Gym or exercise at home?



  • I personally prefer the home thing to a point because I am a single mother of 2 with very limited finances and sometimes even less time. Not to mention that I am EXTREMELY self concious about my figure. The only down side to not going to the gym is trying to get the right work out...hmmm. I am planning on buying an Ab Circle Pro in the next month or so and see if I can lose some more weight. For now I have committed myself to walking from the 1st floor to the 6th floor using the stairs in the hospital I work at on the 5 days a week that I work...hope that'll help
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Gym - I like classes and if I don't make an effort to leave the house, I will probably half-*kitten* my workout or skip it altogether.

    I consider money that I spend at the gym to be an investment in my health - invaluable!
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I do aerobics, dumbbell curls, and stretching at home. But I don't have a pool here, so to the gym I go. All the machines are a bonus.
  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 113 Member
    I love my workout room at home. I started awhile back and got a gym membership, but it was 25 minutes away, my kids would want to go and do what they wanted to do, mainly go swimming when I was done on machines. My daughter and I were doing it together, but it seemed like a lot of gas money and time to get there and back home. We also used to end up spending almost half the day there. How many days could I really pull that off. Another side note is that I managed to get sick twice while going there for a month.

    So I buckled down and fixed up a room in our house. It's nicely painted now and has a tv, wii, weights and lots of dvds to work out to. I can lock the door and workout when I want, usually as soon as my morning chores are done, and when I'm done I can jump right in my own shower. If I feel like doing anything later, I can do that too, usually some fun on the wii.

    I used to try and workout in my bedroom, and it worked the last time I lost weight, but now it felt like such drudgery to straighten things up enough and move the furniture around to have enough room to workout to my dvds. But, everyone is different.
  • We have a FULL gym at my house. My hubby was a weight lifter before he had a serious shoulder injury. I have a $1400 elliptical as well. WE DON'T USE IT!!!! My elliptical has 4 miles on it and I've had it for 5 years. The gym is part of my daily routine. It's in my daily schedule. It's habit. I want to lose approx 100lbs, (I know I SHOULD'VE been using the elliptical) and I can tell you that everyone at the gym is amazing! They have been encouraging me, having me go to classes that I NEVER would've went to. The gym I go to has a Cardio Cinema. It's essentially a movie theater with ellipticals, treadmills and stationary bikes. I went in there today and ended up staying the WHOLE movie working out just so that I could see the ending.

    It's definitely a personal decision. Make a list of pros vs. cons. I'm a mom with 3 kids so for me to take time out to exercise at home would NEVER happen. Best of luck and congrats on the upcoming wedding!
  • Skurz47
    Skurz47 Posts: 15
    Screw the home elipticle and use the gym. You will hold yourself more accountable. Stick to it and stick it out, if you can find the core commitment later consider a home machine for part time training. You should establish a regime that includes more than that anyhow. Just My Ipinion.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    When I move into a house that has room for a power cage I'll be buying one along with a barbell and plate weights. I hate having to go to a gym to do my workout. It would save so much time and preparation if I could do my workout at home.

    That's why I outdoor running instead of elliptical, treadmill and stationery bike. It's cheap and I can do it any time.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    I vote for exercising at home. I have 3 boys and it's hard for me to go with them and I feel bad leaving them with my husband to go work out when I don't have enough time with hubby as it is. We work out together at home to P90X, Insanity, or right now, P90X2 after the boys go to bed.
  • loGIJane
    loGIJane Posts: 30 Member
    Treadmill at home I find is better especially whilst watching TV or if you have kids.

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  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    I have to go to the gym, I have a treadmill at home and have had an elliptical, both were expensive, and they turned into dust colletors. I have tried DVD's at home, but lack the motivation to get it done. I love my classes at the gym, I have found friends in the classes that help push me to do my best and keep my motivation up!
  • gingerbabyy
    gingerbabyy Posts: 25 Member
    I definitely prefer the gym, I just can't bring myself to work out at home. The gym offers a lot more options too... the main thing for me being weight machines. I like to switch it up of course and go outside every once in a while but other than that I do all of my exercising at the gym.
  • gingerbabyy
    gingerbabyy Posts: 25 Member
    We have a FULL gym at my house. My hubby was a weight lifter before he had a serious shoulder injury. I have a $1400 elliptical as well. WE DON'T USE IT!!!! My elliptical has 4 miles on it and I've had it for 5 years. The gym is part of my daily routine. It's in my daily schedule. It's habit. I want to lose approx 100lbs, (I know I SHOULD'VE been using the elliptical) and I can tell you that everyone at the gym is amazing! They have been encouraging me, having me go to classes that I NEVER would've went to. The gym I go to has a Cardio Cinema. It's essentially a movie theater with ellipticals, treadmills and stationary bikes. I went in there today and ended up staying the WHOLE movie working out just so that I could see the ending.

    It's definitely a personal decision. Make a list of pros vs. cons. I'm a mom with 3 kids so for me to take time out to exercise at home would NEVER happen. Best of luck and congrats on the upcoming wedding!

    Wow... the cardio cinema sounds amazing!! I wish my gym had one... I'd be on the stairmaster all day!! haha
  • whitetiger011680
    whitetiger011680 Posts: 218 Member
    Gym. Can't seem to make myself work out at home. Too many distractions.
  • gymshoe42
    gymshoe42 Posts: 97 Member
    As you can see.... it's really your own personal preference and knowing yourself and your ability to self motivate.

    I like the gym cause it's convenient,'s near day care so I drop kids off and go straight to the gym.
    I swim, so the gym is my only option there.
    There are people to talk to at the gym, ..get advice, get ideas, etc.
    The gym provides a lot of variety... you shouldn't be doing the same exercise routine (changing lbs does not count in my book as changing your routine) for weeks on end. For instance, on cardio days, I could do elliptical, treadmill, bike, swim, or jump into an aerobics class. It would be cost prohibitive to buy my own stuff to provide that kind of variety. I would lose interest real fast if all i did was elliptical every day.

    There's also eye candy at the gym. :)
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    I like a bit of both, i like to squeeze in a workout dvd at home when the kids are asleep, i do the "heavy" stuff there because noones watching, but i love going to the gym too, love using the classes and machines and heavy weights and being able to get out of the house and sign out from being "mum" for a while :happy:

    but i also like to workout in the fresh air too, i bung the kids on the buggy and go tramping around norfolk :laugh:
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I agree, depends on the person/situation. You have to know what you are willing to do, and how committed you are. Me personally work out more at home, because I have 4 young kids, and two that are not in any school yet. By the time the hubby gets home, its making dinner, doing homework and winding down for the night, I don't want to haul my butt to the gym. So I do it during the day. I bought Turbo Fire, Insanity and Chalean Extreme last year and I love them all. However I will say, it is very easy to make excuses to not do it while you are at home, because you look at the house and see the dishes sitting there, or the laundry piling up and think, I should do those first... but you have to get in the mind set to take the time for you, SCHEDULE your work outs and stick to it, no matter what!! Hope you find out works the best for you!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I do basic circuit training right now, so my living room works great. I do have a gym membership through my school, and next week I will begin weight lifting, so I will be going there. Really it depends on what works best fo ryou
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I work out at home...I'm just way to embarrassed to go to a gym & see girls in sports bras a spandex running on treadmills [that's especially going to happen since im in college & get free gym membership to the Rec Center on campus]. I do the 30DS at home, locked in our bedroom so my fiance can't see me flailing around like an idiot...Im also the kind of shy type who doesn't want others to judge, which probably explains my main reason for not going to the gym.

    It's exactly the same way for me!
  • I do all cardio outside of my home, but strength train at home. If I went to a better gym I would do everything there. I prefer the gym due to the motivation, and it forces me to stay accountable.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I just joined a gym this week. I was worried I wouldn't go, but I've gone everyday since I've joined. I don't like to work out at home, because of the kids. I can't always get everything I want done. Plus i'm so busy with the kids all day, I look at my time at the gym as a break too.