I have no "pals." Help!



  • I'll send you a request. I need help to stay on track through the weekend too. Let's do it!
  • mrsbarz
    mrsbarz Posts: 99 Member
    Greetings from Wales. Feel free to add me. I'm on and off here all day as I need to log my meals.

    I need to lose over 90lbs to get down to a more healthy weight. I'm not too active as I'm disabled and I find exercising very difficult.

    I look forward to hearing form you. Good luck!
  • mrsbarz
    mrsbarz Posts: 99 Member
    Greetings from Wales. Feel free to add me. I'm on and off here all day as I need to log my meals.

    I need to lose over 90lbs to get down to a more healthy weight. I'm not too active as I'm disabled and I find exercising very difficult.

    I look forward to hearing form you. Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mbatey
    mbatey Posts: 45 Member
    Feel free to add me (From England) i log in everyday and like to see encouragement and give it too, we all keep each other going !!!
  • lore2810
    lore2810 Posts: 57 Member
    feel free to add me...I would like some more pals to for support! :)
  • Just sent you a friend request!! :)
  • i would love it if you added me. I am still kinda new. I mean, I started a while ago, and fell off the bandwagon back into old habits. But recently I have been on almost everyday, even weekends. I only have 1 other friend on MFP and would love more.
  • Hi Jenni!
    1st off WELCOME!! & 2nd I will be you're friend! I am a wife/mother of 4/student! I am trying to lose 48 lbs! I started at 60 and in a month have lost 11lbs. I have tried many diets and countless exercise programs and failed miserably. I am now on that train and not coming off. It all comes down to being just tired of what you see and ready for that change. Many times I did it to satisfy others and wasn't really doing it for myself. This time it's all for me! I will make my life a healthier one and I now know I am ready for it! I will hopefully be a great support and try my best from far away to encourage you as much as possible. I am also involved in an accountability group on fb, if you would like to join that also, let me know!
    Talk to you soon,
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • pkthv1
    pkthv1 Posts: 20 Member
    I will be your pal... I am in Michigan. Just started this program last week. I leave this up on my computer and have it on my phone, also. I find that this is really helping. I go to TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) There are chapters all over. Go online and type in your zip code and it will give you a chapter close to you. There is a $25ish joining fee and our chapter only charges 7 per month. If you win contests, you can earn your money back. It is a non profit so there are no big monthly fees. The group I am in are very encouraging but the most essential thing is ... I have to be accountable each Thursday night. I just started back to TOPS last week, so tonight is my first weigh in. I have been absolutely faithful to record all of my food and water. Wish me luck!!! Will let you know how I did... How do I make you my friend on here? Pattie
  • Hi there,

    I live in the Denver area, and am also trying to loose about 40 pounds so I can feel healthy enough to get pregnant! I have always wanted to run the Bolder Boulder. Please friend me! I have the same problem about tracking food on the weekends, and could also use the accountability.

  • LilCh1ck
    LilCh1ck Posts: 2 Member
    I am relatively new to my fitness pal. I have a similar situation. Very active, diligently track during the week, weekends are a sabatoger for me. I need to lose 25 lbs which may not sound like much but I have never lost more than 10 lbs ever. Did Weight Watchers but didn't feel like my diet was that healthy as I was always trying to save points for splurges. I am currently in a class called EAT at my gym. I changed my diet pretty dramatically mid Dec, protein every meal, lots of veggies and using more organic products. Weight has stayed exactly the same for a month. I don't live in Boulder but have a kid looking at going to CU next year so maybe I'll be in the area sometime
  • Joyce5458
    Joyce5458 Posts: 3 Member
    I will be your pal. I will send a request now. I have not been on long but I log in everyday although I don't know if I could if on vacations, I like to keep track of what I eat. I too have trouble losing weight. I have tried many diets and do not have the income that people need to maintain Weight Wathcers, Jenny Greg, Nutirsystem, etc... or funds to pay for a personal trainer to go with those wonderful weight lose plans, I muddle along myself like many of you on this site.
    I am older tha 50 and have grandchildren but feel young at heart.
    I like to do half marathons and am in training to participate in the St. Jude race in Nashville in April. I walk not run. I can walk quite fast and really love trying to beat my own time. I have no person to pace me or push me as I walk faster than my cirlce of friends.
    not bragging really, I am complaining!
    I live in northern WI and do not like to go out in the cold. I walk at the school or in my own house as odd as it may sound.
    Sooo, that is my story and all about me. Friend material or what!
  • I have no pals either and I would like one. I live in New York. I find the same thing - exercise is not enough. I will log on once a day - most days.
  • I just registered yesterday and am trying to lose well over 100 pounds. I am diabetic and have been told I need to lose, and lose fast. I love tracking the food and exercise. I think this site will offer me alot of benefits.

    Add me if you like :)