How do I deal with my urge to Snack at night?

I am having a problem at night. When I am chilling out and watching tv I constantly want to eat. It is awful. I feel obsessed and end up grazing. I have weigh in on sat and am afraid I may have compromised my weight loss efforts for this week. Any suggestions would be welcome.


  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    I have the same problem. Some things that work for me include: 1) going to bed earlier- the later I stay up the more I want to snack. 2) Refuse to watch TV at nights. Instead I DVR my shows and watch them in the mornings while I get ready for work during breakfast or on the weekends during lunch or my kids nap. At night I do laundry or clean or type on the internet. If your hands are busy, it is hard to feed yourself. 3) Drink lots of ice cold water through a straw in a water bottle. I'm not really hungry. My mouth and hands are just bored.
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    I always snack at night. I just make sure I have enough calories (which I always do). And if you're going to snack, try and make it healthy? I don't always though. My go-to snack is usually popcorn.
  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    Reserve some of your daily calories for evening snacks and then pick healthier items to eat.

    Cut carrot & celery sticks really thin so you can take your time and enjoy eating them slowly. Same could be done with an apple.

    Make some air popped popcorn and don't add anything to it.

    Make an evening smoothie that you could sip slowly and enjoy. One of my favorites is just a banana, about 6 frozen strawberries and a cup of water.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Brush your teeth, paint your nails, maybe have some hot tea. Those usually work for me. Or if it's late enough I just go to sleep. Hot lemon water works great too. If you truly are hungry, snack on something like raw green beans or a couple cups of popcorn. If you have an at home popper, it's only about 50 calories or something super low like that.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I'm a night grazer. Save some of your calories for snacking and put your fav snacks in pre- measured containers in the fridge/pantry.(Please use reuseable ones;-) ) Like my fav snack is cashews, dried cherries and maybe a few pieces of dried mango with a glass of milk. I always save 300 or so calories at the end of the night for this. Having the pre-measured servings helps a ton. I no longer have to do it-I bough little bowls to use instead and have learned how many of each thing is my "serving". Pick things that are whole and REAL and STOP buying stuff that is really bad for you and that you tend to eat a lot of. I stopped buying ice cream for this reason. I bought an ice cream maker. I can only make like 1 quart at a time and I can control the amt of cream/milk, sugar in it. And it makes me plan ahead of time for it. Like I made strawberry/banana last night. It is way richer and tastes a lot better than stuff I bought, so I eat a lot less and am satisfied.
    I also love fruit-apples with peanut butter or an asian pear.
    You don't need to STOP snacking in front of the tube-just be sure you save room for it in your calorie allowance and that it isn't something that is really sabotaging your efforts.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    yeah, it's been mentioned already several times. don't worry about trying to stop snacking at night. because snacking at night is perfectly fine. just save some room for it and be smart with your snacking choices.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    I always snack at night. I just make sure I have enough calories (which I always do). And if you're going to snack, try and make it healthy? I don't always though. My go-to snack is usually popcorn.
    The above is what I started doing too Since I know that brushing my teeth, not watching tv ect will not work for me I "bank" calories for night. Since I know I usually want a sweet I save 60 cal for either tea and a low cal toast or two barry's bakery french twist (60 cal for two) If I know it's a "movie night" I save a 100 for popcorn Good LUck! ;)
  • c3js80
    c3js80 Posts: 82 Member
    Like the others, save some of your calories for snacks. You can't deprive yourself. Trust me, after years of yo-yo dieting it doesn't work. I can remember buying 6 candy bars and eating them all at once. I always have the 100 calorie bag popcorn on hand. I spritz it with Olivio buttery spray, which know is crap, but I wouldn't have lost my weight without it. I've also found that a piece of toast with cinnamon and spelda curbs my cravings.
  • cal1973
    cal1973 Posts: 306 Member
    I probably eat around 75% of my daily calories after 7pm each day (and I get up at 7am in the morning)