How much feedback do you really want on your food diary?



  • FrankWorsley
    FrankWorsley Posts: 106 Member
    Feedback and accountability are the main reasons why I'm here. I've learned so much from all my awesome friends. My goal is long-term health, not weight loss or getting a six pack. Take a look and tell me what you think! Brutal honesty is appreciated.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I like feedback. Good or bad. I have had some very helpful suggestions on this site. I also am not the type of person that is easily offended.

    When I offer feedback, I only do so in a positive way. Like "Wow, that looks yummy" or "How do you make such and such?" or "I like those too." That way they know I cared enough to look but I'm not bashing any of their decisions. Some of my MFP friends I "know" well enough to know that they are aiming for certain goals in their diaries, like more protein, and I will specifically comment about that.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    Maybe it's a defense mechanism i have yet to figure out, but i get perturbed when someone criticizes my food diary.Kinda like: "I'm 43 years old and quite smart thank you, yes I know i did not get enough protien today, or i indulged in something, etc. I really don't need you to type it out for me."It's like seeing a long unseen relative and they say "you've gained a lot of weight"...what is that comment for? You have a mirror, you buy probably know you've gained weight. The remark serves no purpose but to point out a negative, that is obvious even.

    Now if you see i like a certain food, and know a good alternative, great; or if you know how to constructively criticize without being offensive, like "I'm working on getting my protien up too" or "isn't it difficult to keep sodium down? Here's a link to a great site i found with low sodium foods"...then i am fine with it and totally appreciate the support!

    Now of course i do not expect people to pat me on the back or say great job when i've flubbed up either. Again, we can all see my misstep, no need to tiptoe, you can even jokingly rib me, again with tact!

    I look at diaries to get ideas for myself, not to judge anyone else, i would provide support whether or not a diary is public by giving encouraging comments when i can or when i see someone that really deserves it because they are so great in any way. Now if I or someone else asks or indicates that they want criticism, ideas, comments, etc...on their diary, that's all good too. I just don't like blatant criticism, i think it's rude.

    I think my main reasoning is just that everyone has a different journey. We don't know the reasonings of why they eat what they eat, some people lose weight eating junk, some are focusing on low carb, some on protien, salt, it just seems odd that anyone would try to advise you when a)its not asked for, b)they are in the same boat (i.e., overweight or working on a physical goal of some sort, thus not experts (primarily, we do have some experts here, that is a different matter ;-), c)no one knows your journey.

    I think if you feel strongly about the type of support you want/need, it is probably a good idea to post it to your profile - i've seen some do that, whether it's a "if you want to friend me, please write me an email too" or whatever. Something to think about.

    That all sounds grumpy, but i hope you know what i mean. Now i need some morning coffee lol
  • myltlisa24
    myltlisa24 Posts: 242 Member
    Same! I have cheat days, some times, only when needed, but not a lot!
  • mommymeg2
    mommymeg2 Posts: 145 Member
    I am always open to constructive feedback about my eating. (hint hint ;) ) Actually, I love it!
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    I would have no problem if people looked and commented or even criticised.
    most of my foods are in Dutch though so I get a lot of "I have no idea what you ate" - I even wouldn't mind translating!

    I'm not perfect and have never pretended that I am. If you are defensive about your food choices and your lifestyle then maybe there is something to explain or change?
  • tseecka
    tseecka Posts: 90 Member
    Personally, I'd be looking for feedback on my nutrition. I know I often have "crap" in my diary--a couple candies here and there, because I'm a compulsive/bored snacker and EVERYONE around me at work has candy all the time. But I do make an effort to make sure everything else that I'm putting in my body is good for me, and that's what I'd be looking for feedback on. I know candy is crap, I know I shouldn't be eating it--I don't need someone else to tell me that part. :D
  • Hoosier_born
    I don't offer if they don't ask. But I also don't give them a "great job" either. For me, anyone doing Eat to Live is welcome to comment on my diary. I would encourage feedback in regards to recipes and varying food choices.

  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    If they don't ask, I won't say. I'm not out to be nit-picky about other people's diaries, considering I don't know just what they are going through that particular day. Hey, it could be a cheat day, and if I grill them about it then I'll either get cussed or reminded, and thus will feel silly for even opening my mouth.

    As for people coming my way, i don't mind it. I look forward to it actually. I'm constantly worried about whether I'm doing a good job or not.
    KYMUSE Posts: 66
    I'm not much on the idea of commenting on a diary entry, because many times there is more to the story than the four or five words on that meal. Example: I'm having a terrible time getting enough calories could easily look at my diary and say "you aren't eating enough" (which, is kind of easy for me to see:) But there's a medical reason why. Someone might have had a really bad couple of days with their diet, but could be going through a personal situation that makes them lean towards food. I think suggestions on different types of foods you might try would be great-but to have a stranger comment on how worried they are about my health? Sorry, just not for me. If others want that, I think that is great!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    My diary is not up for discussion unless i ask for it. You never know what a person is going through, that causes them to under eat. For instance this week im going through a REALLY REALLY BAD patch. And for the 1st time i have not used food to comfort myself. For the past 3days, nothing can go down my throat. I literally put my all bran flakes in a blender for me to eat them. For supper i make 2min noodles, and i cant even finish the little packet. This is not permanent, and not my choice. So i wouldnt want someone making comments about me under eating while knowing jack about what im going through.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Everyone is on different diets and seeking different kinds of support from their friends, so I wonder, how much feedback do you really want on your food diary? If you have a cheat day do you want to be called out? If you are staying within calorie goals but not getting any vegetables, do you want to hear it?

    I like to read about nutrition and sometimes going through people's diaries, it concerns me that they may be losing weight in unhealthy ways. But how do you tell someone that they are not making the best choices without offending or alienating?

    Unless you know something about nutrition, I wouldn't advise on commenting on specifics of a diary. All I really look at is calories and macros. Timing, frequency, and choices are largely irrelevant assuming they get enough micro-nutrients from their diets.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    I want honest feedback on my diary, so if I have no veggies, tell me, if I've snacked too much, tell me. But also tell me when I've had a good day. I want criticism but if that is all someone gives, it's not very supportive.

    I also give feedback on diaries, either when I know the people don't mind, or I try to phrase it in such a way that it won't get them down, but be supportive instead. Such as 'try to do x' instead of 'don't do y'. Constructive criticism, positively phrased. I also don't think that one 'bad' meal necessarily makes an entire day bad or that you have to eat completely clean to be healthy, so I don't call my friends out on every chocolate or pizza they have.
  • yestowellness
    yestowellness Posts: 98 Member
    if it's a crazy day, I'll inbox them & make suggestions, I don't openly criticize. I do suggest that if it's a cheat day, put it in your notes. It should stop some of the unwanted criticism.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I will not say good job on someone's diary if their day consisted of only junk and/or processed foods the WHOLE day and they still stayed under their calorie goal. A snickers and diet soda for lunch and popcorn for dinner are not healthy choices. I don't care if you still stayed under your goal, it was nothing but CRAP going into your body.
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    I will not say good job on someone's diary if their day consisted of only junk and/or processed foods the WHOLE day and they still stayed under their calorie goal. A snickers and diet soda for lunch and popcorn for dinner are not healthy choices. I don't care if you still stayed under your goal, it was nothing but CRAP going into your body.

    Yes, that's what I do. Don't expect any congratulations if you're not treating your body well. Just like I don't expect any congratulations when I'm eating crap, it happens. But I generally do see people just keeping their calories low and not eating ANYTHING of nutritive value. That's not sustainable and no one should be kidding themselves that what you put in your body doesn't matter as long as you stay under your goal. You might lose weight but you will get sick!
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    I don't want my diary critiqued. If someone noticed me eating crap for a few days in a row and called me out I wouldn't mind. But nitpicking macro nutrients would get them deleted.
  • Iwillshyne
    I am pretty much open to any suggestions or comments on my food diary as long as its done in a positive way. :flowerforyou:
  • michelleinpa
    michelleinpa Posts: 68 Member
    I would welcome it if it was done in a spirit of helpfulness. In fact, I could really USE some please feel free
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't comment on other diaries unless asked. I don't care if anyone comments on mine or not.