If I say it....

If I say it out loud the chances are better that I will do it! Monday will be a new day, a new week, a new start! I am commiting to start logging food and exercise again, EVERY DAY! It doesn't matter how scared I am about what the food for the day was and what the calories actually are...I am doing it because that is what will set me strait and help keep me accountable!! So, please MFP friends, feel free to get on my A&% and yell at me if you see I didn't log!! Thanks you!!


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Fantastic attitude. You can and will do this! Learn to hold yourself accountable. It will come in handy in every aspect of your life!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    You got it, girl!! Shoot me a message ANY time you want me to have a look at your food journal :)
  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 254 Member
    I've been doing this over the last week and it's really made a difference to what I'm eating. Now while making the kids tea I'm not snacking on things and I think about how things will look in my diary to others. It has made me more conscious of making healthy choices.
  • richardowlpert
    I'm in the same boat! I ate terribly today, but instead of just not logging in like I usually would, I'm owning up to it and facing my bad decisions. Every day is a new day and it's never too late to start over! We all fall off the wagon - trust me, I'm struggling to get back on as we speak! :)

    Let me know if you need anything!!
  • dimplez711
    Same here, I weigh in on Fridays, so by the time Saturday rolls around I'm in munchie mode. But since I got back on MFP, I track it all. Because in the end, who am I cheating? Only myself. Also if the scale/measuring tape results aren't what I expected, I can go back and see where I may have slipped up.

    It stinks at first (becoming accountable) but after a while it really does pay off!
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    Good! I notice that if I log every little thing and hold myself to it, I will not give in and munch. Only because I don't want to log all that crap! haha!
  • trout78
    trout78 Posts: 102
    This is why I love MFP...encouragement, support and knowing that I am not the only one who has to get back on! Thanks everyone!
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Me too!!! I so need to stay focused and log. I have slacked this week bad!! We can do it!
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Sounds like a great plan ... Stan ! When we see our mistakes in black and white ... They tend to leave a lasting impression. With each new day you will make better choices and work towards your goals ... I'm all for it !
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Fantastic attitude. You can and will do this! Learn to hold yourself accountable. It will come in handy in every aspect of your life!

    ^^^Perfectly said!