Need help hitting calorie intake!

Okay so I am stressing on this whole calorie intake. I am eating breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and then snack and I still can't hit my calorie intake. It's so hard cause I was trying to eat healthier so I watch my portions and healthier eating but I cant hit calories and if I do hit the calories then hit hard at the gym then it says Im starving myself. The problem is Im not hungry to eat more! The other day I hit over my calories and was happy! (Your probably like "WHY") I knew I was hitting the gym hard that night I burned off more than I intended and then the calorie counter said it again..."Im starving myself" Ugh help me....please!


  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    If you open your diary, we can give better suggestions!

    If you're REALLY having trouble, add a small pat of butter to your veggies, or olive oil.

    Have a post workout powerbar, protein shake, etc.

    Go back to full fat dairy ( whole milk, whole fat sour cream & yogurt, etc )
  • ronnikins
    ronnikins Posts: 15 Member
    Wow! Sounds to me like you're doing good.
    I too am having trouble understanding it. It says that I've earned extra caloires after I log my exercises, but I still consume at least 1200 calories per day.
    I was wondering if there are better choices of foods for pre & post workouts.
  • Easy- peanut butter and/or almond butter...or raw nuts if you prefer.
  • ddhite
    ddhite Posts: 1
    i am just using this site as a journal. its nice to see your progress and have a place to hold yourself accountable.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Wow! Sounds to me like you're doing good.
    I too am having trouble understanding it. It says that I've earned extra caloires after I log my exercises, but I still consume at least 1200 calories per day.
    I was wondering if there are better choices of foods for pre & post workouts.

    Kashi bars.................130 - 150 cals and they are delicious
  • I just opened my diary. I eat a lot of healthy things so I just don't know. I don't want to go back to the food I ate before...that's how I got fat! lol I thought healthy eating and exercise were key! No Im just confused!
  • You have consistently huge caloric deficits. While you're going to lose weight in the short- term...this is not remotely sustainable. You will hit a plateau eventually...not only that but it's easy to quit/binge eat if you don't give yourself enough food! Trust me...been there done that. Eating more calories does not equate filling in the gaps with junk just simply means eating more. Here are some snack options you might consider to help you hit your goals:

    -Greek yogurt w/some granola
    -almond butter with apple slices
    -handful of almonds
    -add avocado slices to your salads

    -You can also eat a little more for breakfast for example I just bought sweet potato pancakes to eat for breakfast and they are DELICIOUS!

    Just get creative!
  • Thanks so much. If anyone else has more ideas I would love to hear them!
  • I get a lot of snack ideas from this blog:
  • As long as you are eating at least 1200 you should be fine. I plan all my meals for the whole day in the morning, that way if I am falling short I can add in some nuts, peanut butter, cheese, or something like that to push me over what I need. Even a glass of milk added to breakfast can help. I used to really struggle, only eating around 900 a day, but that hurts your weight loss. I do not eat back my exercise cals though, I just make sure that I eat at least 1200-1300 a day.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    avocado, nuts, protein shakes, protein bars, and cooking in extra virgin olive oil will all help. don't use low calorie or low fat substitutes as they are highly processed.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Less processed and more fresh.