just a few questions.......

New here and wondering how to fit MFP into my daily routine. I would love if I had the access of logging by my cell phone but I am forced to use my personal computer to track. So, my question is, how do you track? Do you eat, then track? Plan ahead and track it, then eat? or track at the end of the day? I am logging on & tracking as I eat. So anything I nibble on gets accounted for. But my problem, this far, has been when I get on my computer, I get distracted by FB, emails & headlines. I have to stay focused and use the time I have wisely to do my workouts.(between 8:30am-11am) I totally got distracted today, looked at the clock & it was time to pick up my pre-schooler! Dang! Now I cannot go to the gym! I know that it will all become familiar soon, just wondering what works for you. Also, any advice on how to get your water consumption in? I am crazy thirsty when I work out and drink well, but throughout the rest of the day i dont have anything. I have tried lemon in my water, crystal light and flavored water, but im not finishing them. I wonder if I can count sugarless tea in place of my water? I can drink a few glasses of tea a day. Thanks for your feedback!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    In the beginning I would log the day before so I knew what to expect. If I changed for some reason I would log at night. After a while you get the hang of portion size. http://www.rd.com/slideshows/what-does-a-serving-size-look-like/
    If you don't have time to enter make sure you at least write it down so you remember everything.
    Try to drink as much water as you can. I only count tea and coffee as water if they are decaf. Good luck.:drinker:
  • racs80
    racs80 Posts: 42 Member
    hi i try to plan ahead if im at work i make my lunch in the morning an if im unsure of how meany cals are in my dinner i check on here first and i usally fill all my foods in after my dinner and if i dont have time to work out i walk around loads at work and do stair excercise (walking up na down the stairs for aslong as i can ) .but im starting to know what calories are in what food and how meany iv had for each meal .and i try to drink loads of water but i find it hard id rather have coffee lol x
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    If you pack what you are going to eat the night before it's easier to log ahead of time.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I log in the morning what I plan to eat. If I have lots of calories spare, I pick out some snacks and add them, then I get on with my day knowing what I need to eat.

    I spread the snacks out so if I run into temptation during the day I can trade a snack for something that's tempted me. I try and get onto MFP once in the afternoon to check I'm on track and make any changes based on decisions I've made during the day (e.g. changing the type of potato I want with my evening meal), and by the time I get home I'm nicely on track.
  • luvnall3
    Well, right now I am a stay at home mom. So I have flexability to track, but forget what I eat or get side tracked (by kids!) if I do it later. My hubby works out of town alot and my gym doesnt offer child care. So my only time to go to the gym is in the AM. I was hoping to get into a routine for weekdays that I can eat and track, then go to workout, then track excercise when I return. But that seems to be alot of logging in and distraction. I guess because MFP is still new and exciting, I get wrapped up in it and there goes my time to workout! LOL.
  • MeStephy
    MeStephy Posts: 39 Member
    I keep a paper and pencil handy in my kitchen, everytime I eat something I write down what it was and how much. Then when I get a few free minutes I track whatever I have written down. I usually try to do it after every meal, but I don't think I will always be able to do it that way.

    I try to do the same with my workouts as well.