Has anyone tried Dr Fuhrman's Eat to Live program?

I'd like to hear feedback on anyone's experience following the Eat to Live or 3 Steps to Incredible Health by Dr Joel Fuhrman. I'm also curious if anyone has had any success with hypnosis for weight loss?


  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
  • garcia91401
    garcia91401 Posts: 4 Member
    In my opinion, many people who are overweight get that way because they don't know how to cope emotionally with an issue (whatever it may be) and turn to food for comfort. It doesn't matter if you come from a loving family or not. It is a coping mechanism. I think that cognitive behavior therapy or any other type of therapy is helpful in finding ways to work things out in a positive manner which does not involve food.

    The journey is the hardest part of our destination.

    I have gained, its even hard for me to say it out loud, let alone write it, about 15 pounds back. After my fall I was really down and did not want or could do anything. The fact that I have gained this weight has me down, thus eating again. I'm most disappointed because I promised my nephews that I would take them horseback riding for Christmas. Now I've pushed it to February. I have fear of embarrassment. I can climb up on a horse on my own. What scares me is that all the local stables ask that a person now weigh more than 240lbs. Realistically I don't think that they will pull out a scale or anything, but I worry that someone will call me out on it.

    So, when it comes to weight loss, I will just have to get back up on the horse (no pun intended) and keep working at it. I have to say, keeping a diary has been the best way for me to keep the weight off. I've been quite faithful to it. Although not as honest, because after my day, I usually add more calories.

    With that said to answer your question, no, I have not heard of Dr. Fuhrman and I have tried hypnotherapy (but not for weight lose). My friend is a hypnotherapist and I was her guinea pig. As she would tell you, it is up to the person want and allow themselves to have a therapist penetrate the deepest layers of their psyche to get at an issue.

    PS. this good friend is like me, morbidly obese and she herself has struggled with weigh loss

    So t
  • nmzeta
    nmzeta Posts: 381 Member
    I've been doing ETL for 5 months. I love it!! Granted it is the only diet I have ever tried but I've lost 45 lbs so far.
  • aweightymatter
    I've tried it, but it didn't really last for me. It's great in that you get tons of produce and micronutrients in, but it is extremely low in fat and hard to follow if you have a professional or social life that involves eating out much. I frankly think fat is important for satiety but if the plan speaks to you, you can always give it a shot :) It is great to get people to focus on food quality and fresh, whole ingredients.
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    Thanks so much for your replies. I'm trying to find a healthy lifestyle that will work for me.
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    @nmzeta, Congrats on your 45 pound loss! That's fantastic!
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    I read the book, but decided not to do it because I did not think I would be able to maintain it. If you LOVE veggies, then it could work for you.
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    Kelli, thanks for the feedback. Nice to see another Washingtonian online:smile:
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Did it and it was difficult due to the low fats. However, I still use many of the principles and have considered going back to it. I love, love, love veggies especially raw veggies, so that helps!
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    Seasiren, thanks for replying. Kudos to you for all the hard work you have obviously done to get that fabulous figure!:drinker:
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Hi, I am weaning into the program basically by adding as many veggies as I can! I think I read ETL in September and by October I was doing better, although it did sound to be a daunting task! It turned out that the Holiday Party food left me feeling like I had swallowed a lead balloon and I felt just awful for 3 - 4 days afterwards. The antidote for me was adding 2 Tbsp of psyllium husk fiber 2 times a day and using my vitamix and blending up whatever I could find veggie wise to throw in there! I could not believe it took 3 days of this to even feel normal again! Just in time for the party the following week! I am a true believer in the ETL program!!! I feel SO MUCH BETTER not eating meat, dairy, or as many grains as I had been. My husband thinks I'm a bit weird, but that is his problem! I eat mounds of steamed veggies for dinner at night and am so stuffed I can hardly breathe! i have difficulty gettting in my calories like this but my plate is a rainbow of color! My food diary is open so you can take a look.

    I am not totally Vegan and YES I WEAR LEATHER! I am doing this for health and I truly believe there is no healthier way on the planet! Let the Atkins and Paleo's do what they want, this is the only way for me, no if's, and's , or buts! I used to down sugar from the sugar bowl and abuse my body horribly with sugar, salt, and fat! Now it is whole food all the way, yeah I do miss the salt a bit, but not too bad. Dr. F. is right, your taste will change! I made my first blended salad using a whole avocado yesterday! Tasted like a big glass of guacamole! = D So is it a low fat diet? NO Way! I eat more nuts now than ever. His idea is to eat the whole food (nut) instead of the oil. YOu can make salad dressings using lots of nuts to make things creamy. Eating nuts or seeds with your salads helps to release even more of the micronutrients in the greens.

    I can't afford to go to the doctor and see how my labs are doing, but I feel really good knowing that I am caring for myself from the inside out! Aside from the holiday eating rounds getting in the way, my last 10 pounds is coming off far easier than the first 10 when I weighed in at 205! This is a "piece of cake"! Still love the taste of the non ETL foods, but now what they do to me or how they make me feel. SO that will be the final piece of the puzzle for me, getting my brain to quit telling me to eat that crap!

    I can't wait until I do better on ETL! Can't imagine the wonderful things happening inside my body! It is so much more than just losing weight. you can do that any old way, but in my opinion, ETL is the only way to really care for your body! I am 54 and maybe have another 54 years in me, too! Oh - by the way, just after a few days of eating vegan the newly developed joint pain in my fingers every morning is gone or almost gone. It used to feel crippling on my first trip to the potty in the am while I wondered if my fingers were going to become incapacitated from the pain in pulling up my very loose pj's!

    Wonderful things are in store for you on ETL! = D My diary is open and anyone who wants to be an ETL friend, I am really happy to find you!
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    Susan, Thanks so much for your thorough and thoughtful reply. It was exactly what I was looking for. Sending friend request.
  • mommaof9
    mommaof9 Posts: 16 Member
    You really need to read the book...It is so eye opening the info in it :) It really is an lifestyle change but he gives you so much info as to why to choose the change that it works out soo well. I have been on it for a week now and have lost 9 pounds. before this I have tried 17 day diet and weight watchers and so much more and could only loose 7 pounds in well over 2yrs. And i go to the gym 3 times a week and bust butt there too. I have 9 kids and a very busy lifestyle but still this works well for me. I would read it and get a few girls that you know to start the change and work together to encourage eachother. We get together once a week and do a meal swap much like a cookie swap. we all bring a meal to spilt and so when we leave we have 3 different meals for the week. and While we are together we make our dressings and hummus dips. And make pitas too. that is what works for us. there are Tons of vegan bloggs out there too that get TONS of recipes. I'm telling you if you knew what the book says about cheese you would never eat it again :noway: . feel free to add me as a friend and message me with more questions or just as support :) Hope you find this informitive...God bless
  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    Mommaof9, Thanks for your reply. I read the book and found it very interesting as well. I was curious to hear from people following its advice. It sounds like it is working for you! How clever of you and your friends to work together on this healthy lifestyle change. All the best to you:flowerforyou: