100+ pounds to lose and need some support friends!!

:flowerforyou: I'm 2 weeks into this battle of weight loss and so far have found I love all of the foods I get to eat and the fact I still get to eat out. However, I have a long journey ahead and would love some help from some of you who share my 100 pounds to lose battle!! :wink:


  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Very excited... in 2 weeks, I have dropped 11 pounds! Now I still need to drop 123 pounds to be where I need to be to be healthy, but I'll just keep taking those baby steps! The food is filling and healthy plus I already feel better! Come join me in this weight loss madness!!:wink:
  • jkimmett
    jkimmett Posts: 46 Member
    I'm here for you!! You can do it. Today, I am down 121lbs and just hit a normal BMI so it can be done. I never thought I would ever get here, but you can do it!! I have 13lbs to go to goal and my goal has changed a lot over the year. It has gotten lower and lower as i have reached each one. Its possible and you can do it, you have to be committed.
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks so much for the vote of confidence!! I really appreciate your support. I know this will be a huge challenge for me, but my next goal is to lose 10 pounds by the end of February...small steps!! That gives me 5 weeks to do it!
  • Hello I am Tenisha and I am here in Ohio. I am a single mom of 3 lovely children. 14, 11 and 4. I have over 200 lbs to lose. Wow I never wrote that out. I have been on just about every weight loss plan since I was about 11 years old. I am tired of this extra baggage. I want to be able to skate, run heck I just want to be able to walk for more than 5 minutes with out being in pain. I will be here for support . Keep up the good work!!!
  • Congrats! Did you set small goals along the way or 1 over all goal?
  • Count me in for help! I need to lose 120-150 but I started with 90 because seeing that number was too much to handle.

    I'll request you and we can support each other!
  • Hello! My name is Heather, I live Near Cincinnati, OH. I'm 36 with a wonderful husband and a son to match. I have about 110 to lose.. I have been on this cycle before, but ready to now more than ever!

    Good luck to you all!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    WOW Tanisha, Awesome! So at least you know it is "doable". It seems so far fetched and so far away so I am going to have to set my eyes on small goals because the big picture seems so unattainable! However, I started this last January and lost 20 pounds through March, then got side tracked with my kids activities (14, 11, 9) and I gained all of that back. I saw people on here who didn't quit and kept going through the year and are now in the 140's!! I don't want to be here next year saying, "wow, I wished I had stuck with it!" I am going to! Let's all help focus one another!! We deserve to be able to "hang" with our kids and keep up!! Good luck to you again !
  • Me too! I will send request!! I'm happy to have you on board, haha!

  • I'm in the same boat! I haven't thought about the total number - just taking it 5 pounds at a time - but it's definitely over 100. I started the first of the year and I'm in a Biggest Loser competition with some online friends to get me through the first 2 months. We're in week 4 right now - we weigh in tomorrow - and I'm at 17 pounds so far.

    We can do this!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    I am Kim and I'm 43 years old. I need to lose 123 pounds to get to my goal. I thank all of you for "friending" me and giving me the much needed encouragement and support. I would love to see how many of us can tackle this momentous task ahead!!:smile:
  • JondaC
    JondaC Posts: 42 Member
    I have 141 until I reach my goal. I've lost 9 so far. Loving it! Add me if you'd like. We can all use more support!
  • Kim, Good luck on your journey, you can do it for sure.
  • I too have over 100 pounds to lose. I started on Jan.10 and I have lost 18 pounds so far. We are doing a biggest loser at school. I would love to have and give some friendly support.
  • hello, count me in. I would also like the support of others, this is my final attempt to shift this excess weight I am fed up with it, I am 44 and am lucky to have 2 wonderful children 10 and 4, so they keep me busy. I have set a target that I will continue with the plan until my 45th birthday in August, I have not given myself a specific number to loose as in the past if I miss the target I go off the rails and binge. binge!!! so August no matter what happens my plan is to continue with my new heathly eating plan.....

    Oh by the way, does anyone else have the same reckless habit of weighing themselves everyday- I just can not break the additiction and again I know this can also reck the best of intentions....

  • Hi Im Leslie. I am from TX but living in AR. I have 100 more pounds to lose. I started a bootcamp class back in October and I have lost 25 pounds. I am now training with a trainer twice a week. I am hoping it helps give me a boost since I have hit a plateau in my weight loss...
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks to all of your support and encouraging words! I also thank you for friending me so we can be big losers together!! LOL I really think it will be helpful to have some "friends" go through this battle with me!
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    Hi Everyone I'm Kristen and I have 221 lbs to lose until I'm the ultimate goal weight of 125. I'm not even sure that is entirely possible but hey it's definitely worth a try! I'd be happy at 180, but definitely shooting for more. I have PCOS so my carbs have to be limited at under 50 and I'm slowly working on this :( It makes for some hard planning. Good luck ladies! We will do this together!

    Feel free to add me!

  • Congrats! You can do it! I have 200+ to lose.
    JENLHCOMER Posts: 20 Member
    Wow! You all inspire me. I have to lose 140 pounds to get to my healthy range. I cannot wait until I hear my son be glad we can take a walk together without having to head back to the house after one block! I keep telling myself to take baby steps and start out slow. Willpower is my biggest problem but I feel as if I am gaining some.