Tell us a random fact about yourself



  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    I like flying kites.
  • LisaRN9
    LisaRN9 Posts: 75 Member
    I have watched the movie "groundhog Day" over thirty times. It never gets old.
  • jamja72
    jamja72 Posts: 119 Member
    I was born on fathers day...after 4 older sisters

    I read every single entry of this thread
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    I'll add more since I'm totally all over the 'weird' category lol.

    * I was born with a scoliosis of the spine. If I travel by plane, I take a doctor's note stating there are metal rods affixed to it. No activity searches please and thank you!
    * I was also born with a shorter arm that is missing the radial bone and thumb. (same side as the scoliosis -left)
    * I'm very proud to say my 2nd child was a home birth...amazing experience!
    * My youngest was born with a pre auricular pit on her right ear
    * My second youngest was born with clinodactyly of both her pinky fingers (tea cup pinkys lol)
    * My first 3's birth dates can be remembered by multiplication...3(rd) x 9(th) = 27(th) [Happy 16th btw tomorrow to him!] :bigsmile:
    * All of my girls missed out on having triple number birth dates (numbers lining up I mean)
    01/03/01, 03/09/03, 09/10/09

    My fam and I are just plain COOL! lol :wink:

    here's my back as of 1.5 years ago (if the pic works)...still all screwed up! If it doesn't work's with my profile pics :tongue:

  • chelseaalicia
    chelseaalicia Posts: 164 Member
    I have a cat that plays fetch.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    The ladies call me tri-pod.

    I don't get it...
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    The ladies call me tri-pod.

    I don't get it...

    omg LMAO! :laugh:

  • I know sign language:)
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    I have a freckle in my eye... yes- it is in fact a freckle.

    I have a freckle right on my eye lid within my eye lashes. My eye Dr is not a fan of it. He carefully keeps an eye (haha) on it.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I have a scar on the top of my right foot that is pretty big.
  • reneeramirez4christ
    reneeramirez4christ Posts: 112 Member
    I have been to 16 different countries and am madly in love with a man I met overseas...

    I also see hearts everywhere...God gives me sweet reminders that He loves me!
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    I think I am one of the few people that likes to clean and loves to grocery shop...

    I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE grocery shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm my family's personal shopper!!
  • sarah32lee
    sarah32lee Posts: 5,272 Member
    I have a twin sister...:heart:
  • Survivor1997
    Survivor1997 Posts: 59 Member
    People in the neighborhood refer to me as "The Crazy Cat Lady". Not to my face, of course; but a 7 year old let it slip. :laugh:
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    Met my fiancee on Twitter.
  • Misti76
    Misti76 Posts: 37
    I'm deaf in my left ear. Have been since birth as far as we know. My mom STILL forgets to this day & I'm 35 years old.
    I used to be obsessed with Clay Aiken. Have seen him in concert 7 times in 4 states, including CA. (I live in GA)
    I have never broken a bone. (knock on wood)
    My dad & I share a birthday.
  • i m hand making 2L of yogurt now :blushing: yes i love it. :love:
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    I have a cat that plays fetch.

    My cat plays fetch too! With twist ties :noway: . There are twist ties EVERYWHERE in our house. And if the cat loses it, the toddler surely finds it.
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    my elbows are hyperextended haha!!
  • I once ate 100 hard-boiled eggs in one hour...o wait that was Cool Hand Luke.

    Favorite football team - Steelers
    Favorite movie of all time - Heat
    Favorite band - Led Zeppelin
    Favorite song - Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    There are no random facts about me, they are all carefully placed.
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    My husband's a musician and needed female vocals for a song - so I volunteered. Now my voice is on tv.....
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I go out of my way to open doors for the elderly:) I hate seeing people be so selfish and in a hurry. I like to take time to pay attention to my surroundings before I put myself first. its how I would want to be treated if I were elderly or handicapped/ injured.
  • Melissa198166
    Melissa198166 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm an avid ice hockey player.
  • im 30 yrs old and have never had a cavity (cant spell) and i have never broken a bone. Also i have a huge HUGE fear of MOTHS. ICK ICK ICK!
    I'm 39 and haven't had a cavity or broken a bone either!! :)
    I'm scared of tent caterpillars GROSS!
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I'm the youngest of a triplet set, and the only girl.
  • I have a pet hedgehog!
  • lucy1945
    lucy1945 Posts: 153
    i'm sneaky and i'm ok with that :) lol
  • 15 facts about me:

    1. I have mole in the nose
    2. I love dancing
    3. I hate those who sing on their karaokes with bad voices. Makes me want to throw my shoes for them to stop.
    4. I don't have any friends in person although I do have several online friends
    5. I'm easy to pleased but never dare to take advantage of me
    6. I'm outgoing & adventous
    7. I love to try out new things
    8. I'm a graphic designer
    9. I speak 3 languages (although I still need to improve my English speaking)
    10. I hate seeing sweet couples whether in the mall, restaurant or just anywhere
    11. I'm not a fan of telenovelas (unfortunately that's part of our culture), romantic movies or any other romantic stuff
    12. I'm kinda boyish but I'm 100% straight. Also I hate girly stuff
    13. I'm open-minded
    14. I love dogs
    15. I love to eat :tongue:
  • Lizerra
    Lizerra Posts: 22
    I am attending college at the age of 36 to become an eye surgeon, eyes fascinate me