
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    It varies. Usually every morning...but I've been trying to go a few days in between.
  • inchestopinch
    inchestopinch Posts: 67 Member
    I log my weight once a week (usually Sunday/Monday morning around the same time), although I do admit I step on it a few times a week. I know that each day my weight is going to fluctuate so I don't so much focus on the number as much as I used to.
    I measured a couple weeks ago when I started my journey on MFP, and plan on doing measurements once a month. Again, I felt really good about myself the other day & did a quick measurement (didn't log it) and found I already lost a few inches ~ more motivation to keep me going!
  • thanks for all that are answering... i guess its not such a bad thing to feel "yucky" and i should change my way of thinking to motivation to do "better" or keep it up.

    perhape i will buy a measuring tape and take measurements...
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Everyday, it helps me to stay in check. Yes I have frustrating days when I see a gain when I feel like I was doing everything right! I drank 12 glasses of water yesterday, worked out in 2 Zumba classes and had an almost pound gain. I know I did not enough calories to gain a pound so I am chalking it up to water weight and hoping it will fall off before I meet with my trainer on Saturday for weigh in.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    I weigh myself once a month or less - mainly to make sure I keep my caloric intake accurate, for my current weight. Any more often than that and it's counterproductive for me. I go by measurements, how strong I feel, and how my clothing fits.

    Some find that weighing themselves daily or weekly, and seeing results from their hard work on the scale is what keeps them motivated. That is wonderful if it works for you. But for me? I don’t WANT the scale to be my motivator. It’s like trusting a friend to motivate you, then having that friend turn around and betray you the very next day, ad infinitum. The scale is just too unreliable for me to be a motivator or a gauge to my fitness/health success. I have committed myself to exercising and eating better. So why step on a scale to try to ‘measure’ that? My aim to become healthier will not be changing regardless of what the scale says, and by weighing myself only once a month or less, it allows me focus on how my body looks and feels…not becoming fixated on a number. It aids me in putting my healthy goals in clear focus and not become distracted or discouraged by a meaningless number. It will remind me WHY I’m doing this. Because exercise makes me feel good…I feel stronger, more energetic, and I know it is good for my insides and outsides. Am I eating healthy and working out to see results on the scale? NO! So why track my weight like my success depends on it.

    “If you reached your goal weight and looked like crap, would you be happy? What if you only reached half of your goal weight and looked fantastic, would you be upset? What matters are the inches and how you look and feel. Not how much you ‘weigh’.”
    -Skip Lacour
  • MISSMILL3405
    MISSMILL3405 Posts: 23 Member
    I weigh in every Monday. I have steped on the scale once in the middle before but I try to stick with the Monday morning routine. That way if I've gained any it's on a Monday and they always suck no matter what anyway. lol
  • Every morning after I shower. But I only 'officially' weigh and log once a week.
  • I am learning not to focus on the scale so I weigh in and take measurements once a month This works for me!
  • I do it twice a day. Maybe i have OCD i dont know. But i wake up at 246 and go to bed at 255. Is this normal? Seems like a huge variation.
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 196 Member
    Usually every morning. I find that it keeps me in-check. It shows me that I can't mess around with junk food without seeing the consequences in the numbers.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    everyday....helps me stay on track! :)
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    i weigh myself every morning every little ounce loss counts lol


    Sometimes serval times a day. It doesn't mess with my head and it is encouraging.
  • NannetteAdams
    NannetteAdams Posts: 23 Member
    Every morning.
  • I weigh myself once a month or less - mainly to make sure I keep my caloric intake accurate, for my current weight. Any more often than that and it's counterproductive for me. I go by measurements, how strong I feel, and how my clothing fits.

    Some find that weighing themselves daily or weekly, and seeing results from their hard work on the scale is what keeps them motivated. That is wonderful if it works for you. But for me? I don’t WANT the scale to be my motivator. It’s like trusting a friend to motivate you, then having that friend turn around and betray you the very next day, ad infinitum. The scale is just too unreliable for me to be a motivator or a gauge to my fitness/health success. I have committed myself to exercising and eating better. So why step on a scale to try to ‘measure’ that? My aim to become healthier will not be changing regardless of what the scale says, and by weighing myself only once a month or less, it allows me focus on how my body looks and feels…not becoming fixated on a number. It aids me in putting my healthy goals in clear focus and not become distracted or discouraged by a meaningless number. It will remind me WHY I’m doing this. Because exercise makes me feel good…I feel stronger, more energetic, and I know it is good for my insides and outsides. Am I eating healthy and working out to see results on the scale? NO! So why track my weight like my success depends on it.

    “If you reached your goal weight and looked like crap, would you be happy? What if you only reached half of your goal weight and looked fantastic, would you be upset? What matters are the inches and how you look and feel. Not how much you ‘weigh’.”
    -Skip Lacour

  • I do it twice a day. Maybe i have OCD i dont know. But i wake up at 246 and go to bed at 255. Is this normal? Seems like a huge variation.

    Absolutely normal! You eat throughout the day and your body processes most at night.
  • slimgal613
    slimgal613 Posts: 52 Member
    I only get on scale once a week. It's on Saturdays after I workout in the morning. Weighing in on Saturdays has really helped me stay on track during the weekend; which is usually my downfall. It's working so far, so I am sticking with Saturday weigh in.

  • I do it twice a day. Maybe i have OCD i dont know. But i wake up at 246 and go to bed at 255. Is this normal? Seems like a huge variation.

    Absolutely normal! You eat throughout the day and your body processes most at night.

    Thank you Jenn
  • waterlily
    waterlily Posts: 55 Member
    I used to weigh daily, but never worked for me...Now I weigh weekly basis..Good luck with your efforts!

    Liliann :smile:
  • swyrick2
    swyrick2 Posts: 3 Member
    I step on the scale every day because I want to hold myself completely accountable. I know when I've cheated or not drank enough water. Stepping on the scale and seeing that impact motivates me to do better. I also remember that "that time of month" affects weight, my strength training affects my weight...because I'm putting on muscle. So far, even though I've only lost 6.4 lbs, I can tell my measurements have changed...even without a measuring tape. The number is important, but how I feel and how I look/feel in my clothes is what keeps me going! Good luck on your journey, and remember that we didn't get here overnight!
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    I weigh myself once a month or less - mainly to make sure I keep my caloric intake accurate, for my current weight. Any more often than that and it's counterproductive for me. I go by measurements, how strong I feel, and how my clothing fits.

    Some find that weighing themselves daily or weekly, and seeing results from their hard work on the scale is what keeps them motivated. That is wonderful if it works for you. But for me? I don’t WANT the scale to be my motivator. It’s like trusting a friend to motivate you, then having that friend turn around and betray you the very next day, ad infinitum. The scale is just too unreliable for me to be a motivator or a gauge to my fitness/health success. I have committed myself to exercising and eating better. So why step on a scale to try to ‘measure’ that? My aim to become healthier will not be changing regardless of what the scale says, and by weighing myself only once a month or less, it allows me focus on how my body looks and feels…not becoming fixated on a number. It aids me in putting my healthy goals in clear focus and not become distracted or discouraged by a meaningless number. It will remind me WHY I’m doing this. Because exercise makes me feel good…I feel stronger, more energetic, and I know it is good for my insides and outsides. Am I eating healthy and working out to see results on the scale? NO! So why track my weight like my success depends on it.

    “If you reached your goal weight and looked like crap, would you be happy? What if you only reached half of your goal weight and looked fantastic, would you be upset? What matters are the inches and how you look and feel. Not how much you ‘weigh’.”
    -Skip Lacour

    I used to be like that....infact in my early blogs that was something I battled with consistantly "the battle of the scale" but now my thinking is totally different. I tried weighing in once a month and I gained more and then I went to weighing in once a week and that seemed to work. I now weigh everyday just to monitor my weight but take my average weight on fridays. Anywhoo its whatever works best for each indiviual and you seem to have a good thing going on! Have a great day!