Eating Back calories burned

What are your thoughts on eating back your calories that you burn when you workout? I feel like I need those extra calories, but I am mainting my weight. So this week I started not tracking my entire workouts and not inputting how fast I run at the gym so I don't know I 'have' those extra carlories. What are your thoughts?


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    It depends on how your daily caloric coal is calculated. To lose weight you need to be in a healthy caloric deficit. There are 2 ways to accomplish that:

    Set your daily caloric intake at a deficit
    This is what most people do, and is how MFP is designed to work. You figure out your daily caloric need (TDEE, or total daily energy expenditure), then set your calorie goal lower than that. For example.. if your TDEE is 1800, you might set your daily calorie goal to 1400. That puts you in a caloric deficit and you will start to lose weight*. When you exercise you burn additional calories. These burned calories are not accounted for in your TDEE or the calorie goal you set based on your TDEE. So exercising increases that caloric deficit. The thing to watch here is how big that deficit gets. Every body responds differently, but the larger the deficit the worse it is for your body (the assumption is that the larger the deficit gets the harder it is to properly fuel your body). And this is why people recommend eating back exercise calories.

    Use exercise to create the deficit
    With this method you set your daily caloric intake to equal your TDEE. Then you exercise and burn calories. Those burned calories are not accounted for when you set your daily goal equal to your TDEE, and thus you end up in a deficit. The size of that deficit is dependent on your workouts. You burn 75cals walking the dog and your deficit is 75 cals. You burn 500 cals running and the deficit is 500.

    *This is VERY simiplified and makes A LOT of assumptions, but is good enough for this conversation.
  • Thank you for the great information!! :) So helpful! I did lower my TDEE, which I set to 1200 calories. I may be under estimating my daily activities. I may have to play around with it and see what is best for my body I guess.
  • qtcaro
    qtcaro Posts: 48 Member
    I have been wondering the same thing... I currently have been eating back my exercise calories but I only have 10 pounds to loose. My body at this point is EXTREMELy resistant to any loss so I think I need to stop eating my calories back. I think Jacksonpt is right on with the calculations. I'm still new to the system also and have not quite figured out how to adjust my settings. I'm currently set at 1200 also. Look forward to seeing some more responses on how people deal with eating calories back too:)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    For both Lynnie373 and qtcaro.

    Your TDEE is a calculation, your healthy BMR (basic life calories if in a coma) times an activity factor, because you probably do more than sleep all day. so more than BMR is needed to feed your body what it needs.

    You set your goal calories to 1200. If your BMR was estimated above that (probably was), than you have for user underestimated your calories needs.

    If your are at 1200 and think you need to create a bigger deficit, than you don't understand what BMR is.
    You are thinking just the opposite of what is required.

    Because you can lower your BMR and metabolism by giving your body less energy than it needs, and it will therefore fight to keep everything it gets in addition to slowing down.

    Lynnie, on the right track.
    QT, on the wrong track.
  • To simplify this even further, click on "My Home" tab. Then "Goals" tab, and click on "Guided" option and then My Fitness Pal will create a deficit for you to allow you to lose the weight you chose you choose to lose per week which includes the calories burned. So to sum it up, in order to reach your goal (ex: 2 lbs loss per week), then eat all your calories including your exercise calories burned. Your goal should be to 0 out in calories at the end of the day - which will be a deficit since MFP accounted for it. Hope this helps!
  • Sonnyb13
    Sonnyb13 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been trending in the red with protien, everything else in the green. Can the protien be bad for me and slow my weight loss?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Thank you for the great information!! :) So helpful! I did lower my TDEE, which I set to 1200 calories. I may be under estimating my daily activities. I may have to play around with it and see what is best for my body I guess.

    Just for the clarity's sake... your TDEE is probably much higher than 1200. 1200 could be your BMR, but TDEE is probably closer to 2000, depending on how active you are on a day to day basis.

    NEVER eat below your BMR (at least not for any prolonged time)... that's when you'll get into problems as you're not giving your body the calories it needs to do the most basic functions (breathe, pump blood, etc). TDEE is what your deficit should be based on. Either set your daily net to equal your TDEE and DON'T eat back your exercise cals (option 2 of my previous post), or set it to something less than your TDEE and eat back the cals (option 1).
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I have been wondering the same thing... I currently have been eating back my exercise calories but I only have 10 pounds to loose. My body at this point is EXTREMELy resistant to any loss so I think I need to stop eating my calories back. I think Jacksonpt is right on with the calculations. I'm still new to the system also and have not quite figured out how to adjust my settings. I'm currently set at 1200 also. Look forward to seeing some more responses on how people deal with eating calories back too:)

    While it's true that gets harder to lose the leaner you get (assuming a proper/healthy diet), I doubt the reason your are slow to lose is entirely based on your fitness/body fat levels.

    It is SOOOO easy to OVER estimate cals burned during exercise and UNDER estimate cals consumed. I would start there and make sure you have as accurate a read as possible on cals in vs cals out.

    After that you have to take the time to figure out what your body responds to.

    Only after you've done both (gotten a handle on cals in vs cals out AND learned what your body likes/doesn't like) can you start making educated changes to your routine.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I have been trending in the red with protien, everything else in the green. Can the protien be bad for me and slow my weight loss?

    What is the daily goal that you are exceding? MFP's default protein goals are REALLY low. Seems like most of the experts are suggesting something close to .75g per lb of lean body weight as a starting point.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    What are your thoughts on eating back your calories that you burn when you workout? I feel like I need those extra calories, but I am mainting my weight. So this week I started not tracking my entire workouts and not inputting how fast I run at the gym so I don't know I 'have' those extra carlories. What are your thoughts?
    Yes, eat them back.
    Simply stated MFP has already figured out your total calories you need to eat per day to lose 1lb etc. a week.
    That's WITHOUT exercise. You'll notice that when you actually add exercise in, the calorie limit goes up.
    Why? Because it's telling you to eat your exercise calories.
    Large deficits aren't really good to do because while you will lose weight, what kind of weight will it be?
    In many cases you'll lose lean muscle tissue which LOWERS your metabolic rate even more.
    Then you have to eat even less to compensate for less of a calorie burn to continue to lose the same amount of weight each week.

    Be efficient.
    Exercise hard and eat back the calories. The hard exercise will RAISE your metabolic rate and burn more fat at rest.
  • qtcaro
    qtcaro Posts: 48 Member
    I know your right... I stay within my calorie range but my problem is calorie content. Even though they say if you stay within your TDMM you should loose I think thats only if you make wise choices. At least that is the case for me. I've been having trouble with sweets and I know if I can get that under control alone I probably would be losing very quickly even with eating back my exercise calories... BUT thats an entirely different topic, lol
  • lizmccl
    lizmccl Posts: 9 Member
    When it comes to calorie intake alone. I am set at 1330... There are days I'm under 1200, when I do this too many times my weight lose slows... If I aim between 1200 and the 1330 I see better results!!!! I've been sick the last few days and haven't been eating much and I'm NOT losing any weight!!!! Also look at the foods you're eating and if your weight is effected consistently with any food... When I eat pasta the way Americans do as a meal (Within the servings stated on the box) my weight will jump up... If I eat half a serving and have meat and veggies with it, my weight is not effected!!!
  • Hi

    I've been using MFP for 3 weeks now, have been exercising everyday and eating back my calories burned through the exercise I'm logging and am losing weight steadily, 3lb the first two weeks and 2lb this last week. My levels for protein are always well over recommended on MFP and also too low on vitamins /carbs and fat but I take a multi vit supplement everyday so it doesn't allow me to calculate that.

    I am also way over on my sugar, but I don't eat sweets, treats or drink fizzy drinks, so can't work out why my sugar always goes over, average day meal is 2 scrambled eggs and salmon for breakfast, 2 fruit portions mid morning, tin of soup for lunch, 1 fruit afternoon + yoghurt/salad portion and fish, boiled rice and at least 3 steamed veg for dinner, with a low cal hot choc and maybe snack a jack for treat in the evenin + 4 semi skimmed milky cups of tea with sweetner per day.... any ideas?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    What are you questioning?

    Your diet plan looks good. You're losing consistently. What's the problem?

    As for the sugar... it's all the fruit. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    What are you questioning?

    Your diet plan looks good. You're losing consistently. What's the problem?

    As for the sugar... it's all the fruit. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    I rarely ate back my calories and lost weight and inches but I was also working hard to build muscle. I believe i did tone up some but have not been building any extra so I went about it all wrong. I probably should have been eating my calories back. I have reached my goal weight and I'm trying to build more muscle so I'm playing with the idea of eating more calories and trying to add protein shakes to my daily meals and see it this will help me.

    Any thoughts?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    How many cals were you consuming daily when not eating back your cals? How many cals were you burning during a typical workout?

    Toning simply refers to lowering body fat to expose muscle (that may or may not be there).

    To build muscle (new tissue) you should at least be at maintenance, and preferably surplus. An increase in protein is a must for most people... how you get that protein is up to you.
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    Most days I ate between 1000-1150 calories and a workout burned around 350 calories. My workouts were 4 days a week. I did decrease plenty of fat around my body to allow my muscles to be visible again.. some muscles got a tad bigger but have decreased in progress.