Started January 1st and need some support

Hi everyone,
I am a master's student with a 2 year old and a husband....and all the stress and complications....I have been working out 5 times a week in the morning before everyone else in my house gets up. Currently I am doing Biggest Loser power walk and also some time on the treadmill. My diet for the most part is spot on. I have been making healthy lunches and cooking dinner regularly. I am looking for some support because I feel like my husband doesn't understand my struggle and all my friends are naturally skinny. I am motivated but occasionally like to hear others have some same issues as I do.....


  • Hi my name is Nikki. I just joined this site and today is Day 2 for me! I am in need of support as well, shall we do this together, GF?
  • Just keep it up! :) All it takes is time and pressure.

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Biomisty
    Biomisty Posts: 41 Member
    I would love to help you out. I am also working on my M.S. with a husband that is 6'2 and 190 pounds. He's supportive but I don't think people who have never had a weigh problem can ever fully understand.
  • I too started up again on Jan 1st and have only lost 6 lbs so far. It gets frustrating but I'm determined to succeed this time.

    I will add you as a friend so we can help motivate each other! :)
  • afalls11
    afalls11 Posts: 133 Member

    I would love to support you. I work fulltime, 2 kids and husband, and taking 3 classes this semester for college. So I know how crazy life can get and is. My weight loss is also slow, but I keep plugging away at it. I started my commitment on January 2nd to get this weight off. Right now a back injury has me taking it easy. And boy can I now say.. that I miss exercising.
    Keep up your great work.
  • We all can help motivate each other. Leggo!!:happy:
  • I know how you feel my husband is 6'2" and 160 lbs. He can eat whatever he wants but as soon as I eat one Big Mac I gain five lbs! Feel free to add me as a friend I can certainly use it. :)
  • abbeyroad91
    abbeyroad91 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 20 years old. I've tried dieting / losing weight before but I always caved in after a few days. I realized that you have to really want it. and with that, you can succeed :] I started at 160 and actually dropped to 156. sadly, i'm at 159. but, i will not quit. just have to buckle down :] I need friends on here !!! My goal weight for my height and age is 130 (it's the ideal / healthy weight). :] :] Let's do this !
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I've been on this site for over a year and it's been very helpful. :)
  • wow, a masters?!?! that is some hardcore schoolin. add me, i'll motivate you as much as i can!
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Feel free to add me, too guys.
  • I have no idea how to add friends but i just started so u can add me. i'm struggling with a husband that can eat anything too. he's not very supportive
  • shenitamo
    shenitamo Posts: 147 Member
    WELCOME! Just finishing my master's here and teaching and coaching and doing my internship. Yay for multi-tasking girls! Not to mention I totally know what you are saying about sometimes feeling like people around you don't "get" your struggle. Let's all support each other. Add away, new friends :happy:
  • Puddykat1026
    Puddykat1026 Posts: 164 Member
    WELCOME!! You're more than welcome to add me. My hubby was not too supportive at first, but he's trying to accommodate my needs, as he is not interested in losing weight & getting healthy at this time. I look to my MFP family to get 90% of my support & motivation. I give as much as I get AND more. It's hard to do it alone & we all need someone to lean on for encouragement :happy:

    Good luck to you in your journey!
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    its not easy to control the craving of food ... but think about something or someone makes you smile.. think about the time u can spend if u can control now . that's what keeps me going.. hang in there and have faith in you and think about the happy face of your loved one/s.