HELP! Depression is starting to kick in!



  • I <3 trolls

    They are cute, aren't they?!

  • struggeling53
    struggeling53 Posts: 36 Member
    Yes I think you need to rearrange your diet and do some weight training...good luck i know how hard it is to hit a plataue.
  • Honestly I don't mind how much egg whites I eat. Spices are a way of life for me, so I can incorporate them in all types of ways. No salt or other sodium filled spices though. There's enough out there that you can bypass those sodium ones. I think I'll experiment. Try upping the calories. I'm quite active. I bike back and forth to work which is a good half hour away. Then when I get home I hit the weights. My biggest concern now is that maybe I'm in starvation mode? And that now if I up my calories to 1700-1800 I'm just gonna gain weight. Even though that's what my BMI (I think that's what its called) is saying I could eat and just lay in bed all day and be fine. I'm consuming A LOT of protein with the eggs and whey shakes. So you're there's no chance I'm gonna tone up if I stay with all this protein and lack of carbs and calories? It just feels so unusual to eat more is all. Hahaha, man, maybe I'm just crazy!
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    I personally recommend reading 'The False Fat Diet'

    As you might be holding onto False fat, due to eating reactive foods, which the books explains all about and once you work out what your reactive foods are and avoid them. Any bloating, swelling (otherwise known as false fat) will disappear, as will those last few pounds.

    It explains SO much, this book. I've not finished reading it myself. But from what I have read. I recommend everyone who has the time read it. You won't just lose weight and false fat. But your health will improve, in so many ways. As will your mood.
  • DeBiKin
    DeBiKin Posts: 107 Member
    As I was reading, my exact thought was that you are not eating enough. Also, variety is the spice of life and while egg whites don't have all the cholesterol I almost think it would be better to throw a yoke in here or there instead of the string cheese. Google calories and protein there's lots of info to help you find what's right for you... Hang in there.
  • Brian, make sure you are incorporating adequate, DAILY exercise into your regimen. I recently noticed a drastic difference for the worse in my psyche when I went dormant with exercise over the holidays. I was in hibernation mode, and was indulging in all the holiday goodies. While my sweet tooth was satiated, my lack of activity had me down in the dirt. I recently started exercising again and I have noticed a dramatic increase in my well-being. As monotonous as the saying goes, even "20 minutes a day" of walking helps tremendously. Try to push it to 25-30 if you can. But 20 minutes alone will do wonders for your depression. Trust me. I have been there. And while I am a female and three years your senior, I have always been an above-average lady. So plug in your favorite tunes, and get out in the fresh air! Tonight on my walk I noticed all the beautiful constellations, as I try to find joy in every day. Find something you are grateful for every day along with exercising (and eating the best that suits your lifestyle). You were able to type this post. So start there. Be grateful for the hands and fingers that enabled you to type. Hope this helps! You can do it! You are in charge of your success and your happiness! 8)
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I agree with everyone else --- consume more calories!

    Maybe your body is used to all the same foods all the time? Try switching up your sources of protein.

    I have to eat lower carb so I understand not wanting to eat them but your body probably really needs them. Especially when you're working out so much!! So I would suggest upping your carb intake as well.

    Take lots of vitamins!!

    Yes, I also agree with concentrating on lifting and toning up.

    Also, with carbs being low perhaps your blood sugar is low? That could be a huge source of your depression right there. I know it is for me. Hang in there. It's great that you work so hard to keep yourself fit.
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    This is not depression! depression is an illness, change the title of your thread, what you are suffering from is plateu
  • I know I know. I'm not literally depressed because of this. It just brings me down a bit that's all. I'm just gonna stick with the calorie cycling, keep up the half hour elliptical every morning before breakfast, still bike back and forth to work and work out my back, chest, biceps, and abs hard for a month. With all the protein I really hope I see some results! By the way. Thank you everyone for your responses. I really truly appreciate it =)
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    This is not depression! depression is an illness, change the title of your thread, what you are suffering from is plateu

    I don't think you can actually edit the title. And yeah, it may not be 'depression', but feeling over it all, can feel depressing.

    I suffer from depression and I'm not bothered that the word 'depression' was used to describe how he feels. He's was just using the word to describe how low he felt, that's all.
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    This is not depression! depression is an illness, change the title of your thread, what you are suffering from is plateu

    ^^ This !

    I also think you need to eat more .. Increase your protien intake.
  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    I personally dont think its plateau at all. I think it sounds like your body has gone into starvation mode so its storing the fat because you aren't consuming enough calories, and I'm not surprised you feel depressed because your proabaly so tired and lacking energy! Do yourself and your body a favour and dont be so hard on yourself. Be careful not to do your body any damage by not eating enough and working out too much you could be making yourself ill! It sounds like you've really had enough of existing this way so I would suggest sitting down for an hour and thinking of some really tasty, healthy meals that you will enjoy without feeling guilty. Good luck xx
  • I think everyone saying eat more is right. The thing is that you're not getting the calories, but you're also not getting all the Vitamins and Minerals your body might need. These vitamins are essential to get in food because your body alone cannot produce them. They are essential to your body because the intake of these amino acids, antioxidants, carotenoids, etc... trigger chemical processes in your body that trigger reactions along your body to keep you strong and healthy. These super foods are called "Power Foods." For example, Artichokes contains cynarin, which promotes the liver's bile production, in turn helping break down fatty foods. It also helps improve your muscle function and heart health. It is foods like this that can boost your calories, your metabolism, and drop your weight further.

    Personally, I know where you stand. I used to weight 195 and honey, I'm 5'5. I'm down to 160 and everyone tells me I look gorgeous and to stop dropping weight, but the truth is that I'm not fully pleased. I look at myself in the mirror and I'm no happy. Not yet! So, I decided to keep working on it! And currently I'm in this horrible plateau!!! It sucks! And I'm mad and sad to stop seeing progress when I'm working so hard and not seeing the results I want. But part of this process is learning to love yourself. No matter how many pounds are in you, those pounds don't change who you are. Everyone is a wonderful person, filled with feelings of joy and sorrow. Embrace those feelings and work one day at a time. Do other things besides working out. I'm a chef as well and cooking to bring smiles to other people's faces is what I love. But sometimes, I need to do things that bring smiles to MY face. Start doing other things besides working and gym. Get a hobby. Go out with friends. Discover new places.

    It's okay to work hard for the thing we want, but in the end, the important thing is finding our happiness. It may be sharing moments with our special someone or it may be eating that piece of cheesecake at the end of the week. Whatever works for you! I think you've worked enough on your exterior for now. It's time to work a bit with you, who you are, and what you like!

    I hope this makes a little sense to you and it helps you out somehow! :P At MFP, we love you just for trying as hard as you have!!! You're a role model for the rest of us here, so hang in there and remember that!