Do You Give Yourself An Off Day?

I know that maintaining a balanced diet and consistent exercise is the only way to get healthy and stay fit. I'm really working to stay within the nutrition guidelines that I have set up in MFP. But I know I'm not the only one who likes to go out to eat sometimes. And when you go out to eat you want to not only enjoy your company, but you want to enjoy your food - without guilt. We work really hard to maintain our health. Is having an off day to splurge on calories wrong??? I want to be able to go to the sports bar on Superbowl Sunday and enjoy some wings and fries with my friends. And a few drinks :) I want to be able to go to iHop after a movie with my friends and not feel guilty for having a pancake or two with syrup because its something I enjoy. Does anyone give themselves off days to just enjoy the foods they love? How do you fit it in?


  • lori4013
    lori4013 Posts: 73 Member
    I allow myself one day a week, usually friday or saturday to eat what I want without overeating. I'll eat pasta or pizza, something I'm not eating during the week. I feel if I dont do that I may fail the diet altogether. And it gives me a day to look forward to.:drinker:
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    I don't really have "off" days, but I do go out and enjoy drinks/wings with friends for sporting occasions. I also go out to dinner. Occasionally going over your calories won't, in the long run, damage the good things you are doing day to day. If possible, try to work out on days that you are splurging a bit to help fit it into your day. Eat very healthy the rest of the day so you don't over indulge in your favorite foods.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Its a "hit" and "miss" type of thing with this. Meaning that I did this before and went off track but other times would get back on the wagon. Its your personal strength that will allow you to do these off days or off meals. Overall the goal is to enjoy life while you are losing the weight, just got to balance the foods and how much you are taking in. :flowerforyou:
  • onmyway31
    I give myself an off day once a week. I will have 2 slices of pizza, or go out to dinner. I just watch the portions! If its a pizza with huge slices I will have one slice, if its a smaller pizza I will have two slices. On my off day I allow myself to eat out for one meal out of the day not all three meals and I don't go on a binge on anything like that! Just keep the portions reasonable and you should be okay. There are plenty of things on the menus now for healthier eating, and most places allow you to swap the sides for healthier ones, and you can always ask for the food to be cooked a certain way. Tweak the menu to suit you! I found that having that one off meal cuts down on cravings and cheating. Good Luck :smile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I started out with off days....but It always made me crave that food more and more so I that I've stayed away I dont want it anymore....
  • ladydandelyon
    thanks for the tips. i like the idea of fitting in a workout on the day i'm eating a little more. maybe do a killer workout on that day to try to offset some of the extra calories. and if i plan the day, then i'll do better.
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    I have joined Farrell's Extreme Body Make over and they require you to take a day off. You are to eat what you want and as much as you want on that day. Along with that you eat 6 smaller meals per day instead of three. Just about two weeks into it and I am seeing some progress compared to the direction I was going.
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    I used to...but it takes me all week to get in weight loss mode again. I fight the cravings etc. Today I am starving...
  • MzzAisha
    MzzAisha Posts: 39 Member
    I give myself a cheat day once a week.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Honey, a BIG YES!
    I have a weekly free day - usually 1000 calories above maintenance, and a monthly binge day where I let fly - 24 hour food orgy!

    I need this to keep me from falling into old patterns.
    Remember WC Fields?
    He said "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again, and then just QUIT - you're making a damn fool of yourself".

    I don't want my cravings to get me thinking it's all just not worth it.
    I need that free day!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    :drinker: i do not,i have to be 110% or nothing!
  • brenteesha
    I've only been calorie counting just over two weeks, I don't exercise, and I cheat probably twice a week. I don't go overboard, but I'll enjoy some good beer and a little fried food. I've still lost about 3 lbs. If I exercised and only cheated once I'm sure I could make more progress, but my point is that cheating (if limited) will not completely defeat your goal. If you still worry about it a lot, try eating super healthy on your other meals to give you more calories to splurge with. And like another user said, the more you exercise, the more free calories you will have... so try to splurge on a good exercise day. Overall, it's not wrong to cheat! I totally agree with the theory that if you are healthy 24/7 and don't ever indulge, that you may lose motivation altogether. Just log all your calories, even if you go over... that way, when you look back, seeing that you went over will help you to be motivated going forward.
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I used to use the day I weighed in to eat whatever I wanted for the whole day. And then I would feel yucky!!

    Now that I am making lifestyle changes I find that on Thursdays the day I weigh we usually go out to dinner to somewhere that has something that I might be craving. I still try VERY gard to keep it close to my calories, but I still enjoy myself.

    I have found ways to work into my meals things I enjoy very much. If I don't do this I wont be able to make lifetime changes!!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I dont really do off days to splurge or whatever. But I do go out to eat dinner but I go to the restaurant menu the night before and prepick my entire meal and then adjust my day around the calories I am going to eat. I'ver never gone over my daily goal since starting 14 days ago. I'm already stressing about vacation in 6 months and preplanning poolside or beach day treats. While I may go over during vacation, I will still log everyday and keep everything within limits to the best of my ability. I am always aware that for me personally, one splurge day could easily lead to two and then I would be very unhappy with myself. For the first time ever, I am loving myself and taking advantage of healthy meals and my new lifestyle.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    Sometimes I think you do have to give into your cravings a bit. Otherwise, you can make yourself miserable and you can only live in misery for awhile before you just completely fall off the wagon and quit. I don't do designated cheat days or cheat meals anymore. I am living a lifestyle, a more healthier one in general, and that lifestyle does allow for the occasional treat or binge. Weight loss and getting fit is a mental process as much as healthy eating and exercise. If you spend all the time looking at it negatively and thinking about what you CAN'T have instead of what you CAN have you won't succeed.

    Over time, you'll find that your cravings diminish and things you used to not be able to live without (for example, soda and candy bars) you no longer have an appetite for. Its a lifestyle change, and it doesn't happen overnight. It evolves over time if you set your goals and go for it. We all fail sometimes. I quit MFP for awhile and fell into an old lifestyle for 2 months. But I am back, realizing that the new lifestyle I gained was so much better and I want to sustain it for life. Once it becomes lifestyle changes there is no perceived day on day off stuff. Its just everyday is the new lifestyle and sure once in awhile ya have that piece of cake or treat or soda or nacho platter or chicken wings or whatever, but you don't obsess about it and have constant cravings and it doesn't set you back.
  • pmaxson
    pmaxson Posts: 137
    I lost 60 pounds 20 years ago and the only way I have kept it off (except for the five pounds that I play with regularly) is to view eating as a lifestyle and eat what I really want when I want it. The key, though, was reacquainting myself with what I really want and how it stops tasting good after a certain amount. I have gotten much better about stopping when the bites no longer taste good. Everything tastes better for the first three bites. No food is bad and no amount is bad. It's a rethinking about food for me. If I don't eat what I want when I want it, I will eat everything else first and then eat what I wanted in the first place. I also pass attention to how I feel when I eat certain things. Just this morning my daughter asked why I am such a health nut, and I told her that I feel better when I eat healthfully. I lost weight originally by carrying a candy bar with me everywhere I went. every time I ate it, I would replace it immediately. That helped me change the way I think about food. Eventually, I stopped eating the candy bar because I could eat it anytime I wanted it. That made me want it less. Not sure if that makes sense.

    Anyway- that is what worked for me to lose the weight and works for me to maintain my health.
  • rrtnat
    rrtnat Posts: 30 Member
    We do a lot of travel on the weekend so we eat out a lot. I think that with a little planning you can have what you want and still fi it in your calories. I am a huge buffalo wild wings fan I knew I could not cut it out completely I used to go about 2 or 3 times a week for lunch, so I started ordering less when I go and slowly going less now I only go about 2 times a month and only get 6 wings and I love the days when I go it's kind of a reward for my hard work. It's a treat and it makes m enjoy it all h more. So I think hat you can eat out just be sensible with the choices you make and as you said maybe try to work out a little more to burn some of those extra calories you eat.
  • CraftyJenguin
    CraftyJenguin Posts: 28 Member
    Yes, I do. I try not to do it too often, maybe 3-4 times a month (if that). And on those days I still don't go totally crazy with my eating. I may have a burger and fries, or I may have a glass of wine. But I try to make sure I still drink 8 glasses of water and I don't gorge myself. I still want to be able to enjoy the things I had before, just less often. Although, the longer I've been eating healthy, the less I crave the junk I loved before.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I don't have a cheat DAY per say but I do have a cheat meal normally twice a week. Normally Wednesday and Friday nights suppers. Wednesday isn't to far off base normally a footlong Subway and a grab bag of chips but Friday evening is a big meal. Only rules are I can have whatever I want but it has to be eaten there and nothing gets brought home. Saturday is my Weight training day and interval cardio training so it is nothing for me to burn 2000+ calories and the carb loading the night before actually fuels my workouts so it is a plus plus for me.... Then I go back to my normal regimen of Chicken, Fish, and Tuna and lots of fresh veggies and fruits..... Those cheat meals keep me honest and on track.......
  • kcyr1214
    Eating out happens! I try to make intelligent choices. I will split an entrée with my friend if the restaurant, like most, serves large portions. Or I will select from the appetizer list, or pick a salad and ask for the dressing on the side. Read the ingredients for a dish carefully, avoiding fried items or dishes made with a lot of butter, for example. This way I can enjoy my time out with friends and not feel unhappy about what I'm eating and drinking.

    I am also a believer in cheat days, but when dieting seriously, once a week is plenty. In fact one "cheat meal" is plenty. As others have said, once firmly in the habit of eating healthy food and healthy portions, a lot of the junky stuff doesn't taste so great anymore... (except bacon!) If you are going to cheat, treat yourself to top quality! If I crave chocolate, I will get some really fine quality dark chocolate, none of those cheap waxy-tasting candy bars! :-D It's better for us anyway. ;-)

    The idea for me is to focus on a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy all week, then bingeing on unhealthy non-food items like barbecued potato chips (guilty! guilty!) is probably not part of a healthy routine. :-D