I want to VENT

HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
Yeah I want to vent. Not sure where I can do it. Lately I realized people don't give a crap about how others feel. I could do this on my art site but of course most of them could care less...the rest can't speak English. I could vent on the browser game I play. But the person I'm venting about plays the same game and anyone could easily copy and paste everything to that person.

Or I could vent to that person about why I need to vent, but then that would give me even more reasons to vent and I could possibly end up committing homicide. (not really, don't go running to the police).

So can I vent here? Pretty pretty please? (I said please!!)


  • Pams_Shadow
    Pams_Shadow Posts: 233 Member
    Vent... please
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Vent away, honey!
  • Katie41907
    Katie41907 Posts: 27 Member
    VENT! We are here to listen and support you!
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    ...so do it? Also, have you started up your MFP blog yet? Blogs are great for this type of thing.
  • Vent please :wink:
  • bluebonnet7407
    bluebonnet7407 Posts: 5 Member
    Go ahead and Vent! We are here to support you!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    Open for venting!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    ...so do it? Also, have you started up your MFP blog yet? Blogs are great for this type of thing.

    I didn't know there were blogs...:embarassed:
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    ...so do it? Also, have you started up your MFP blog yet? Blogs are great for this type of thing.

    I didn't know there were blogs...:embarassed:

    Haha! They aren't very obvious. Home tab>My Blog
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    ...so do it? Also, have you started up your MFP blog yet? Blogs are great for this type of thing.

    I didn't know there were blogs...:embarassed:

    Just be careful... Mine was open to the world and I vented about things that annoy the crap out of me and the excuses people make to justify themselves. A 16 year friend (who isn't even my MFP friend) read it, took all that was said to be all about her and we are no longer friends:blushing: . Eh. Guess it wasn't important enough to hang on to then. Just remember the old saying "Never post anything that you wouldn't want someone else to read" (This is not to say that I am not saddened that we are no longer friends... there was much more to it than a silly blog.)
  • Please VENT, I would like to vent about my mother-in-law, she is all over the net, but would never go here cuz she weighs about 100 lbs.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Okay so anyway I am/was dating this guy out of state and on December 31st we broke up. Why? Because he decided to go through my laptop while I was sleeping and read messages I sent to a male friend that I haven't seen in nearly 3 years. So he gets all pissy at me because 1. he went looking for trouble and god forbid he found it, and 2. because when he asked me "are you cheating on me" I responded no.

    Chatting on Skype with a FRIEND is no where near cheating. If I wanted to I could've cheated, with a football team worth of guys (okay that made me sound slutty) but I hope you see my point. Instead I was flying back and forth seeing his insecure butt and spending most of the trip in his apartment because he had to work while I was visiting him.

    So just cause I was talking to a guy doesn't mean I was flirting and/or cheating. Maybe I'm blind to what flirting is. I still don't know how to tell if a guy staring at me wants my number or to take my purse.

    I was stuck at my ex's house from the time he pretty much told me to get out until my flight that Tuesday. Imagine how awkward that was. I had to sit there and listen to him tell me what kind of a bad person I am and how I broke his heart and ruined his life for 4 freaking days. I stayed in his room and didn't even come out except to got o the bath room. He would come in there claiming he wanted to watch a movie (guess you can't play movies on a MAC) but instead he would complain more about how he's no longer attracted to me and how I hurt him.

    He STILL talks to me on Skype. Mainly because I watch his account on this game we play because he works too much. He asks me question about how the game is going then random starts to bring up how he wishes he could trust me but can't after what I did. Oh but he still loves me though...so that's a plus, right?

    He recently got sick and found out he has pneumonia and has been coughing up blood. Then he had to go back to the hospital due to an allergic reaction to the meds. He broke down one day and said he wanted to see me again and to fly up ASAP. I told him I would but I'm bring extra cash for a cab and hotel fair if he acts like a **** towards me.

    Now, just last night I told him I was going to my aunt's house to play Wii with her and some of my older cousins (girl's night). Of course due to his new found lack of trust he thought the only place I could be was at a guy's house or out getting my Lindsay Lohan on. I didn't have fun at all. I was too busy worrying about him so I went to bed early and didn't wake up until around 5am. He text'd me saying "you must still be out parting, lol hope you had fun". I WASN'T PARTYING I WAS TOO BUSY WORRYING ABOUT YOUR SICK BEHIND! No, still doesn't believe and then brought up the reasons that I of course caused.

    I have no idea what he wants. If he hates me then why talk to me? If he wants to get back with me, then why make me feel like I'm the worst person in the world? He doesn't trust me because he refuses to. Mind over matter. That's something he needs to do and there's nothing anyone can say to make his trust for me come back. Yes I love him to death and would do anything for him, but I can't help him if he just wants to sit around and feel sorry for himself. It's like dating an overly emotional female ugh.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Okay that was long, and it's still not the whole story ugh. Sorry about that
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    Okay that was long, and it's still not the whole story ugh. Sorry about that

    He sounds like a terrible human being and even if he wanted to get back together, I wouldn't. Run away while you still can!
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    Wow. That's a lot to take in.

    I can see where he's coming from with you messaging a guy. Most guys don't have the best of intentions when messaging a girl, and he probably was thinking from experience.

    This sounds like a lot of trouble. If it were me, I would just be done with it. It doesn't sound worth the trouble.
  • RichNice
    RichNice Posts: 66 Member
    Yeah I want to vent. Not sure where I can do it. Lately I realized people don't give a crap about how others feel. I could do this on my art site but of course most of them could care less...the rest can't speak English. I could vent on the browser game I play. But the person I'm venting about plays the same game and anyone could easily copy and paste everything to that person.

    Or I could vent to that person about why I need to vent, but then that would give me even more reasons to vent and I could possibly end up committing homicide. (not really, don't go running to the police).

    So can I vent here? Pretty pretty please? (I said please!!)

    So wait...is this the vent? Or the permission to vent? Cause it sounded like you were venting..... :)
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 410 Member
    Never mind what he wants - what do you want, and can you get it from this relationship if it continues?
  • He seems a little insecure! I don't know.. I think that really sucks you had to stay there for 4 days broken up listening to his whiney *kitten*. I suppose it's one of those.. good riddance to bad rubbish kinda things? I guess I don't know the guy or how long you even dated but it honestly doesn't seem like it was worth it. [based off of what I read]. p.s. getting my Lindsay Lohan on-- funniest thing I've read all day. Gonna use that. [=
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    He seems to be very insecure and I'm afraid that he will never get over thinking you cheated on him. I can understand his initial concern about you talking with another male, but if you told him you guys were just friends, then he should be able to put it behind him. Was this something that you hid from him purposely? That too could be another reason for his insecurity. I do agree with other posters about getting out and staying away from him.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    LEAVE & FIND AN ACCEPTING PARTNER, JEALOUSLY IS AN INCURABLE ILLNESS, in fact it only gets worse over time !
