
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What they all said. MFP only suggests 15% protein, which is quite low. I aim for about 25% protein, or at least 100g a day. I aim to go over on protein, not stay under.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    You SHOULD go over your protein every day. The suggestions on here are way too low. There are a few nutrients you should go over: Vitamins, Protein and Fiber.
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    180 grams a day surgically hit.
  • The protien numbers on here are insanely low, a general rule of thumb when youre trying ot lose fat and build muscle is to eat 1g for every pound of your goal weight per day. Obviously this is hard to do unless you supplement with protien shakes or other low calorie protien sources (greek yogurt is a good one).
  • eliz_in_pink
    eliz_in_pink Posts: 278 Member
    Well I think with the above responses, you got your answer. You don't want to lower your protein. I'm always trying to find ways to 'up' mine! :)
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    Only time I'd be worried about my protein is if I were under ;)
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    why are you trying to LOWER your protein?

    MFP lists the MINIMUM protein level you should have - not the maximum. More protein is actually better, MFP levels are really low. Ignore the RED on protein. Low protein is actually not better, on this number.

    Protein helps you feel full longer, helps you retain lean muscle, help repair tissue damaged from exercise, and helps in muscle growth. Your body uses protein for every cell and oragan, it is very very necessary.

    When my protein is to0 low, I have trouble losing body fat, also stop gaining muscle, and find exercise more difficult - especially strength training.
    Yes, this!

    My doctor told me that in order to effectively lose weight, I should cut down my carbs, and instead, eat my total body weight in protein per day. I started out weighing over 300 lb, so I ate 300g protein per day. It's worked wonders for me! The chemical reaction that burns fatty acids in your body also requires amino acids (protein). So if you're trying to burn fat, you need to eat more protein to keep that reaction going.

    IF you have some sort of kidney or liver problems, you should check with your doctor before eating more protein. Kind of like the way a person with a weak heart shouldn't do strenuous cardio, a person with weak kidneys shouldn't make them process a lot of protein. But if you're healthy, there should be no health risks in increasing your protein intake.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Some MFP goals are limits - calories, fat, sodium etc.

    Others are targets to reach - water, fibre, vitamins etc.

    Protein is a target - aim to get at least that much in every day! Many MFP users change their ratios to 40/30/30 carbs/fat/protein - this approach might suit you is you hate seeing those darn red numbers.

    Protein is essential for building muscle and repairing body tissues. Get it in!
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    NO reason to lower protein. MFP protein settings are a bare minimum. If you are exceeding them and staying under calories than you are doing awesome! Generally, most people who are on a low calorie intake struggle to get enough protein, not the other way around. So you're ahead of the game. Enjoy your protein!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You SHOULD go over your protein every day. The suggestions on here are way too low. There are a few nutrients you should go over: Vitamins, Protein and Fiber.

    Um ... going over on some vitamins can be fatal ...
  • Don't lower your protein intake. Think of the protein goal as a minimum goal. The extra protein will help you lose weight faster. I used to keep my protein abve 70g a day and lost tons of weight. Protein takes more for your body to break down. Watch your sodium intake as well as your calories and fats instead of worring about your protein intake. If you do lower it you may see your weight loss slow a bit. Protein is also great for developing muscle.
  • You might want to amend your MFP settings - 45g of protein would actually constitute a very low intake for someone trying to lose weight and get lean. It is quite a major flaw that this site's default recommendations advocate such a low protein intake. 100g a day MINIMUM would be a great for any adult trying to lose weight.

    Per gram, protein is much lower calories than carbs or fat which means you can EAT MORE FOOD and protein has the added bonus of keeping you fuller for longer than carbs.
  • I struggled with the unrealistic protein goal each day too. Low fat cottage cheese at lunch or breakfast with fish or chicken in the evenings with lettuce was putting me over protein each day. I'm glad you posted this issue because I read many of the responses and the consensus is that MFP's protein allowance is low and most folks say that over protein is a good thing.

  • i keep too soups and wholemeal bread and can come just under
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I guess I was wrong with my 100g number being POSSIBLY bad, like I mentioned lol. Anyway, my point stays the same as everyone elses: don't lower the protein. I am satisfied I get up to 60 or 70 somedays and really disappointed when I am under. I think some of the nutrients MFP on here should be red UNTIL you go over, and then turn to green such as protein. The key is, even if you are a meat-eater, to get the protein from a variety of sources: plant proteins as well as LEAN meats and non-plant proteins. You are certainly NOT going overboard. AND, FYI, if you are only going to get 1000 calories a day, which as you know is NOT good, then you SHOULD be eating as much protein as you can so your body doesn't start attacking your vital organs.
  • DON'T LOWER YOUR PROTEIN!!!!!! I asked a similar question a few days ago. MFP protein level is the low end, not the high. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to contain myself to 50g of protein a day when more than half of that I eat @ breakfast!

    I reasearched it and pretty much concluded that you should eat 1g protein for every lb of your GOAL weight. For me that's about 115g a day which is FAR more realistic than 50.
  • You SHOULD go over your protein every day. The suggestions on here are way too low. There are a few nutrients you should go over: Vitamins, Protein and Fiber.

    Um ... going over on some vitamins can be fatal ...

    really? hmm.. which ones? by how much would you have to go over, etc.

    If you're going to say something like this, please provide more information with scientific proof, some of us don't know these things and would like to learn.
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    why are you trying to LOWER your protein?

    MFP lists the MINIMUM protein level you should have - not the maximum. More protein is actually better, MFP levels are really low. Ignore the RED on protein. Low protein is actually not better, on this number.

    Protein helps you feel full longer, helps you retain lean muscle, help repair tissue damaged from exercise, and helps in muscle growth. Your body uses protein for every cell and oragan, it is very very necessary.

  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    The protein expectations on here are not advisable. You're doing fine.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You SHOULD go over your protein every day. The suggestions on here are way too low. There are a few nutrients you should go over: Vitamins, Protein and Fiber.

    Um ... going over on some vitamins can be fatal ...

    really? hmm.. which ones? by how much would you have to go over, etc.

    If you're going to say something like this, please provide more information with scientific proof, some of us don't know these things and would like to learn.

    Vitamin A, vitamin D from the wrong sources.

    I'm sure you all know how to use Google.