It's hard managing weight in college.. does anybody have any tips? I'm currently a junior.


  • halpinj1
    halpinj1 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in college too, I'm a senior, and it definitely is hard managing weight in college! just find a friend or two and make a date to go to the gym once or twice a week with them and it'll become a fun thing that you just do. As far as what I'm doing, I just go to the gym every day and eat lots of veggies, protein, and drink a ton of water. Good luck! You can do it!
  • celene329
    celene329 Posts: 4 Member
    I would suggest find a gym buddy and hold yourselves accountable to each other. If you don't know anyone who wants to, go to whatever exercise classes your school might offer and make friends that way! Since I commute to school, I have to plan my daily meals out and I always have a ton of snacks and water on hand. Also, I study while I exercise, I record lectures and listen to them while I'm running, I stimulate my mind and body all at once! Good luck :)
  • ErikaLin
    I am halfway through my freshman year, and I have only gained 5lbs. However, I'm commuting from home, so I think I have it a little easier until I get my associate's degree. I try to keep working out on an every other day basis, and I always do about 20 min or cardio/jogging.
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    While I'm no longer in college I also suggest finding a gym buddy. If you can't find a buddy, just throw on your headphone and do your thing. Find an hour in your schedule and make it work-out time... every day (or every other)... just make it part of your schedule so you don't have an excuse :)

    I did this the second semester of my freshman year and lost 15 pounds (along with better eating). Unfortunately I transferred schools and turned 21.... so the weight came back.
  • mandy42smith
    I struggle with my weight as well. One thing I do is park on the other side of campus so I have to walk farther. I go out of my way if I have time inbetween classes just to get more walking time in. I try and prepare healthy snacks and lunch to take with me and if I have to eat out I order a salad. Most colleges will give you access to the gym so you can go work out when its best for you. I find the buddy system works well. Find someone that wants to work out with you. Good luck

  • smallaffair
    I'm a sophomore in college and by the end of my first year I'd gained way more than 15 lbs but tbf I was super unhappy at that school. I came back home, started eating better, transferred, and I've lost over 20 lbs. Walking around a lot on campus helps, esp. because I'm currently too ~tired and busy to find time to work out right now... But take the stairs, avoid buses when you have the time to go for a walk, etc. Bring your own food so you're not tempted to spend money on unhealthy school food. Good luck!
  • rachelxanne
    rachelxanne Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! I'm a Junior in college as well. I entered at a normal healthy weight (~130) but by the end of Sophomore year (Apr 11), I had gained 25 pounds. I lost it all and some...still trying to lose more (118).

    Everyone is right when they say to find a gym buddy! I'm lucky in that I have 2 great roommates, one who is really encouraging and the other who keeps me on track as well. We all try to go to the gym daily, at least for 30 minutes. Our apartment mantra is "We can eliminate 30 minutes of Facebook for 30 minutes at the gym", haha. Just today, when I walked into my apartment after class, my roommate said, "Have you done your 30 day shred yet?" I hadn't....but she definitely guilt-tripped me into doing it!

    We also cook the majority of our meals. We bring snacks/packed lunches/packed dinners if we plan on staying on campus. We bought a limited amount of meals so that we don't eat at the caf often. And walk to class! It definitely helps.

    We came up with a routine that works for us. I know you can do it, too!
  • BlooQKazoo
    Buy lots and lots of fruits and veggies! While exercise alone is usually somewhat ineffective at helping one lose weight, a healthy diet can work wonders even if you can't find time to work out (which you should anyway - a half an hour run in the morning can work wonders if you don't mind getting up a few minutes early). A lot of my friends will buy fatty snacks, and whenever they're hungry, they see that those chips are easily accessible, so they chow down on a whole bag before they know it. I try to only buy food that's "good" for me, though, such as fruits, veggies, and oatmeal, so that when I'm hungry, I have to think about how much effort I feel like putting into my snack and if I'm hungry enough for that effort and for something that might not taste as good as a bag of pretzels. If I don't feel like peeling an orange, I'm probably not actually hungry, and if I can find the will to have an orange, I don't feel guilty about it. It's all about healthy choices and getting into that mindset where you start craving apples and asparagus over Snickers and ice cream. It happens, eventually. ;)
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    Control what you put in your mouth and the rest will be solved. In college it is hard to do because there will always someone up for a beer, a pizza or both. In college you have plenty of time to cook, work out and be conscience of what you put in your body regardless of class load or part-time job.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    It's hard managing weight in college.. does anybody have any tips? I'm currently a junior.

    I'm a junior too. I found I gained around 25 - 40 lbs in college, not that it was college directly, but relationships etc.

    I used EVERYTHING available in my student fees. Gym, wellness programs, nutrition classes, physical fitness educators, trainers and even college clinic for bloodwork.

    I have had my bloodworks done, bod pod air plethysmography, metabolic cart testing...

    I signed up to Hapkido, kayaking. In 4 months roughly I dropped 30 lbs, and I intend on keeping it going. I was lucky in that I had all those resources readily available. The only things I really had to fork $$$ over for was the BodyBugg which I use religiously. It's amazing what help is available when you really look for it. I learned about nutrition and completely changed my diet as well.

    So I would strongly suggest seeing what your college health performance has available. Alot of campuses offer these sorts of resources.
  • Megclark37
    I packed on 30 lbs this year.. probably because I just turned 21 and drink way to much. eek!
  • ladyarkham
    ladyarkham Posts: 14 Member
    What's your situation with making food? Are you stuck with a cafeteria meal plan, or do you have your own kitchen?
  • Megclark37
    I have my own kitchen now so I'm trying to cook meals instead of just eating canned or frozen foods
  • Isisa93
    Isisa93 Posts: 10
    I hear you...If i don't lose 40 lbs by April my parents are going to take away my car :( my friends are in similar situations but they are not on this thing....kinda need more support