Cooking for a large family :)

dajacoty Posts: 6 Member
Hi All :) I am a mom of 4 kids under 11 .. cooking for a family of 6 and keeping it healthy is a challenge, kids are getting really tired of the same thing over and over.. does anyone have any ideas on something new i could try? Also looking for friends that have kind of the same situation as me :) thanks!!!


  • brooke4fitness
    brooke4fitness Posts: 39 Member
    I have 5 kids, and all are BOYS that eat like men. I'm curious to see the responses here.

    We have lots of crockpot things: spaghetti, red beans & rice, lentil soup, pot roast with vegetables. We also do stir-frys with rice. Lately we've been trying new recipes from magazines, and letting the older boys (teenagers) do the cooking. They're learning a new skill and we're expanding our horizons!
  • dajacoty
    dajacoty Posts: 6 Member
    omg the same here.. having pot roast as we speak .. sigh.. haha.. i think im ready for a change as well..
  • Try the Biggest Loser family cookbook! I too have a family of 6. Its helped me alot!
  • dajacoty
    dajacoty Posts: 6 Member
    oh really?? ill have to check that out then! Thanks so much :) after seeing your profie, we could be twins lol cept i have 3 boys and 1 girl :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
  • Lol!
  • I have six kiddos from 13 down to almost 4 (4 boys 2 girls). One of our favorites are chicken enchiladas. I boil a bunch of chicken and then shred it in a food processor. Then I just dump in salsa until it is the consistency I want. Add some cumin (about 2 tsp or to taste). In a separate pan I heat up some olive oil and sauté a chopped vadalia onion. Add two cans of black beans and then mash them up (makes like refried beans) Spread the black beans in the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Spoon the chicken mixture into tortillas and roll up and then lay them on the black bean mixture. Optional: sprinkle cheese on top. bake until hot and bubbly. I serve this with lettuce, tomatoes, and corn chips to scoop up the yumminess.