GIRLY push ups vs. MANLY push ups?!?



  • elgo1819
    Never understimate the value of a good pushup or any body-weight-based exercise. I do a couple hundred pushups a day. Not at once, but I always start and end my day with pushups, 30-50 depending on how sleepy I am. Haha.

    Another great thing to do for these lazy winter days, while watching tv, drop down and bust out as many as you can during a commercial breaks. You can still enjoy your tv, but you still get that little bit of victory in there. If you manage to do just two pushups during a commercial, over the course of 2 hours of tv, you'll probably have done around 25.

    Once you get good at pushups, you can elevate your feet, such as putting them in a chair. This focuses more body weight onto your arms. Be careful doing this, I'm guilty of falling on my face before haha.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I do regular pushups, not the girly ones. If you do them right you'll exercise your abs as well. No amount of crunches will give you a 6 pack, as that's about body fat. I usually do a minute of press ups, as many as I can full - which is usually 20-25, then switch to girly if I really am going to face plant if I attempt another.