Great Breakfast Ideas for an "On the Run" morning??? HELP

Hi everyone!!

I am looking for smart breakfast suggestions for someone who is always on the go in the morning and very rarely has time to prepare any sort of breakfast before the morning commute?
I find myself in the position to grab a muffin / bagel at the local coffee shop and I know this is a terrible habit and going to severely hinder my ability to get to my goal.

Any great / quick / healthy suggestions are welcome!

Thanks in advance!


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Unless you have leftovers from last night's dinner.. you are pretty much left having to do one day of bulk cooking, prepping ahead. If you are working on losing weight or getting healthy - whatever your focus is.... you have to be good about planning ahead... its the same thing with exercise.. plan ahead and make the commitment.

    Im sure at night when you come home after work, you make the time happen to cook your dinner, right? Thats the best time to get something made additionally for the next day....
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Take half a whole wheat pita, slather on 2 tablespoons of avocado. Add a scrambled egg (you can scramble it in the microwave in about 1-2 minutes) and 2 slices of turkey bacon, which can also be microwaved in about 2 minutes and at the same time as your egg. Put it together and eat. Total prep time: 3 minutes.

    Nutrition (approximate): 238 calories, 13 g fat, 21 g carbs, 14 g protein.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    if you find your self grabbing muffins or bagels why dont you find a low cal/ low fat option for those muffins and bake them once a week, i also like the thin bagels and low fat/ cal peanut butter the home made muffins will be grab and go. The toaster only takes 2 mins :) You can make yourself and fruit salad the night before and grab a yogurt with it, you can try hard boiled eggs as well. I do this one with my kids a lot a put their fav cereal in a baggie and bring a small carton of milk but it works for me also.
    Last hint is to get up a little earlier??? lol
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    I am not a morning person AT ALL, so I lie in bed until the very last minute. So I, like you, don't have time to prepare any hot brekkie or so forth but cereal is really quick and easy. I'm addicted to Weetabix.

    If you don't even have time for a bowl of cereal, what about grabbing a banana on the way out the door. I find bananas really fill you up and give you enough energy to get by until lunch.

    Also, I don't know where you are but here in the UK you can buy breakfast biscuits made by Belvita. They are in individually sealed packets, quite low in calories and you can just grab them as you leave the house and eat them on your way to work or whatever.
  • DR10
    DR10 Posts: 6
    Try the Quaker life cereal, with 2% milk, is only 80 cal. for one cup.
    Hope this helps:):bigsmile:
  • alidav12345
    I guess it depends on what you would like also. I alot of time only allow myself just enough time in the morning to get ready and leave for work. So some of the things I have had for a quick breakfast is......jimmy dean delights(they have alot of different options I get the canadian bacon on honey wheat english muffin w/egg white and cheese it is only 210 calories and all you have to do is heat up in microwave at work if there is one. When I don't have the time or know I am going to have a higher calorie dinner later I have 1 cutie clementine orange they are 40 calories and 1 nature valley oats 'n honey bar they are 95 calories so that would be 135 calories for the two together. There is one other thing I like but not everyone likes this. I like the slimfast milk chocolate mix (1 scoop with 8 oz. fat free milk) it is 200 calories. Hope this helps you some.:happy:
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    as I leave for work before 8, and I hate eating breakfast early, I usually just have a hard boiled egg to keep me going till mid morning then snack on fruit. It all depends on what you like, personally I do it as it keeps me away from having toast at work.
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 283 Member
    Great suggestions.

    I will echo the Jimmy Dean suggestion. In addition to the one mentioned, they also make a turkey sausage and egg biscuit for about the same number of calories.


    I try and make extra turkey sausage or turkey bacon on the weekends so I can make a cheaper version for myself.
    I keep low calorie bread, bagel thins on hand at all time.
    Lean meats and cheeses in different combinations keep it from getting dull.

    I don't know what your calorie allowance is, but I grab a piece of fruit and brew a small batch of coffee and I am out the door in no time and good to go until noon.
  • Che5ter
    Ive started making some scrambled egg at night and chucking some veg in like mushrooms, peppers ect.. just grab it in the morning then when I get to work heat it up and eat it there I find it fills me up until lunch time.
  • lori4013
    lori4013 Posts: 73 Member
    Me and my bf boil eggs the night before and eat them on the go the next morning.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    - A healthy breakfast/protein/meal replacement bar
    - A meal replacement shake
    - Fiber One muffins (make a batch for the week)
    - A piece of fruit and some nuts/cheese
    - Dry cereal
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    Oats n Eggs (liquid egg whites)
  • aapayette
    aapayette Posts: 19 Member
    I have the same problem. One thing I do is hard boil some eggs, remove the shells and keep them in the fridge, usually just enough for 3 days, and then in the mornings throw an english muffin in the toaster while I get ready, and throw some peanut butter on it and I can either take it all to go, or grab bites of everything while I'm getting ready.
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    I'm a grab and go breakfast girl too. I eat instant oatmeal, bagels, Leggo my Eggo waffles, hard boiled eggs (I boil several Sun night, peel, and throw in a container for grab-n-go), baby carrots, grapes, banana, greek yogurt, almonds, string cheese. You can pop a bagel in the toaster while you get ready to head out, throw on some lite cream cheese, wrap in foil, and go. I separate and bag 1 serving of my fruits, veggies, and nuts on Sunday so I can grab those in the AM with ease as well.
  • brendabuckeye
    brendabuckeye Posts: 53 Member
    I eat dry cereal in a cup on the way to work some mornings when I'm really running behind. I like some of the Kashi cereals, one of them, the Krunch one I think, reminds me a little of caramel corn. I also like Cinnamon Chex. My sister likes to eat almonds for breakfast, so try a handful of nuts, too, if you like them, but watch the calories in nuts - they add up fast. I don't do the cereal thing often, but it works in a pinch and I grab a bottle of water on my way out the door with it.
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    I usually take a banana, yogurt and a can V8 fusion +energy to work...
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    I typically either have a protien shake and grab a packet of lower sugar oatmeal and take it to work with me. Or grab a piece of fruit and take a yogurt for later. I have done the PB Toast as well. I found a recipe earlier on here that sounds really good and you can make it once and have some for th rest of the week. Here:

    Egg McYummy

    1 English Muffin Toasted
    2 Egg Whites Baked
    1/2 Slice American Cheese
    1 Slice GV 97% Fat Free Sliced Ham
    Diced Green Onion, Mushroom, Jalapenos, Etc to Taste

    Make multiples by baking the two egg whites in muffin tins or for the perfect size, recycled tuna cans. Spray with Pam and add salt & pepper, green onion, jalapenos, mushrooms, peppers etc. to taste to each and bake at 350 for 15 to 20 minutes. Pop out of muffin tin and layer on toasted muffin with 1/2 slice cheese & one slice of Fat Free Ham. Wrap individually and eat for the week! VERY YUMMY~

    Only Calories 200, Carbs 25, Fat 4gm, and a whopping 15gm of Protein

    The way I see it is, if you have time to "stop" at the coffe shop, you have time to grab a healthy bite from home. :) Hope this helps.
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    I love Kashi cereal and greek yogurt. If I'm in a really big hurry I grab a granola bar or some almonds
  • AP2o12
    AP2o12 Posts: 20
    I'm always running late and looking for quick things for breakfast..lately I'll either toast some ezekiel bread and slather on some almond butter/peanut butter..and I literally eat it on my way out the door or on my way to work, or I'll crack a couple eggs in a container, add in some garlic and fresh bell pepper (if I had time to cut them up) and stir then pop in the microwave for 1:45. Literally, less than 2 minutes and you have yourself some perfect scrambled eggs! Hope this helps :)
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    What about a low carb/calorie tortilla- stuff it with pre-chopped fruits and a dollop of Greek yogurt and sprinkle of seeds on top

    Should take all of 1 minute maybe