Light Weight, High Reps.... confusion

spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone,

I always here... Light weight, Hight Reps for women to tone. Then I hear, when you are accustomed to the weight then you should increase the weight. Doesn't this eventually bring you to High weight, High reps?

Or do I continue to use the same amount of weight although I am accustomed to it, and just increase the reps?

Or maybe I just think too much :laugh:

Can someone clear this up for me?



  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    Say you start working out and your max bench is 1 rep of 130lbs, so for low weight high reps you might do 12 reps of 80lbs.

    So when you get stronger your max bench goes up to 1 rep of 180, so for you low weight high rep you do 12 reps of 120lbs. So your still doing "low weight" as compared to your max
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    For toning I just keep the same weight but increase the number of repretations. It is training a different part of your muscles. So, for example, I am going for endurance. So I do 100 bicept curls at 5lbs. When I want to make it more difficult I move to doing it while standing on one leg, switching every 20 reps.

    I don't really have a good physiological answer for you unfortunately.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    doing 100 curls with 5 lbs is going to have very little toning effect..if any at all....high reps is like 12 -15 and getting some actual work out of it

    the low weights high weights is to your strength...not an arbitrary #...high weights could be 10 pounds or 50 pounds..itr depends on the individual

    if you arent exerting arent doing anything

    your strength increases so the weights you lift should increase also

    3 sets of 12 reps is high enough...going higher than that and your weights are set too low

    woman are not going to bulk up with heavier weights so dont be afraid of that
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Yes, when we talk about low weight high reps, with regards to weight training, we usually mean about 75% of maximal weight (I.E. maximal is how much weight you can do for 2, yes TWO, reps with correct form). So take me for instance, My max curl is 70 lbs per arm. so for my regular curls I do 45 lb weights when I'm toning and 55 when I'm doing heavy reps (85%).

    It's not how many you can do, it's how long it takes you to reach your designated fatigue point. For toning you want moderate fatigue, usually 12 to 15 reps (I.E. you can feel a moderate burn near the end, and you're tired, but you could do 2 or 3 more if you really had to), for muscle volume increases you want maximal effort, 6 to 8 reps, 3 to 5 times, at the end you want to be struggling to finish, you shouldn't be able to do any more when you finish your last rep, but if you continue with bad form it's worthless, so make sure your form is good and stop when you can't do an exercise with good form.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Now I understand completely.:bigsmile:

    Thanks you guys!

    So I'm up to 30lbs (strengh machine) bicep curls. I'm able to do a set of 15, but the last 2 are just a little difficult. On 20 lbs. I can do 20 no problem. Sounds like i'm at the right weight for now.

    I'm going to determine my heavy weight with dumbells.

    Thanks again!
  • Spicy - don't be afraid to go heavy! We're completely different from the guys, where as they will bulk up, but we will tone up and look more lean. If you're doing 12 reps, and those last few reps are really burning, you're good to go! If you don't feel the burn, you need to go heavier. The more muscle you build, the more fat you're going to burn. I always love to see other women lifting weights. Too many times women think by doing nothing but cardio will burn more fat. However... Cardio WILL burn more fat WHILE you're working out, but Strength training WILL burn more fat AFTER you're working out, because you've jacked your metabolism up, and it can stay up for up to 48 hours AFTER you've finished working out. Which means you're burning MORE calories while you're just sitting there. Can't beat that! :happy:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Spicy - don't be afraid to go heavy! We're completely different from the guys, where as they will bulk up, but we will tone up and look more lean. If you're doing 12 reps, and those last few reps are really burning, you're good to go! If you don't feel the burn, you need to go heavier. The more muscle you build, the more fat you're going to burn. I always love to see other women lifting weights. Too many times women think by doing nothing but cardio will burn more fat. However... Cardio WILL burn more fat WHILE you're working out, but Strength training WILL burn more fat AFTER you're working out, because you've jacked your metabolism up, and it can stay up for up to 48 hours AFTER you've finished working out. Which means you're burning MORE calories while you're just sitting there. Can't beat that! :happy:

    Thanks glitchgirl - Your arms look great!
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