


  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    That is a LOT of cute in one small area!

    I have




    BD (Belladonna)


    And, not a furry, but still a baby (he's quite angry in this picture. It's when I first rescued him and he hated humans)

    omg, love em all! I just love ferrets, I wish I still had mine but gave them to a friend b/c I felt bad for not giving them the attention they really needed at that time
  • melcpia
    melcpia Posts: 123 Member
    This is Bindi, she's my 6 yr Jack Russel cross. bit scaredy cat but very cute.

    My torti girl Chrissy. she's very demanding! If theres a box or a hole to get in...she's there.

    My husband is slave to this little calico Cleo...shes a nut case

    My 14 yo sons big boof headded cat! MC is huge and he's my naughty 3 yo toddler....he does remind me every day why I dont want more kids.

    This is my baby, hes a Galah cross Corrella and very very cute!

    Our other dog Scruff, hes actually a Staffy cross something with long hair. Came from the Lost Dogs home in melbourne. When we got him he had cherry eye which is why we think he was dumped.

    My 14 yos other cat Tiger, he's such a smoochy boy...10 yo..

    And last but not least, this lovely old girl departed our earth on Jan 4th at the age of 16, Muggles was a sweet old girl who we had from 4 weeks of age, she'd been used as a football and was rescued by my mother.. We had her cremated and she now resides in my crystal cabinet!

    All our fur babies were rescued, except for Cleo and Bindi, they both came from my SIL but still needed a home or they would have gone to the local shelter.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I love ferrets. We got a pair from a private party and after about a year, one went bald. The vet said he had cancer. We kept him until he seemed to not feel well then had him put to sleep. Two years later, the other one got it. Been afraid to get another one. And btw...there are few things uglier than a naked ferret!
  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    I love ferrets. We got a pair from a private party and after about a year, one went bald. The vet said he had cancer. We kept him until he seemed to not feel well then had him put to sleep. Two years later, the other one got it. Been afraid to get another one. And btw...there are few things uglier than a naked ferret!

    sadly, that's a common thing among ferrets...it's a sad thing to have to go through...cancer is common among labs too and I'm worried mine's going to end up with it
  • My Mazie baby:


    and in her typical laying down position:

    And my cranky hedgie, Fredrick:

  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    Reposted on the next page due to technical errors. STUPID COMPUTERS
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    How the hell do you get a sugar glider?!? I have never heard of such a thing a a pet. Someone smuggle one to california please.
  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member
    It is very sad and quite common, among older males especially. I consider myself lucky since I've only lost one to it, and another just started balding. Not a bad record for having had as many as I have in my life.
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    This is my Lily -Bo-Billy!!

  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    whoops...last one was a little big!
  • Biggie 18 months old



    Raider 2 years old


  • Ooops some of them are kinda big!! How do I shrink them?
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    How the hell do you get a sugar glider?!? I have never heard of such a thing a a pet. Someone smuggle one to california please.

    A lot of pet stores sell them--I don't think so much for the franchise ones though. At the mall in my hometown, a representative would come and do shows and people could buy them there:)
  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member

    omg, love em all! I just love ferrets, I wish I still had mine but gave them to a friend b/c I felt bad for not giving them the attention they really needed at that time
    That's how I ended up with some of mine. So many ferrets and I only bought one for my roommate for his birthday. Rescues just find their way to me. lol At one point we had 12. Lots of cleaning to keep that up, so once they passed we decided not to keep more than 6-7 at a time.
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    This is MOO. He is what I would call "special". He is 7.

    He loves sleeping in boxes, bags, laying in wet bathtubs, sitting under dripping faucets, laying on wet towels.He chews shoes like a dog, he sounds like a penguin. I love him dearly though.

    This is GILBERT. She is 8.

    Moo is about 10 lbs more then her. But she is THE BOSS of the house. She would be a lap cat 24/7 if you let her, she loves everything that moves but on the other hand can be real snot sometimes. ( I did not name her, the previous "owner" had problems understanding anatomy lol)
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    My rescue dog Franken (short for frankenstein) that I inherited from my roommate - he seems to love me more then her and is always at my side lol...he looks like several different dogs put together - we have no clue what breed he is, but he's definitely a spoiled brat


    And the Standard Poodle that my parents and I time share - Winston. He is a high energy, smart little bugger who needs lots of attention to keep him out of trouble so if he's not with my parent's he's hanging out with me and Franken


    (Hopefully the pictures work)

    hmm i can't get them to work - anyone able to help a girl out??
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    My rescue dog Franken (short for frankenstein) that I inherited from my roommate - he seems to love me more then her and is always at my side lol...he looks like several different dogs put together - we have no clue what breed he is, but he's definitely a spoiled brat


    And the Standard Poodle that my parents and I time share - Winston. He is a high energy, smart little bugger who needs lots of attention to keep him out of trouble so if he's not with my parent's he's hanging out with me and Franken


    (Hopefully the pictures work)

  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    My rescue dog Franken (short for frankenstein) that I inherited from my roommate - he seems to love me more then her and is always at my side lol...he looks like several different dogs put together - we have no clue what breed he is, but he's definitely a spoiled brat

    And the Standard Poodle that my parents and I time share - Winston. He is a high energy, smart little bugger who needs lots of attention to keep him out of trouble so if he's not with my parent's he's hanging out with me and Franken

    (Hopefully the pictures work)


    Thanks for the hand :happy:
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    This is my baby Bella, or as we call her "B", she's a pit/boxer mix

    You know they're happy when they're frogin' it!! LOL

    And this is B with Miss Aidi
  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    So much cuteness!

    This is my boy Stalin. :)

