Flowers or no flowers on the first date?



  • PeekABooGirl
    PeekABooGirl Posts: 218 Member
    I love flowers - especially tulips or gerber daisys. However, I think I'd be a bit nervous about someone giving them to me on a first date. I'd probably view that as either him expecting 'something' :smooched: in return, if you know what I mean. Or that he was trying to move things along a bit too fast. I once met a guy online, we emailed for several weeks, then talked via phone for a few weeks before we met. He brought me a stuffed teddy bear the first time we met in person. That was very sweet and I appreciated it. But the difference was that we'd been communicating for a month prior to going on a first day. SO if you already know this girl, then I would think bringing her a single flower - or maybe 3 at the most - would be accepted as a kind gesture. But if you just recently met her, then I'd probably say wait till the next date.

    Just my 2 cents! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    Dude... flowers are creepy on a first date.

    When it comes to women and dating, this ain't your momma's generation.

    This is experience talking to you here... save your money and your emotions until the third date. THEN give flowers!
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    Well we are going to a really nice dinner at a higher end italian place called maggianos. That's all I really have planned. Just a nice place to eat and talk. I thought flowers would be appropriate given the setting. We are meeting somewhere and then she is riding with me. I figured she could leave them in the car while we eat. =] Nothing big, maybe 1 or 2 flowers.

    I think that's sweet! You know the girl, so I'm sure you have a feel if she'd like it or not. If it were me, I'd totally swoon if I got 1 or 2 flowers on the first date. I think it's cute and thoughtful. :) Good luck!
  • Lambiii
    Lambiii Posts: 321
    A single flower would be a lovely idea :)
  • From a girl's perspective, flowers on the first date are absolutely adorable & gives the impression that you're interested in developing a true relationship and aren't just looking to get laid.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I'd go with a single flower. a bouquet might seem like your trying to hard or might freak her out, but if you do want to go with a nice gesture, a single flower (a nice flower) is romantic and thoughtful without going over the top. good luck!

    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    What exactly do flowers say on any date?

    Personally, flowers are so odd to give to someone. I don't like receiving flowers unless they are in a pot and I can continue appreciating them beyond a week.

    The usual scenario... Guy brings flowers to girl, girl takes them (because what else is she going to do? Not take them? Say no thanks?). Girl throws them on the counter or maybe if she takes a moment, puts them in a vase. They die a few days later and end up in the bin. Flowers mean nothing so I say leave them at the flower shop for all the other suckers.
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I'd say NO flowers on the first date. I think it would come across like you're trying too hard. Just be charming, attentive and funny... no flowers though.
  • Okieace
    Okieace Posts: 56
    It depends and I think that is a decision you have to make as to what works for you. I've taken women flowers on a first date and it went over well, though those relationships didn't progress for other reasons (I chose not to pursue the second date in those cases). I didn't take my wife flowers on our first date, but I totally made up with it by bringing a cheesecake (raspberry) on our second. :)

    What I realize now, and the advice I wish someone had given me back then, is that if you make a connection then none of those details matter. My "first date" with my future wife was spur of the moment and the least planned date I ever went on. But we completely clicked and had this amazing chemistry.

    So don't sweat the small stuff and do what you feel is right. If she gets caught up on those small things, she isn't for you.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    A single flower.

    It's right between flowers and none :P
  • estjames
    I think it varies widely on the girl, and if you're not sure, it's better to go with out. While I'm sure many women find flowers flattering (and they clearly do by the responses on this thread), there are also women who don't find flowers on the first date, or at all, appropriate.

    In my opinion, there's more risk than reward. If she's the type of woman who would like flowers, you still have plenty of other ways on the date to prove that you're sweet, funny, caring, etc. Let the date do that work for you. However, if she's the type of woman who wouldn't appreciate flowers, then you've pretty much blown it out the gate. As others have said, if it seems like she's someone who would like flowers, after the date would be more appropriate.

    This. I am one that does not like flowers so if they showed up I would be weirded out by them. If you find out she likes them, get them for her randomly one day since random presents are better anyway.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Speaking from experience in the matter from a guy. Not the first date, will scare her off, at the very least it will make her overthink little things throughout the date which is never good.

    Like the other people seem to have said, send it after the first date, she'll know your thinking about her and that she means something. Trust me don't do it first date I'll cringe :(

    Mine was a bit different but I very recently posted something similar where I'd known the girl years, seen her and then she didn't text back for a couple of days (we went a bit further than people normally do on a first time!) I sent her a bunch of flowers and all was ok, she was just a bit embarrased I guess! They worked though after that first date, I think if I'd sent them before or brought them on the night she'd have run a mile.
  • nilleah
    nilleah Posts: 177
    No. Second yes. First, trying too hard. Just be yourself. No need for bearing gifts.
  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    For me... I say NO flowers, if it the first date, 1 i look at how they are dressed, 2 how they smell, and lets not forget 3 OPEN THE CAR DOOR . Flowers I could give a rats >>>>>>bleep>>>>>>> sorry guys they will just die in 2-3 days and then I am left to throw them away and clean up after them lol. No you want to impress the girl on a first date TAKE THEM SOME WHERE OTHER THAN MCDONALDS for dinner, or actually take them to do something fun, bowling, pool, or even paint ball. That is just me.:flowerforyou: