serving size of homemade stuff

I am not sure how to count what i eat when i make homemade soups and things... yesterday i made kale soup and logged the ingrediants... but it seemed like it was way to many calories... i just went with it... better to be over than under, I suppose. since i just quit smoking i am tring to be as accurate as i can, but i also am eating more. the good thing is that i am eating a ton of raw veggies and making smart choices and have lost 6 pounds since quiting smoking :happy: I must appologize for my spelling... I'm sleepy and dont feel like proofreading :-)


  • cruisintolose
    cruisintolose Posts: 25 Member
    I like cooking homemade stuff and think it is healthier in the long run. You sound like me and go for the easy to count calorie stuff. I love the recipe tool on here. Just type in your ingrediants and divide by how many servings it makes. Best to measure everything out precise to get best calorie count. Then just click the add to diary button and boom you have your calories and such.
  • asfischer
    asfischer Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks!! That was very helpful :-)