24 female with alot of weight to lose!

Hi everyone,

I've joined here to start making a difference to my life rather than ignoring it and being in denial, looking for support aswell! I have a fantastic support network already but more couldn't harm could it!

Good luck for a lighter week ahead!



  • ClaSSiE86
    ClaSSiE86 Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome to MFP! :)
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    Welcome! Great job in taking your first step toward a better lifestyle :) I joined MFP a week ago and so far it has become my new go to website!!! Just try to stay on track of logging your calories and consuming all calories and you will be great!
  • rachduet
    rachduet Posts: 4 Member
    I have a lot of weight to loose as well. Ive lost10 lbs in a week, and I my goal weight is 150ish, but I have a LOOOONNNNGGGGG way to go and I know Im not going to loose 10lbs every week, so I know its going to be slow, but I really want to be healthy, I want to feel good again, feel sexy for my husband and get back into some old clothes. Im using this site bc I can track everything, and it keeps me honest. I have to really add my cardio now, but slowly bc of my back injury. Im going to start by walking, and just add a little more each day, it cant hurt and im hoping it will help build my back and leg strength. I just need as much support as I can get. Thanks!