So discouraged right now!

I gained three lbs! That means I've lost NOTHING in a week. I'm so discouraged. I don't know what I did wrong! I only exercised once this week that's probably what it is. I'm still determined to stick to my diet but it's hard not to feel really down right now.


  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    3lbs isn't alot.... Don't be discouraged. Our bodies fluctuate depending on water weight and certain times of the month too. Totally normal... Continue to stay focused on eating right and you will see changes!
  • I know how you feel!! Last week i gained 4 lbs.. turned out that MFP had calculated my caloric intake wrong and I was eating 400 more calories a day than I should have been.. I weighed in this morning and I have lost 4 lbs.. so, you might want to recalculate your BMR and see what happens! Good luck!
  • Hang in there! I have done this more than once in a lifetime....I know how you feel! Tried really hard all week to eat right and avoided temptation and still gained- the hardest thing to do is continue eating well and staying on track. I have noticed if I stayed on track after a week that I have gained, I have had a pretty decent loss the next week.
  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    just stick with it. water weighs 8 pounds per gallon. if you drink a 64 oz and weigh before you pee, you'll be 4 lbs heavier. just chill. you got a bad weigh in unless you are cheating.
  • thump418
    thump418 Posts: 251 Member
    Don't get discouraged. 3 pounds is not that much. How often do you weigh yourself? You could be losing inches but gaining a little weight from muscle build up. Keep your head up. you are doing great. Dont get down on yourself.
  • aliciapenny
    aliciapenny Posts: 51 Member
    what is your calorie intake daily?
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Hang in there! it could be anything-water retention. don't worry so much about the scale - measure yourself. Oh and the MFP work out numbers are VERY off.
  • Read the book 'Mastery" by George Leonard.
    You'll never look back.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Don't get discouraged! You can't gain 3 lbs overnight. It's probably water weight! Try cutting back on sodium and I bet that by the time you weigh next week you'll see that you've actually lost weight. Also, if you're exercising, you are putting on muscle weight and it weighs more than fat. Try measuring yourself once a week when you weigh in. Weigh ONCE a week. If you gain weight but measure smaller you're still on track! Good luck.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    There are a lot of legitimate reasons why this may have happened. Did you weigh yourself at the exact same time of day? Have you been drinking a lot of water or eating a lot of salt? Was it recently after a meal? Have you ever weighed yourself to see how you fluctuate in a day?

    I've found it best, if you need to see changes on a scale, to record your weight over a long time and see how you're trending over weeks versus a few days. I'm pretty small, but I can still fluctuate 2-3 lbs in a day, depending on what I'm eating/doing.

    Don't lose faith. Keep at it. Remember, there are other indicators that you're making the right choices towards progress (i.e. measurements, how much energy you have, how your clothes fit, etc). Keep at it!
  • princilam99
    princilam99 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi, I'm going to say what you probably don't want to hear:

    Be patient
    The weight gain could be many factors especially since you are a woman: bloating, time of month, ovulating, etc.
    Don't weigh yourself every day

    Did you make better eating choices for the week? If yes, YOU ARE MAKING PROGRESS even if the scale didn't reward you with numbers. You also exercised, which is good for stress, your heart, sleep, etc. It was beneficial to your body whether the scale moved or not. Your health is greater than the scale. Don't be disappointed. Make better choices next week, exercise a little more, and carry on.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    pull out a pair of tight fitting jeans or shorts that you have in your that you can barely fit into

    in 3 weeks, put em back on........

    trust me, that scale isnt your friend, it can do a number on your focus..........I only weigh periodically, MY PANTS tell the REAL story

    I ve used my old clothes for a scale and it works.......Good luck, you can do this
  • LoseSyra
    LoseSyra Posts: 75 Member
    Stick to your eating plan. I know for me, losing weight seems to be 80% intake and 20% exercise. 3 reasons for your weight gain. 1. I can easily fluctuate by 3lbs throughout the day, you may have just had a bad weigh in. 2. During that time of the month, I have proven to myself, after calorie counting during 3 different times in my life that I can not lose, and will likely gain. 3. Chinese food - whenever I eat it, I gain 2 or 3 lbs and that takes a couple of days to come off. Stick to it, next week it'll come off. :flowerforyou:
  • Seginns
    Seginns Posts: 39
    My weight fluctuates between one and three pounds on a daily basis, depending on how much sodium I've had, what I did for exercise recently, my water intake, what time of the month it is, and whether I've gone to the bathroom regularly. Maybe you just weighted yourself at the worst possible time.
  • Hang in there. Weeks two is normally tough for some reason. Maybe your body is in starvation bode. Keep doing what you have been doing and you will see the results. Remember...if you stop doing what you are doing you DEFINITELY won't lose weight. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's a process. Celebrate your other victories too (i.e. getting your exercise in for the day, drinking your water, staying within your calories.) It's not just about the number on the scale.
  • CinJay
    CinJay Posts: 157 Member
    Aww, don't give up! It's always going to be a journey with ups and downs, I know it's hard when the scale goes "the wrong way"! Have a look back over the past week at your food diary, did you eat/drink anything with a lot of sodium? Might be water weight... also maybe once a week is not enough exercise for you? There are differing opinions on that, but 3 to 5 times a week seems to be the general consensus. Don't fret too much, keep on going and you'll see results in no time!
  • I beg all of those out there who are truly struggling with weight loss to buy the book "A Course in Weight Loss" by Marianne Williamson. This is like nothing else you have ever read in your life, and once you've read it, you will find yourself writing this very same message to others too. My entire mentality about weight, food, and body image has shifted IN EVERY WAY.

    xo Jenny
  • Be patient! Wise words you will find here often:

    "You didn't gain the weight in a few days, so don't expect it to be gone that fast either"

    Slow and steady wins this race, and the overall progress is more important that the day-to-day or week-to-week fluctuations. I don't check in my weight unless there's a loss, that may be 3 days or 2 weeks - either way, it helps me remember that it's a downward trend, not a stock chart with ups and downs.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    I agree with that... check into your calorie goal, to make sure it's a deficit of about 20% lower than your BMR and daily regular activity level. If you have access to a nutritionist or health professional, I'd sugget a one-on-one interview to get the fact straight for this journey. Once you get that base goal set up correctly, then you have to make sure you're logging the correct food and drink ALL day -- everything you put in our mouth. Measure and weight to get the accurate accounting of your calories -- then you can tweak it to make improvements.

    Drink the Goal of 64oz. of water, everyday.
    Get some sort of exercise every day for at least 30 minutes -- walking at 3.0 at the very least.

    This should start you in the right direction and you can start to see the scale move in the other direction.
    Weigh yourself only once per week, in the morning, just after getting out of bed, after the first pee.

    Good Luck! If you're looking for friends, send me a note, and we can hook up. We're all in this together, one way or another.
    You can DO it!
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I also recommend to you to weigh yourself in the morning when you woke up, just after going to the restroom.
    That way, any excess water will not be a factor in the weight.

    I weigh myself almost daily, and I have pretty consistent results.
    Some people don't like/recommend to do this everyday, but I like it because it allows me to confirm that my weight was done correctly. And of course I like it when I fgo down !

    Also: Make sure your weight scale is a good one. No need to spend more than $40 or $50 to get an excellent one, and it will save you a lot of headaches. I like the digital ones, as they are very consistent

    Continue the road you have just begun, and you WILL see the results !!