father's job for the past 40+ years, you'd be surprised that I can't stand it.

    I feel the same way.. except tuna from a can with mayo, White NOT CHUNK LIGHT but I'm really not sure that counts as fish ...

    Hey! Me too.... and I can make a mean tuna sandwich.
  • feduh86
    feduh86 Posts: 790 Member
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member

    Coffee (love the way it smells though)
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I just read this whole thread. Most of it is criminal...Bacon? And Nutella? The proof that there is a diety? Weirdos.

    And yet on the same list, nobody has mentioned Turnip (or Rutabega, if you want to sound fancy.) Blechhhhh. Something horribly wrong with a vegetable that can stay in your fridge for YEARS.
    I can't even walk past the olive pit at the grocery store.
    Canned green beans. At 30 cents a truckload, WHY would you purposely make something that is tasty into a mushy woody mess?

    And I may get kicked out of the country-but Canadian bacon. It is not bacon, it's tough chewy HAM. With cornmeal.
  • Deviled eggs... boiled eggs for that matter, seafood, coke.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member


    most fried foods

    anything extremely doughy/bready.

    anything oily/greasy (a little oil is fine..but there is a limit)

    Chewy italian cheese (provelone, mozzarella, ricotta)
    ice cream/frozen yogurt...i used to like it but now it grosses me out
    (juice, squeezed from a cow -cringe- lifelong vegetarian, now borderline vegan...)
  • Peanut butter
    Parmesan cheese (smells like grated feet)
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    Fish and chips
  • I know it's a drink but - I hate coke, pepsi etc. I can't stand them!
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Sweet Potatoes.

  • ClaSSiE86
    ClaSSiE86 Posts: 72 Member
    Don't crucify me. I HATE Bacon. The taste, the smell, everything.. Makes me gag!

    I'm the same way.. the smell alone is enough to make me sick!
  • Oh, and egg whites. I can't get past the texture. Just thinking about it makes me gag a little.