Weight loss pill

Have anyone ever heard of adipex or taken it?It is a weight loss pill that helps you lose weight fast.I have heard the good&bad just wondering do anyone know


  • fspierce
    fspierce Posts: 9
    I have taken adipex. It does work. Very good appetite suppressant, but if you're not going to continue with healthy and eating and exercise, don't bother. I lost 10 pounds and gained 7 back after the pills were gone. I didn't have any bad side effects, but there are risks to long term use. I only took it for a month. I did think it lost its effectiveness after about 3 weeks. I do think it is good as a quick start and motivater if you're ready to do this, because it does work, but it takes your effort to continue. Gook luck.
  • MotivatedQuitta86
    So you lost 10 pounds in a month.......Did you excersie&diet along with it?
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    10 pounds and gained 7 back after the pills were gone

    Means she lost three pounds total out of those ten because seven pounds came back after she stopped taking the pills. It sounds like a good jump starter and nothing else, not good for long term use, but don't be surprised if the pounds come back suddenly.
  • mskellyw
    mskellyw Posts: 111
    Adipex is a brand name for phentermine, also known as the "phen" in the infamous diet drug combo phen-fen. I took phen-fen about 10 years ago and dropped weight like crazy. Unfortunately the combo was found to cause really serious pulmonary and cardiovascular problems, so they pulled it off the market.

    Phentermine is essentially a glorified amphetamine (aka speed). I remember it making me feel hyper and REALLY spacey--not pleasant, but I was 19 and wanted to lose weight quick so I put up with it. I lost about 40lbs in a period of three months, but gained back every ounce after going off of the medication. Also, like fspierce mentioned, it seemed to become less effective the longer I took it.

    I wouldn't recommend taking it. You might lose weight quickly at first, but you'll feel crappy and won't continue losing weight on it over the long term. I know the pills seem so much easier and exciting than boring old lifestyle changes, but as someone who's tried every quick fix in the book, I can tell you that you'll never lose weight for good until you commit to a healthy diet and exercise. Weight you lose any other way will just come right back once you return to your normal routine.
  • MotivatedQuitta86
    Ok thank you all so much for the advice!!!Like they say if it is they easy it aint worth it!!!