Self Control

My three weaknesses: 1. Portion sizes 2. Sweets 3. Eating the most, later in the day. Any strategies out there to stop picking up the sweets?...even if I don't buy them, they always end up in my house! Then I think, ohhhh one piece is okay....then two.... Also, I'm rarely hungry first thing in the morning. I have to force myself to make breakfast. After the kids are gone to school, I want to get out to my workout, before I lose control of the day and never get my workout in.... I've been drinking the Premier Protein Shakes from Costco. Is that OK? Next, portions. I love peanut butter! On bananas, apples, anything! I would actually scoop it out of the jar, put some on my banana, take a bite...then repeat! I have no idea how many calories i was taking in.....I know: Measure, silly! I'm going to try and take the time, but I always do things the easy (lazy) way. I NEED TO CHANGE THESE HABITS!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You said it in your post. Self control. and don't buy junk. Think before you reach. Eat healthier versions of the food you love. Educate yourself on healthy eating. Eat what is good for you not what taste the best. I find the better it taste the more I want. :drinker:
  • krutz262
    Hello :happy: . I just join this program but i have the same problem with snacking: what to snack on, sweets, etc. I figured out that not buying junk in the first place would help me resist eating the unhealthy foods. In the store when i am shopping i always look at what i am buying: calories on granola bars and other stuff. You said you have kids, it is a great thing to keep them healthy as well. I do not have kids myself but i am a nanny for a family of three kids and boy do they love their junk food. But their mother and i figured out healthy foods that they go crazy for, that are extremely health. Removing the temptations removes the weight. i hope this helps
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    There is no reason you can't enjoy the foods you love if you tackle the most important issue here (IMO), which is portions!
    Get some small containers or snack size baggies and portion out one serving of PB. This will help you mentally with only eating one.

    In the beginning work on cutting down portions and logging everything. Then start to wean yourself off the things that cause you to lose willpower.

    it's not easy and I'm not there yet either. But small changes can make big differences.

    Good luck.
  • kiters
    kiters Posts: 60 Member
    It is mostly self control and once you are doing it for so long it won't seemed so forced. I'm not there yet, I'm still struggling so I feel you pain. Its hard when you have kids not to buy those snacks. I feel like they aren't on a diet so why should they suffer? lol
  • Savagegirlt
    I will want a treat, I will get it out and read the nutrition facts. If I still want it, I drink a glass of water and actually set out a timer (10 mins) and if I still want it then I eat it (but only the one). I know what you mean, I don't buy or want that stuff in my house, but it ends up there from gifts, husband getting it or whatever. Good luck to you on your self control.
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    There is no reason you can't enjoy the foods you love if you tackle the most important issue here (IMO), which is portions!
    Get some small containers or snack size baggies and portion out one serving of PB. This will help you mentally with only eating one.

    In the beginning work on cutting down portions and logging everything. Then start to wean yourself off the things that cause you to lose willpower.

    it's not easy and I'm not there yet either. But small changes can make big differences.

    Good luck.

  • synthetiquecindy
    I found that I was best to stay away from certain foods that trigger my desire to eat more crap. As you start to clean up your diet, you'll notice what foods to avoid and which ones you van ultimately have in moderation. :)

    As stated earlier:

    Take note of everything that eat. It is a hassle at times for certain items (spices, sauces, dressings) but soon it will become second nature to measure out things. Note: a good set of measuring cups and spoons (stainless) will go a long way. :)

    Look for nice treats that you enjoy that are low cal/low carb! You may even surprise yourself with what you like! Trial and error!

    Feel proud every time that you push through your feelings of laziness or your desire to give up on your diet! Every step counts!

    Make some friends that help you feel motivated and will hold you accountable when it counts!

    When it comes to eating later on during the day, well... I am still working on that. :/ I am a night owl and would eat whenever I felt like it. I find that my stomach is begging me for food around eleven pm but I have to fight that urge.

    The only suggestions I have is for you in that regard:

    - ensure that your dinner is higher in protein. You'll be fuller for longer.

    - learn to enjoy 1 hard candy (Campino for example) after dinner or whenever you feel that complete need to taste something. (limit yourself of course and make sure you add it to your calorie count for the day.)

    - drink water with your meals!