Full Figured Women On TV (My daily Rant)



  • LillysGranny
    Yep...just about the time I begin to think I look pretty good, I turn on the television or pick up a magazine. There is nothing wrong with showing an ideal as long as we recognize that the ideal is unachievable. Even the people we think look perfect are styled, posed, and air brushed so that we don't see the little flaws.
  • cheninaerin
    Also what bothers me is that when there is a "full figured woman" featured on a show, she's usually quite large. What about all us in-between women? Why can't shows trying to depict modern life feature women who just look average sized as well?
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    While we're at it, why are so many men portrayed as complete idiots? King of Queens is a good example ... The husband couldn't make it a day without his 'hot wife' ... why? It's like Homer Simpson in the flesh ... why can't there be more shows that portray a couple that respects each others' strengths and weaknesses, and uses them to be awesome, good people??

    Because healthy, well-balanced relationships make for boring television. Without conflict of some sort, there's no comedy. Or drama.
  • kritterxx
    kritterxx Posts: 100 Member
    Also what bothers me is that when there is a "full figured woman" featured on a show, she's usually quite large. What about all us in-between women? Why can't shows trying to depict modern life feature women who just look average sized as well?

    I couldn't agree more with you! It seems there are no women who depict just the average, everyday woman. Perhaps that's too boring for television. But really, they go from one extreme to the other. Would any TV characters be changed or ruined by their size? What about Friends, would it really hurt if Phoebe was 10lbs heavier? Probably not. Funnily enough though, public criticism would probably make her lose the weight. I think sometimes we're our own worst enemies; we have these expectations of TV and celebs, based on what we're used to, and I can imagine some magazine headlines just forcing stars into the gym.

    Often I wonder if men are affected by the media and TV as much as women are. Do shows like 90210 or Gossip Girl hurt boys esteem too, or just mine?
  • FitN50s
    FitN50s Posts: 179 Member
    While we're at it, why are so many men portrayed as complete idiots? King of Queens is a good example ... The husband couldn't make it a day without his 'hot wife' ... why? It's like Homer Simpson in the flesh ... why can't there be more shows that portray a couple that respects each others' strengths and weaknesses, and uses them to be awesome, good people??

    I don't watch a lot of television because I think the average prime time television show sucks *kitten*.

    This trend started slowly as the feminist movement became more powerful. Once upon a time, there were an equal number of shows with intelligent men married to not so bright women - "I Love Lucy" comes to mind. Then it became Un-PC to depict women as anything other than smart, strong and in charge. Men can still be comic fodder, but heaven help the show that puts women out there in that light.
    I'd love to see more depictions of "normal" couples, but that's not really super funny for the most part.
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    Well, the actress whom I believe to be the hands down most beautiful bombshell to hit television in a while is Sofía Vergara. She plays Gloria on Modern Family. I'm not sure if she would be considered average in any way, shape, or form but she IS in between the sticks so often seen on television and the women who are cast to be the bigger girl on the show.

    She looks healthy, beautiful, and wonderfully curvy.
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm Irish and on our shows the women are usually a very fair representation of the women in the real population... Some are skinny some are fat most are in the middle... But when it comes to the American TV shows... Oh my god there is a HUGE difference! The women are so so so small! This size zero business is actually scary, that's a size 2 here. In most clothes shops the smallest size you come across is a size 8. All the very skinny girls I know are around size 8 here... I think there is a very big cultural difference on this issue.
  • NomNomCupcakes
    NomNomCupcakes Posts: 135 Member
    I think there is a lot of pressure in Hollywood. Everyone wants to be the next Jennifer Aniston, or Megan Fox. Look at Jennifer Hudson, she was once a curvy woman that many people could relate to. Now she is a spokesperson for Weight Watchers. I'm sure that had part to do with health, and a big part to do with being in the spotlight. Don't get me wrong, she is beautiful either way, and an inspiration.

    Me and my friend were JUST talking about this yesterday. I never thought she was fat or overweight, just curvy. And I mean, she still is. Her body wasn't meant to be a stick. It kind of makes me angry that she is always on the weight watchers commercials when she was never fat!
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Didn't read all the posts but why does it seem that the woman has to be one or the other? Whatta bout the perfectly normal looking women on tv?

    Kaley Cuoco - Big Bang Theory and Charmed
    Shannen Doherty - 90210 & Charmed
    Alyssa Milano, she wasn't skin and bones. Very athletic yes, but very healthy looking
    Holly Marie Combs' weight actually yo-yo'd while on charmed due to 3pregnancies (I've seen every episode from every season)
    Lauren Helen Graham & Alexis Bledel from Gilmore Girls

    I could go on and on but these were just the few that immediately came to mind
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Nope. All American women are either underweight or obese. There are literally no women that actually wear sizes 8 - 18. :tongue:
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I'm Irish and on our shows the women are usually a very fair representation of the women in the real population... Some are skinny some are fat most are in the middle... But when it comes to the American TV shows... Oh my god there is a HUGE difference! The women are so so so small! This size zero business is actually scary, that's a size 2 here. In most clothes shops the smallest size you come across is a size 8. All the very skinny girls I know are around size 8 here... I think there is a very big cultural difference on this issue.

    Our sizing is very different, though I take your point, and agree with you. A UK (sorry if you're Southern, rather than Northern irish, but I imagine the sizing's pretty much the same!) size 8 is, roughly speaking, a US size4-6.
  • ttrotter1960
    I love Jane (or should I say Deb) I was just pointing out the fact that there is a pattern.... If my girlfriend thought I was dissing Diva...I would be the one dropping dead lol

  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    im 5 foot 10, and have a large build. my brother is 6 foot 5, 350 pounds, had a full ride to UNLV for football, my cousin is 6 foot 7, 330 pounds, has a full ride ro ASU for football. I have another cousin who is 6 foot 8, my grandfather was just about 7 foot. My family is big built, there are not "petites" in my family. at 160 pounds, i look sick. i look like im on drugs are actually sick. my ideal "healthy" weight is 167, but i rather be at 175, thats where i feel good, look good, and feel healthy! that puts me in a size 12/14, but no one realizes that. people think im about 150 at that size, and wearing a size 8. everyones body is different, depending on thier build. i will always be considered full figured, because i can bever be petite. i wear a size 12 shoe for gods sake!!! i have 40 more pounds to loose to be to my goal weight, and when i get there, i know that i will be happy, and i will feel good... and thats really all that counts!!!
  • rparker1970
    I agree 100% I am 5' 7" and 230lbs and have been my whole adult life, before and after 2 pregnancies (size 18) however i look like a size 14 because I am truly a big boned girl (size 10 1/2 shoe) My husband doesnt understand why Im doing this because he is very fit, good looking and in shape and fell in love with me for me 5 yrs ago. However I am doing it more for health reasons now that I am in my 40's and my doctor said my ideal weight for my bone structure is 160 lbs so that is my goal. But on the flip side I would like to see more plus size women in the media as well that promote being plus size doesnt mean your unhealthy. Young girls need to see more that just a size 0-2 in the movies and on t.v. as role models. I was watching the news the other day and the new plus size in the fashion world is anyone over a size 4.... I mean WTH? the average woman is a size 12 and if you can rock a size 6 - 8 more power too you, thats awesome, but a size 4? The media is promoting eating disorders to be appealing to men. Yes I just rambled on too lol
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    im 5 foot 10, and have a large build. my brother is 6 foot 5, 350 pounds, had a full ride to UNLV for football, my cousin is 6 foot 7, 330 pounds, has a full ride ro ASU for football. I have another cousin who is 6 foot 8, my grandfather was just about 7 foot. My family is big built, there are not "petites" in my family. at 160 pounds, i look sick. i look like im on drugs are actually sick. my ideal "healthy" weight is 167, but i rather be at 175, thats where i feel good, look good, and feel healthy! that puts me in a size 12/14, but no one realizes that. people think im about 150 at that size, and wearing a size 8. everyones body is different, depending on thier build. i will always be considered full figured, because i can bever be petite. i wear a size 12 shoe for gods sake!!! i have 40 more pounds to loose to be to my goal weight, and when i get there, i know that i will be happy, and i will feel good... and thats really all that counts!!!

    and i just want to add, that even at my current weight, im actually very healthy. im a hypochiondriact, and my doctor has given me every blood test and scan known to man. she tells me, "karen, your one of my healthiest patients, stop worrying." my blood pressure hovers right around 105/70, my cholesterol is 136, every test i have had my doc run, has come back fabulous. its not always about being un-healthy just because your bigger than most... so to put a blanket onb all people and say that we are unhealthy is false! im very healthy, i just want to be a good looking wife and mother of 5!!!
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Family Guy points this out on its own show "There's a hot redhead who is inexplicably married to a fat guy". Marge and Homer. Apu and Manjula. It's not just the sitcoms, it's the cartoons as well. To quote Stewie, what the deuce?

    My marriage is the opposite- my husband is 6'5 and about 240, and utterly gorgeous... and he's with me. That's not a self-downer statement, I'm just the larger in the relationship.

    It bugs me, but I understand the marketing of it, to a point.
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm Irish and on our shows the women are usually a very fair representation of the women in the real population... Some are skinny some are fat most are in the middle... But when it comes to the American TV shows... Oh my god there is a HUGE difference! The women are so so so small! This size zero business is actually scary, that's a size 2 here. In most clothes shops the smallest size you come across is a size 8. All the very skinny girls I know are around size 8 here... I think there is a very big cultural difference on this issue.

    Our sizing is very different, though I take your point, and agree with you. A UK (sorry if you're Southern, rather than Northern irish, but I imagine the sizing's pretty much the same!) size 8 is, roughly speaking, a US size4-6.

    Hey, I'm southern ;) but yea we do use the UK sizes... I still find it scary because size 0 in the US is a UK size 2... I have never seen this size in a shop but now that I think about it I don't remember seeing any size 0's in US shops either... Are they common???
  • Marie294
    Marie294 Posts: 304
    This is why I love Mad Men. Christina Hendricks' character is a full figured woman, men find her hot, she knows she's hot, and it's just really nice to see once in a while.

    I was thinking the same thing. LOVE Her! So nice to see her in a role like that, and to see them men loving every second of her :)
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I'm Irish and on our shows the women are usually a very fair representation of the women in the real population... Some are skinny some are fat most are in the middle... But when it comes to the American TV shows... Oh my god there is a HUGE difference! The women are so so so small! This size zero business is actually scary, that's a size 2 here. In most clothes shops the smallest size you come across is a size 8. All the very skinny girls I know are around size 8 here... I think there is a very big cultural difference on this issue.

    Our sizing is very different, though I take your point, and agree with you. A UK (sorry if you're Southern, rather than Northern irish, but I imagine the sizing's pretty much the same!) size 8 is, roughly speaking, a US size4-6.

    Hey, I'm southern ;) but yea we do use the UK sizes... I still find it scary because size 0 in the US is a UK size 2... I have never seen this size in a shop but now that I think about it I don't remember seeing any size 0's in US shops either... Are they common???

    Oh, I agree that it's scary! I've seen a UK 6 in a shop, but never a 2. Most of my tiny friends shop in children's departments or online. We're not as good about providing choice at the outer edges of 'normal' - lots of shops don't go above a UK16 or occasionally 18 (US12-16, depending on the shop!) - whereas, in the States, I can usually buy my size everywhere. I would assume that the same applies at the other end of the range.