Why? 1200 C a day and still no weight loss



  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    probably the wrong 1200 calories. As a college student how much of it is beer?

    or how much salt?
  • PattyfromToledo
    PattyfromToledo Posts: 74 Member
    try adding in some form of exercise... you are busy but not busy enough to give yourself time for a walk. Park farther away in the parking lots; take the stairs (those are great workout)... every bit help. If you change up what your norm is you will see your body respond.
  • Ruchgupt
    Just wondering, have you seen a doctor to rule out any metabolism issues? I was convinced I was dieting wrong and not working out, when actually, I had a slightly underactive thyroid. I'm on Levothyroxine right now, and have started losing weight again!
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Youre not supposed to be 115. *kitten*, my goal weight is higher than your weight now

    How exactly would you know? 115 is perfectly healthy for someone who's 5'2". My goal weight is even lower.
    I know it's healthy, but she's fine where she is would be my point. I'm 5'2" with a huge frame so I entered myself as 5'3"
    and really, she's just fine where she is.
    And so are you

    It depends on the person's frame and how they carry the weight. If I weighed 128 in college I would have been appalled with myself! Being just a little heavy in college is dangerous, because the weight will only go up from there unless you make lifestyle changes to keep it in check. Like the OP I'm trying to be proactive and stay on top of things when the inevitable metabolism slowdown of middle age kicks in.
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    Youre not supposed to be 115. *kitten*, my goal weight is higher than your weight now

    How exactly would you know? 115 is perfectly healthy for someone who's 5'2". My goal weight is even lower.
    I know it's healthy, but she's fine where she is would be my point. I'm 5'2" with a huge frame so I entered myself as 5'3"
    and really, she's just fine where she is.
    And so are you

    A very good perspective Jovialation! I think that part of the problem is muscle, many girls like to be "skinny fat" with no muscle, I read a great article on here a while back, a girl at 130 was a size 8 "skinny fat" and she gained back weight (its hard to be that way for long), then she got fit, lost weight and toned her muscles up, at 130 again she was a size 2. Its about the quality of your weight not the quantity.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    Just wondering, have you seen a doctor to rule out any metabolism issues? I was convinced I was dieting wrong and not working out, when actually, I had a slightly underactive thyroid. I'm on Levothyroxine right now, and have started losing weight again!


    and I found out last year when I got labwork done that I had a Vitamin D deficiency, but really wasn't told why it was serious. My waist to hip ratio is above .9 (which any one risks heart disease, diabetes above .8) I don't have health insurance so I can't go to a freakin doctor and get my thyroid checked. I would like to get down to 15% bodyfat, but I just can't lose any fat around my mid-section... SERIOUS problems there!!
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Youre not supposed to be 115. *kitten*, my goal weight is higher than your weight now

    How exactly would you know? 115 is perfectly healthy for someone who's 5'2". My goal weight is even lower.
    I know it's healthy, but she's fine where she is would be my point. I'm 5'2" with a huge frame so I entered myself as 5'3"
    and really, she's just fine where she is.
    And so are you

    A very good perspective Jovialation! I think that part of the problem is muscle, many girls like to be "skinny fat" with no muscle, I read a great article on here a while back, a girl at 130 was a size 8 "skinny fat" and she gained back weight (its hard to be that way for long), then she got fit, lost weight and toned her muscles up, at 130 again she was a size 2. Its about the quality of your weight not the quantity.

    Some of us don't aspire to be "skinny fat", but it is such a struggle for us to put on muscle that we'd rather be without it. It just depends on body type.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

  • skinnybliss
    skinnybliss Posts: 24 Member
    It could be that your gaining muscle - you're in two sports....
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    U barely joined, give it time.......
  • skinnybliss
    skinnybliss Posts: 24 Member
    probably the wrong 1200 calories. As a college student how much of it is beer?

    LOLOLOLOL!!!! that is a good point!
  • ShellBell4281
    ShellBell4281 Posts: 127 Member
    I can eat 1200 calories a day, work out, eat all organic and not lose an ounce. The only way I have EVER been able to lose weight is thru intermittent fasting. I've done it for years and it works for me.
  • chowdershell
    chowdershell Posts: 1 Member
    You could be putting your body into starvation mode! Eating too few calories can cause your metabolism to slow down.
  • ShellBell4281
    ShellBell4281 Posts: 127 Member
    You could be putting your body into starvation mode! Eating too few calories can cause your metabolism to slow down.

    Starvation mode? Not likely! This whole starvation mode thing is so greatly exaggerated.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Youre not supposed to be 115. *kitten*, my goal weight is higher than your weight now

    How exactly would you know? 115 is perfectly healthy for someone who's 5'2". My goal weight is even lower.

    I am 4'11 and stats at the Dr.s say I should be 97-110 and no more...what... my goal weight is 115-120 give or take because when I was 100 lbs I looked worse than when I was 115, but it also depends on each persons body type.
  • DoctorDreaUSAF
    Hi guys, thanks for all your help. I definitely do not drink enough water. Could someone explain what the correlation between sodium intake and weight loss? it was mentioned several times but I didn't know it was a factor. LOL on the beer comment! I just want to clarify 'cause I found it really funny. I do not drink. I am underage. Good point, though! :-) Lots of college students do.
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    salt in excess can cause your body to retain water, it is commonly reffered to as bloating or water weight. a spike in sodilum intake can show a "weight" gain of 1-10 lbs depending on your metabolism, the amount of salt you eat and the amount of water you drink. A healthy diet includes some salt. I always drink 1-2 extra glasses if I know im having or have had a salty treat or meal. add sodium to your diary. and take a look. Im always up if I go over what MFP sets for me, if I stay under im fine. I tend to retain water when its my TOM, extra water and my doctor percribed me to take a multi vitamin and calcium supplement to help with water retention. Mint herbal tea helps too. Helpful note: if you enter something in your food diary and it has calories but nothing else it is probably a misentered item, search again. Excess salt in some people also can affect blood pressure, mood and slow metabolism. I suggest looking at your salt intake and always talk to your doctor if you are having a hard time, they can help.