How do calculate if I am breast feeding?

I just signed up for my fitness pal today and I was wondering how do I calculate how many calories I get if I'm breast-feeding


  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    Generally speaking as long as you are exclusively breastfeeding it gives you 500 calories per day. The easiest way to do that is to go into your goals page and edit your net calories by adding 500. Once your baby starts eating food as well, or if you are partly formula-feeding, then you'd want to add 300 instead.

    Also make sure you are drinking lots of water... it's easy to dehydrate yourself and that will affect your milk supply.

  • mksmith09
    mksmith09 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I am so glad I saw your post!

    I am a breastfeeding mom, too, been using myfitnesspal for about a month now. I have seen other users say that if you just search for breastfeeding to add to your diary, it will subtract calories much like working out. There are lots of different options...most of them deduct anywhere from 300-500 calories.

    I haven't been entering breastfeeding in, even though I am doing it exclusively, cause I just don't know that I can be sure of how much it's actually burning. That being said....I lost 8 pounds so far this month, but this past week - with no changes to my diet - I actually gained 2 pounds. So I think maybe cutting calories too low does cause your body to cling to that fat, especially if you're nursing.

    Good luck - keep in touch and let me know how it goes for you!!! I'm always looking for a little extra support.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    The 300-500 number comes from my friend who is a lactation consultant, so you're quite safe trusting it. :wink:
  • frzr71186
    frzr71186 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm breastfeeding as well and finally found it under FOOD. You can choose "breastfeeding, exclusively" and it will take off 500 calories. It also adjusts your fat and protein so you can make sure you're getting everything that you need. There are other breastfeeding choices, as well, if your baby has started solids for example.
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    If you search "breastfeeding" like you are adding food, there are lots of options in there. While my son was entirely breastfed I chose the 500 calorie option, once he started on some solids I changed it to the 300. I add it every morning into my breakfast slot.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    congratulations on your baby, on joining MFP, and for breastfeeding! Win win win!
  • KJKP
    KJKP Posts: 6
    There's a food entry called "Nursing Mother - Breastmilk" that I like to use, because you can enter the number of ounces for each session. You're credited with 20 calories per ounce, though it does not adjust for your protein or fat intake.

    I'm an exclusive pumper, and usually pump between 35-40 ounces a day, 4-5 sessions per day, with a four month old, if that helps. (I freeze 4-8 ounces a day. (In part to get those extra calories LOL!)) So that would be more like 700-800 calories per day. (Woo hoo!)
  • mksmith09
    mksmith09 Posts: 2 Member
    so for those of us that are many calories should we eat a day?? i am worried i am cutting it too low and won't lose because of it!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    Figure out your minimum intake (BMR), add 500 to that, and that gives you a starting point that will support you and your baby in a healthy way (assuming you choose healthy calories :smile:) I would add exercise calories on top of that for a few weeks and see how it goes, then adjust it if you need to. You don't want to lose weight too quickly while you're nursing - partly because some say toxins stored in your fat cells may be released into the milk, and partly because it will negatively affect your milk supply.

    Side note... If you're eating well, drinking plenty of water, and the weight just seems to be "falling off"... don't immediately panic. When I was b/f my youngest, I was dropping weight like crazy and I would have had to stuff myself to keep it from happening. Not so with my oldest. So I think the second time around I was losing a lot of actual pregnancy weight, whereas the first time I was fighting to drop fat that I'd packed on.
  • KJKP
    KJKP Posts: 6
    I think you'll know if you're not eating enough. Your milk production might decrease, you'll feel hungry, etc. I know I get ravenous after each pumping session!