30 day shred?

carlafreeman Posts: 91
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I should be receiving the 30 day shred any day now by mail.

If any of you are using this, what sort of results have you seen?

Do you like the 30 day shred?

Thanks Yall!!! :smooched:


  • Euphonasia
    Euphonasia Posts: 136
    Jillian Michaels is an evil shrew and I've been sore in places on my body that I didn't know even existed.

    I freaking love it.

    As far as results, I'm fairly early in (still on level 1), but I've noticed a definite increase in my endurance and strength over the past two weeks, not to mention that my arms (beneath the fat) seem to be a whole bunch more toned than they've been in several years.
  • I originally started out with "30 day shred". I loved it! I'm still on level 1 because I'm using some of Jillian's other DVDs as well. The first few times I did it, kicked my *kitten*. I had to stop a few times, but when I did I would still keep moving. Either by marching in place or by jogging if there was a move I couldn't do.

    I haven't really done it long enough to tell you about results. I tend to favor her other DVDs only because they're longer and I get bored when I do the same DVD over and over. Don't get me wrong, the 20-minutes will still kill you and you might be sore a day or so after, but I need to burn about 450-500 calories per/day and the 30 day shred doesn't get me all that close. I think the last time I checked my calorie burn on that DVD it was only about 260.

    Which is why I've upped it with her "Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism" and her "No More Trouble Zones". Both still kick my *kitten*, but I love it! I find them a lot more fun to do than the "30 day shred" as well. The burpies (think that's what they're called) sill kill me, but I LOVE plank twists! And depending on how well I keep my intensity up I burn around 450-560 calories. Since I've done these two DVDs longer, I have noticed small changes. I've lost 1/2" on each arm, 1" on my thighs and 1 and 1 1/2" on my waist.

    Anyway, hope that helps and I'm sure you'll enjoy the "30 Day Shred". It's a good starting point. Good luck!
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    I love it!!! I also just started it so I'm still on level 1. I started on Monday and am doing it 6 days a week. Yesterday was my 5th day doing it and when I weighed myself this morning, I was 4 pounds lighter! I'm not sure yet if I've lost any inches. I took my measurements on my first day and then I'm going to again on the 15th and the 30th.
    It's really hard but so worth it!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    I started it on June 1st. I'm with ShutterBug - it's not long enough. I too have been doing the 30 day shred along with Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. By doing 2 routines a day, I burn 400 to 500 calories per day. Am beginning to see a "slight" tone in abs and legs. No weight lost though. It's super hard for me to lose the pounds, but I do tone up quite a bit.

    I think the secret is "just do it"........ I really don't think it matters WHICH exercise you do; as long as you do it...........

    I think it's far fetched to expect to lose 20 pounds in 30 days with any routine........

    Good Luck & Keep Pushing Play!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    I am on day . . . 9 or 10, on level 2. i can tell a difference in my abs, arms and thighs. some definate toning. my husband likes it anyways.:laugh: i have lost a couple pounds. I think it all depends on how much effort you put into it. I really like it. After it I may try her other dvd's. By the sounds of it, they are all pretty good. I think it is defintely something to try out. :happy:
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    I have lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks by doing the shred 3 times a week along with 2 days of aerobics class. I am also following the menu plans from her website and it's about 1200 calories. It's the most results I have seen for myself in many years. I found something that is working for me. But like someone else mentioned, just pick anything and do it consistently without stopping.

  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    I added to this thread last week but had just started the Shred and wasn't sure about results yet. But I weighed myself and took my waist measurements this morning. I did the Shred 6 days last week and lost four pounds and one inch from my waist...in just one week! So I really am seeing results! I've been at a plateau (sp?) for a couple weeks and this has helped me get over it!

    Good luck with the shred!!!
    It's so hard :grumble: but SO worth it!!! :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • mommy2boys
    mommy2boys Posts: 33
    How do you guys log in the 30 day shred as far as how many calories you burned? I just started doing it again & am not sure where to put it under cardio.
  • PinkShoes
    PinkShoes Posts: 269 Member
    I had the same question when I started it. Some people use a heart rate monitor so they know the exact calories burned and then make a custom entry for it. But others like myself, who don't have a heart rate monitor, log it under circuit training. That's what I do. There is an entry for this in the exercise database.
  • Wow yall!! Thanks so much for all the advice and great info!! Keep it coming!!! :smooched:
  • nordic44
    nordic44 Posts: 8 Member
    I committed to do the 30 day shred for 100 days this last New Years. When I got to 100 days, I was in such a habit of doing something every day that I am still working out daily. (although I have tried to mix it up a bit now...run a day, bike a day...but it all started with Jillian) I loved "shredding". I gained endurance and most of all I noticed that I was getting firmer...my shape actually did change....and I am 54 years old!!! I am back within 5 pounds of my high school weight and wearing some of my daughter's clothes!!! SHRED AWAY...COMMIT...go forth and conquer..you CAN do it!!!! Good Luck!!!
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    So glad to read all of this...............

    I just started the 30 day shred last night and it kicked my butt! I loved it! I am going to do it again tonight!

    Can't wait to see some definition in these arms and legs.:flowerforyou:
  • I have alot of Jillian's DVD's and 30 Day shred is my favorite. 2 Reasons. - 1- It's perfect when you're short on time (20 minutes) and 2- it's the harder DVD as far as intensity goes.
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    Did the shred today. It had been a few days for me because I hurt my heal and was in pain. It cost me though because I did not lose more than a pound this week even though I still ate on plan. It goes to show you how powerful the dvd is. It really works and I am happy I can do it again. I can't live without it now. I never thought I would say that. But if I want results I know this is the way to do it. Thank God! that my foot is better. Meanwhile, I was still using different dvd's that were not as difficult for me to do on my foot so it's not like I wasn't doing anything but the weight didn't come off. Jillian Michael's rules!!!

  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    i decided to kick it up a bit for myself (a little more of a challenge) yesturday and did level one and two in a row. Now that was an exhausting workout!! but it sure helped my weigh-in today!:bigsmile:

    Good Luck Everyone!! Hope you`re 30 day shred journey is a great one!!!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
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