I need more friends on here to stay focused~ Thanks



  • Bear with me, I'm new to the discussion board thing, but this is in response to Rugby, but all can gain info!

    What is your exercise routine? What type of foods are you eating? Are you eating 6 small meals? Eating every few hours will help with your metabolism. Also, what types of foods are you consuming prior to bed (your evening snack)? Avoid carbs (even fruit); protein is the key before bed. 2000+ does seem a bit excessive, but then I don't know where you are at (and I really don't need to know, it's your own personal info). If you feel as if youa re having a hard time meeting your caloric intake, but still want to make the right food choices, nuts are a great source! So are beans. Try a protein shake (I recommend Ultimate Muscle Protein by Beverly International, best tasting by far). Also, watch your sodium content. Salt will make you retain water and it reflects on the scale. Measure yourself as well and go by inches. Remember the scale tells you your entire body content (fat and muscles). When you exercise, you lose fat and gain muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat so the scale is not really going to reflect this. Although I do weigh myself once a week, I also measure. I also go by how my clothes fit. I hope this info helps you out. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me/ message me if you have questions.
  • tenax
    tenax Posts: 97
    add me if you like:)