anyone using diet chef right now

anyone using diet chef, I have been on it 2 weeks next monday


  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    anyone using diet chef, I have been on it 2 weeks next monday

    Hi, I have never done Diet Chef but my daughter is doing it and is doing very well.

    She tried many different weight loss things in the past, but kept falling. She did say that she found the meals in Diet Chef tasty.

    How are you finding it?
  • thomdn4
    What exactly is diet chef, and how has it been working for you? Do tell
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    When I first started losing weight, I considered something like that, but decided that I could buy frozen meals that I pick out in the grocery store for less money and I'm not committed to paying any certain amount. Glad I did that, since there are so many choices that I love out there... including organic fresh made soups at Harris Teeter (under 300 calories) just pop it in the microwave... or Michelina's Lean Gourmet... love those Buffalo Chicken rolls, and they are only a buck! So many good options out there.

    Whatever makes it easy and tasty for you, if you stay within your calories, you'll be successful. I hope you are enjoying your meals and I wish you the best of luck. :-)
  • jrimmer121
    I enjoy most of the meals but feel that the way i bought the first month may not of been the best way, got it through qvc so no choice of menu, if you buy direct from diet chef you get a choice of menus
  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    what is is i want to join too

    anyone using diet chef, I have been on it 2 weeks next monday
  • jrimmer121
    bought thru qvc, get a months supply of low cal dishes for £177, everthings just cook in the microwave, breakfasts, lunches & evening meals
  • Ladyhawk71
    Ladyhawk71 Posts: 18 Member
    I guess it's
  • DinaRobin
    DinaRobin Posts: 61 Member
    I got a one week offer through groupon and was really impressed so have signed up for 15 weeks which totals £585. For that, I get breakfast, lunch, dinner and 1 snack per day to which I add some skimmed milk, 2 portions of fruit, at least 3 portions of veg and the odd ryvita or other snack.

    I'm finding the food tasty, varied and very easy to prepare. Having low calorie options so easily available makes it much easier to resist temptation!

    I'm planning for it to last me around 5 months though as some days, particularly weekends, I'm eating the same as I make for the family for ease.