women who had babies



  • Aroz25
    Aroz25 Posts: 40
    All I was told was cardio, cardio, cardio, core, cardio. I'm interested to hear any good tips as well.

    Actually fat lose comes from creating a deficit, no cardio needed. You can do this by diet only, Cardio only, strength training only, or a combination of all of them. Essentially eat at a small caloric deficit and exercise (mostly strength training with a little cardio)

    If you are at the same deficit you will get faster results doing more strength training then cardio.

    Interesting, coming from someone who never has been or never will be pregnant.

    my thoughts exactly!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    FYI: fat on the stomach is not the same as prostates

    You're missing the point entirely. Post-pregnancy issues do not apply to men. Prostate issues do not apply to women.

    Also, I think most ladies here will agree that the post-pregnancy fat we've experienced is entirely different than other fat we've accumulated.
    I've had 4 c-sections and I'm gradually reducing my pooch via diet and exercise. I RESPECTFULLY disagree with you about post-pregnancy fat...there is no difference. The gentleman responded about how to burn fat, and that was perfectly correct! No need to get all huffy about it, IMO.
  • Aroz25
    Aroz25 Posts: 40
    I have heard that reverse crunches are a good way to start too. I've been battling the baby pouch for 3 years now! I've only just started making an effort to lose weight so hopefully this works!
  • Perswaysion
    Perswaysion Posts: 69 Member
    I just joined this tracker...and got my calorie intake recommendation...however, there was not a box to click for "currently breastfeeding". I know I require more calories than this because of that...anyone have some insight?

    www.kellymom.com has information relating to dietary needs of breastfeeding mommas. My son weaned a year ago so don't quote me but I think the additional calorie intake is right around 200-300.
  • rachel_hod
    rachel_hod Posts: 3 Member
    Reading this was like I had written it myself! I'm exactly the same height, weight and have a daughter who is 19 months old!! Did you come across any amazing tips for the baby bulge? I had a pretty good figure before having her and wish I could get that back but know it will only take hard work and dedication - I would rather focus my hard work on the correct exercises than ones which aren't targeting the issue.
  • rachel_hod
    rachel_hod Posts: 3 Member
    I wish I could help, I'm curious as well. I am 5'5 and still have the pooch at 125lbs. It is going down thou, I am doing 30DS plus another workout everyday and seems to help a bit. I really want to get rid of it soon cause we will be trying for another baby soon....

    oh and my daughter is 19months, if that makes a difference. So maybe time will heal all pregnancy scars?? except stretchmarks of course.. darn then stretchy marks :(
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    I think a major distinction is if the pooch is from excess body fat or if it because the muscles are still stretched. My current pooch is more a muscle issue than a fat issue...soooo, I do A LOT of abdominal work in addition to eating as wisely as possible.
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    I think a major distinction is if the pooch is from excess body fat or if it because the muscles are still stretched. My current pooch is more a muscle issue than a fat issue...soooo, I do A LOT of abdominal work in addition to eating as wisely as possible.

    My son is 5 months...
  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    Core workouts really helped me. A lot of reverse crunches (I hate those, but they work) and flutter kicks!!!!
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    No clue... I've had that damned pooch since puberty (it's a genetic thing... even when I was at 18% body fat I had it). :grumble:
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I think everyone is different. Not everyone will see the same results. For me my skin is ruined no matter how much I try to work the pooch out i have horrible stretch marks. Its very sad but its something I have to deal with. Work it out best you can but when babies happen things change even our bellies. It is possible for some though so try!!
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    I was a believer that getting a flat belly, better yet a six-pack was something of a dream until I decided it was time to take it to another level. I achieved the 6-pak after having two kids, not only that, I achieved it by summer 2010 after having baby#2 in Jan-2010. It's possible, the secret is: #1 diet, #2 cardio and #3 core training. If you don't adjust your eating having, its not going to happen, sorry but that is the reality. You can do thousand of miles in cardio runs and if diet isn't changed, it won't happen. Sorry, but its been proven, Abs are made in the kitchen, and not just to achieve 6-paks, you also need to do the same to lose inches of your waistline.
  • MeriO13
    MeriO13 Posts: 2 Member
    Ive had two C-Sections. I am basically commited to the pooch.

    I've had 4, I am with ya, sister. :/ Unless I have the flap removed surgically, it's there to stay no matter how much fat I lose. Sigh.
  • All I was told was cardio, cardio, cardio, core, cardio. I'm interested to hear any good tips as well.

    Actually fat lose comes from creating a deficit, no cardio needed. You can do this by diet only, Cardio only, strength training only, or a combination of all of them. Essentially eat at a small caloric deficit and exercise (mostly strength training with a little cardio)

    If you are at the same deficit you will get faster results doing more strength training then cardio.

    Interesting, coming from someone who never has been or never will be pregnant.

    Uh, I completely agree with him and I've had 3.

    I agree with hime also, and I have 3 kids. I've also been told by my PT that stregth training will help you drop weight quicker than cardio. My routine now is half the cardio that I use to do. Oh and there are a lot of things you can do beside just ab exercises.
  • Sry about the typos. Thats what happens when your trying to type and rock a fussy baby at the same time. :smile:
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Good info!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Bumping, but will add my $0.02. I also tend to believe it's about body fat that accumulates in the skin, you'd be surprised doing c sections how much fat is deposited in your stomach skin during pregnancy. Skin elasticity is an issue but usually secondary to body comp, for some women the body fat has to be in the teens to get that fat off. Lastly there is muscle tone. Many women have weak abs and it's worsened by not working them during pregnancy. So I'm using massage creams to support skin elasticity, trying not to overgain, and continuing to work my abs. There are lots of women on babycenter.com that have great abs after pregnancy with this plan. Will report back in a few months!