Three things that made you happy today



  • 1) a yummy white omlette breakfast
    2) great love-making with wife
    3) wifey promised a gold chain for my next mile stone achievement
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    1. My son, who's been sick for 1 1/2 wks, appears to be getting well instead of getting pneumonia as we had feared

    2. I was able to complete my huge reading assignment/homework before class.

    3. My BF was incredibly sweet and made me feel better even though I was feeling kinda low.
  • * my 18month old son gave me a huge kiss when i woke him up
    * i got up early and did a zumba workout and didnt feel the need to collapse
    * seeing how beautiful my wife was this morning (regardless to her morning hair etc)
  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    This is such a feel good thread! i think writing down three things a day could really help :)


    1) Dog gave me a lovely cuddle this morning, when i was all tired and sad.

    2) My SO actually asked how i slept this morning (he's not a morning person and doesn't normally function properly until at least 10am lol ")

    3) Going to go through the plan for our new hours in 3 hours :D
  • 1) my 18 month old son.... just him in general makes me smile. :) hes my world.
    2) my husband.... hes such an amzing person, he makes me smile even when i feel low/sad.
    3) looking forward to a relaxing bath, followed by some well deserved "ME" time.
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    1) Woke up happy with my beautiful wife next to me. (she wasn't happy - not a morning person). I am finding that i am becoming more and more morning orientated as I get motivated to exercise.

    2) Beautiful day out. I love the heat of a Melbourne summer. Went for a nice 45 min walk along the beach.

    3) Spent some time planning my next OS trip (Vietnam again ... in April)
  • sporadica
    sporadica Posts: 133
    1) Woke up to snow
    2) Went hiking in said snow, the sun was shining and I saw the most gorgeous deer
    3) Had a snow fight. 'Nuff said!
  • 1. Got a call from my husband whos oeveseas.
    2. I woke up with my kids next to me.
    3.The sun is out.
  • I absolutely LOVE this idea - what a great way to build a bond with those around you, by having them do it too! Gonna give it a try later today!
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    I got to spend the whole morning in my pajamas
    I spent an hour and a half playing music this afternoon and learning a new song
    I don't have to make dinner tonight - we are going to a friend's house.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I actually got my husband to get out of the house and go hiking with me 2 hours this morning. THAT made me very happy.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    1. I got to leave work after a 10 hour shift when I thought I would be pulling a 12.
    2. Got a random from my man Saying that he just wanted to let me know how much he loved me.
    3. I made 3 kinds of cheesecake at work and Didn't sample any of them.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    1. The nice clean cool breezy air outside

    2. morning kisses from my fur child

    3. lovey dovey shower with my hubs
  • 1. My 3 grandchildren have been visiting today.

    2. I had a good week of weight loss and get to enjoy a good dinner tonight

    3. Ran / walked 3 miles in 40 minutes. Not fast, but just getting back into things.
  • 1) My clothes are fitting looser, even after just one week!
    2) I missed my morning work out, but I didn't get discouraged, which I usually would do.
    3) Great coffee date with a good friend of mine!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    1. Seeing my husband after he'd been brought out of sedation in the ICU, and giving him a hug
    2. Getting to the gym for the first time this week, and kicking *kitten* in a Body Combat class
    3. A closing down sale in one of my favourite boutiques, yielding a gorgeous brown checked skirt (£5) and a elbow-length nutmeg cardi (£3)
  • 1) Waking up with two cats snuggled up next to me
    2) Fitting into a dress I haven't been able to zip all the way up in almost three years
    3) Knowing that my husband and I get to hang with one of our best friends tonight! :)
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    1. Waking up not feeling very sore
    2. Waking up realising I had a second night of longer sleep
    3. Listening to Madonna (memories of me as a teen having a crush on her back then)
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    1. My three year old boy giggling.
    2. My 16 month old sitting on the floor and spinning himself around in circles, all proud of himself. Such a goofball.
    3. Realizing three pairs of jeans, a pair of cords and a few shirts are in need of taking in.
    4. Leftover Panago vegetarian pizza for breakfast. And lunch. :-D
  • mlbazemore
    mlbazemore Posts: 252 Member
    1. My 9 month old son looks like he's winning his battle with an ear infection more sad face 80)

    2. I came to work knowing that I have tomorrow off, first day in 2 weeks, yay!

    3. My fiance is acting like he has some sense, not being a b*tch, that always makes me happy!