Diet chef

My wedding is in march and work is mega busy so to try and get myself back into good eating habits I am doing 1 month of diet chef. Has anyone ever tried? I am loving the meals and it is allowing me things like pasta which I love but find hard to portion control. I am using mfp to log calories as usual and as I am exercising am adding in a few bits and pieces to up calories? Is this ok? Massive loss first week, 1.5lb last week so results I guess.

Any opinions gratefully received


  • my friends sister has just completed her first week and lost 5 lb..she has now signed up for a month..
  • Do you know if she adds any extras? When I counted calories of just meals, milk and some fruit and veg I still had 200ish calories left before exercise so I have added things like nuts, fat free jelly, yoghurts and an occasional treat. Do you think this is ok?
  • I did diet chef and lost 2kg in 2weeks, even though I went out at the weekend, had a takeaway pizza one night and went to a brazillian restaurant one night (all you can eat meat!). I just replaced any meals I could with the diet chef meals, and they were always really tasty and quick so I had time to get to the gym also!

    However, I did get pretty hungry on some days and the weight comes off so fast that it doesn't stay off long once you've stopped the diet - so its great if you have a particular occasion that you want to lose weight for fast, but it isn't great for permanent, long term weight loss. I imagine if you only replaced one meal a day with a diet chef meal then that would be like more of a long term plan. It should be great for losing weight in time for the wedding!