Summer 60 day Challenge Week 1 Join Now /Support/Chat

sportygal Posts: 221 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
This is a two month challenge....starting June 1st to July 31st. Each week post your progress as follows: Start ***lbs. Now *** lbs.
Each week, I'll have 2 new folders with Summer 60 Challenge week 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. One for entering results & another for support. This way we won't have to scroll through old messages. At the halfway point we can share measurements of waist, bust, hips if we want to. (Granted everyone needs to get their starting measurements!) Weight loss isn't the end all be all since body fat change and inches are also markers of success. Let's all be positive and have a great healthy summer!
Join in and have a blast! :flowerforyou:


  • June 1 - weight 150 pounds
    Goal for July 31 - weight 135 pounds

    Thanks for the challenge .....:flowerforyou:
  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks for joining! I'm excited since it's an additional motivator and holds us accountable!
  • Maris165
    Maris165 Posts: 175 Member
    Hello to all! This is my first challenge and I am very excited. Here is my question...we go to the lake a lot during the summer. Any recommendations on how to overcome some of the nonessential eating and/or adult beverage drinking? I find myself having maybe 2-3 a day when we are at the lake. I don't generally at home or during the week. So any tidbits or what works for others would be great. I am very excited to join this challenage and hopefully I would love to be able to share a success story at the middle and end of this.
    Hello to all and Good luck to Everyone! :smile:
  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    Maybe drink a glass of water between each beverage? That might help where you feel like you are drinking more and will fill you up. Also maybe walking around the lake will create a need for the extra "fuel" / food you are endulging. I lost 6 lbs. on a vacation, so it is possible.
  • katyp26
    katyp26 Posts: 13
    I'm in!
    Starting weight is 140
    July 31 Goal is.....125 It's gonna be tough, but its now or never :)
    Question: whats the best way to track where this forum thread is? Will it show up under the My Topics section so that I can easily find you guys??

  • I'm in!! Thanks for starting this!! Nothing like a good challenge to get my booty in gear!

    Starting stats:

    Weight: 137
    Chest: 37.5"
    Arms: 11.5"
    Waist: 30"
    Hips: 38"
    Thigh: 22"

    Goal for July 31:

    Weight: 125
    Chest: 36"
    Arms: ?? just buffer...haha
    Waist: 28"
    Hips: 36"
    Thigh: 20"

    I plan to accomplish these goals by eating SUPER clean, lots of fruits and veggies, and doing Turbo Jam! :glasses:

    Good luck to us all! :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • katyp26
    katyp26 Posts: 13
    Hey Elyse! We have similar stats/goal so it'll be fun being in this challenge!
  • vkkarri
    vkkarri Posts: 1
    I'm in! I love these things =0)

    June 1st = 179#

    July 31st goal =170

    i guess I'm shooting low since I have been plateaued for 4 weeks...
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    Count Me In:
    June 1: SW 181
    Chest: 36
    Waist: 31
    Hips: 41
    July 31: GW 165
    Chest: ?
  • catzdebbie
    catzdebbie Posts: 15
    :smile: Hi, count me in.

    start weight = 125.5kg
    end weight = 120.0kg

    good luck to everyone

  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    Hi all!
    This thread should stay in your my topics, but I'll change it every week, so just look for the new thread. I'm not going to keep track of anyone's stats, so we'll all be on the honesty policy when it comes to the end. If everyone enters their measurements/weight in their own check in area on this site, you'll have a record. Happy health, strength in body mind and spirit is my goal regardless of weight.
    Enjoy every moment! :drinker:
    Have a great rest of the week!
  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    I hope all is going well for everyone! It's hard to believe its Wednesday! My body is fried from a Monday workout, but I'll be at the gym today! I've stepped up the intensity and its great! I hope to be down to 50 by the end of the week, but as long as the shorts are loose, I'm happy!
    Have a great rest of the week everyone! :wink:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • catzdebbie
    catzdebbie Posts: 15
    :drinker: :drinker: Hi all

    Just reporting in with my weight loss - 1kg


  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    Don't forget to post your progress on Sunday! Just remember, sometimes you might go a week without weight lost, but inches lost or muscle build etc. I haven't lost much weight the last few weeks, but I lost 1 inch on my waist in 2 1/2 weeks, so progress can be measured in lots of "weighs"!! :)
    Also on Sunday I will make a Challenge 2 folder chat, as well as a folder to post your progress. Each week I'll have a new folder! Keep It Up Everyone!!!!
  • catzdebbie
    catzdebbie Posts: 15
    Hi all
    what is happening with the challange ?

  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    Look for week two folders and have more info there! :)
  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    Don't Forget Everyone! Post in the Week 2 Weigh In area! :)
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