Personal Trainer: Are you one? Do you go to one?

Hi All

This evening I was at the gym and I was talking to one of the PT's there - he was asking me questions and then offered me a try-out "lesson" for free to see if maybe I would be interested in personal training.

I have done PT before a lonnnnnnnng time ago when i had time (I actually worked out during lunch, my gym was a 3 minute drive away), I was much fitter and slimmer then and didn't have the kind of lifestyle I have now. Sometimes I think about doing it again but then wonder if it would even be worth it since I can really only do what I can, but now I'm really thinking should I do it??

I should just mention that I work very far away from where I live so I spend 4+ hours each day commuting, I usually don't get enough sleep and I haven' t really lost any weight in over 2 years, I think what is due to this crazy life I have (I usually can not stay w/in my calorie guidelines, but tend to eat very healthy food, just too much). This guy says even if losing weight isn't the focus, it would probably happen as a side effect. I have been working out consistently for almost 3 years now, so my weight pretty much stays the same (because at least if I eat too much, I'm still balancing it out with exercise/movement).

Do you go to a PT'er? Have you ever? What do you like about it? Do you feel like it's worth it?

Would love some feedback.


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,546 Member
    I don't "have a trainer" but I do use them. I will get with a trainer once a month or once a quarter to shake up my strength routines and get some different compound exercises. I also will get my body fat tested then and have them check my form. I'm pretty dedicated about working out and can push myself so I don't need to spend money to have somebody there all the time but for a periodic thing, it's money well spent.
  • muthrb
    muthrb Posts: 16
    After endless cycles of starting a fitness program and either; 1. slacking off or 2. getting injured and having to slack off I decided to hire a trainer at my local gym for two sessions per week. Since I paid in advance I figured this would get me to the gym at least two days a week despite my slot being Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 5:00 AM. He set me up with a program that considers my age (ancient), general (complete lack of) physical condition, health issues (well, I'm not dead yet) and prior injuries (several). We started off with what I considered to be too light of a routine, but he encouraged me to work with him. Hard to do at first when my trainer is younger than my kids. :smile: But I could not be more pleased.

    Twenty five minutes of strength and core training twice a week. Abs and aerobics are on my own. The workout is varied and TOUGH. Bottom line: I'm in the gym at least two more days in addition to the training days. I've gone six months with no gym related injury; getting stronger and much better toned than I could do on my own. I'd highly recommend a trainer to anyone who may need a little motivation to haul their derriere into the gym on a regular basis and have someone to encourage that little bit of extra effort out of them..
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    I attribute my weightloss to my personal trainer.

    I've battled with my weight all of my adult life, trying every diet out there. I joined a gym,
    like you right around the corner from work, and did my exercising over lunch eveyday.
    I lost and gained the same 5lbs over a year of working out on my own. I was actually working
    out with a trainer for quite a while and still no results- until he quit and I got my "new" trainer.

    Working out with him, and benefiting from his support and diet advise, I lost 30lbs in 6 months
    and have kept it off for over a year. Sometimes, it takes the right kind of person to "click" with
    your personality to get things moving in the right direction, I figure. In addition to my sustained/maintained
    weightloss, my better health, my confidence and my happiness, I have completed two 5K's,
    have signed up for an indoor triathalon and will be doing my first "Warrior Dash" in the spring.
    WHo knew at 40, I could become an althete? My trainer did!

    As far as justifying the cost? My membership is $19.99 every 2 weeks and feel that this counts as
    health insurance. The training session is $36 pr half hour and easily justified not only in the results
    I have gotten, but folks will spend that in takeout in a weeks time- I get SO MUCH MORE for MY money!

    Currently, I go to the gym 5 days a week, an hour at a time. I do cardio on tues and thur, strength training
    or a class on monday, workout with my trainer on wed, and take a TRX class on Friday.

    Finding the right person who can teach you the right things, and support you can really make a difference-
    it did for me!
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    thanks very much for the feedback!

    I will do the try out lesson for sure. I'm just afraid that with the precious hours I have left after work and commuting, I won't have the time to commit. But that's something only I can sort out in my own head based on what's really important in my life, right?
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    thanks very much for the feedback!

    I will do the try out lesson for sure. I'm just afraid that with the precious hours I have left after work and commuting, I won't have the time to commit. But that's something only I can sort out in my own head based on what's really important in my life, right?

    Lack of time is exactly the reason I love my trainer - every second counts. She pushes me way harder than I could on my own and even if I only manage the 2 sessions I have with her a week, I know that I have had 2 really hard workouts.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    I used a personal trainer when I was beginner (I could only afford one week) to help me get started. I will tell you, its the best money I spent (fitness related). Once I had a set routine that worked for a few months, I slowly began doing research on how to better improve on my routine. That being said, I wouldn't get one now, especially since I'm a self motivator and nothing anyone else does really motivates me.

    Now be careful of "professional rep counters" at big box gyms (LA Fitness for example) with no professional certifications. They go through the business' personal trainer certification and pretty much use the same routine for every single client. You basically pay them to say, "Okay this machine...1, 2, 3, 4, 5.....15, and you're done. Now onto the next machine."
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I had one free session when I first started using the gym which I see as essential to learn how to use the machines properly, etc.

    I know a few people at my gym who go to the gym with the PT weekly, I would if I could afford it.
    I am studying to become a CPT this year and really keen, we get to train people (and get paid for it!) at the school's gym whilst still in training. :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I've had three personal trainers over the course of last year(One got fired, One got promoted to manager and the third is fantastic) and I wouldn't trade my experience for anything.

    My first trainer is where I lost the bulk of my weight.. and while I don't think he did anything significant to help me lose weight(he basically stood around and looked good... and counted reps) he got me started with weight training, which is a good thing!

    My second trainer I only had for about four weeks before he got promoted, but he did everything my first trainer failed to do. He gave me cardio programs, got my set up on my gyms calorie/strength training system, and showed me new ways of working out. Nothing was ever the same from week to week and I feel like I got a better workout with him then I did the first guy.

    My current trainer is great. Been in the business for 5 years, going for his second PT certification, and in general is pretty knowledgable. Understands that I've been burned by one trainer, left by another after 4 weeks, and that I'm kind of hesitant to trust and think that this guy is actually going to stick around. He really cares and makes sure I'm getting everything one hundred percent and if I'm not, then he'll keep showing/explaining until I do get it. He's also willing to answer any question at anytime.. which is nice.

    All in all, I've had a good experience over all. If you think you are going to benefit and you have the money for it, then I say go for it. I pay something like 45 dollars for an hour session, and I see my trainer 3X a month... so it works out to payments of 120 or something like that.. which isn't bad.
  • Love my trainer. He inspires me to work harder & have improved each week! Never want to go into the gym & tell him ihad a lazy week!! Over the Christmas break I was still working hard burning over 5000 cals pw. First session back with him & I hurt I places I didn't know I had!!
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i went to a boot camp style 8 week program and lost 35lbs with that program.. it was the first time i ever did anything like that so it kicked my *kitten* big time ..and it improved my workout performance tremendously. that woman moved on to a different gym so i followed her and hired her as a personal trainer for three months and then she had moved on to another career. so i took on this guy who concentrated on strength training.. i was with him until this january. i joined a different gym that offered way more and got a new trainer who is concentrating on functional training for me to help me get the rest of this weight off of me .. wow what a difference!!! i swear by trainers

    but make sure they help you achieve your goals. just because they are called a trainer does not mean they know what they are doing. i love the ones i had and the current one too. i would suggest watching them while they train others while you work out at the gym and see how they do . i was at a gym in florida for three months last year and the trainers in that gym were awful ....on their cells and not paying attention to their clients..i was pretty shocked because my trainers are with me every step of the way
  • kir911
    kir911 Posts: 228 Member
    my husband is a personal trainer and before I was with him I had worked out with several. This what I know...they push you more than you could ever push yourself. They get you to do things you otherwise would not have considered trying and make you good at it. I am stronger and leaner than most people because my routine is varied and he constantly mixes things up. Cardio eventually can work against you and your body gets used to it. Strength training will not only help you get stronger, it will increase your metabolism, but you will CHANGE your body in ways you cannot with simple cardio. I have lost 24 inches in the last 3 months! I highly recommend it!!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    If you do get a trainer, make sure you get one who is going to do a serious weight routine with you. Watching you on a treadmill/elliptical is pointless, unless you really can't motivate yourself. But doing weights is much harder if you don't know how to use them properly, and really beneficial for weight loss.
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    I will do the try out lesson for sure. I'm just afraid that with the precious hours I have left after work and commuting, I won't have the time to commit. But that's something only I can sort out in my own head based on what's really important in my life, right?

    Replace one of your regular gym sessions with a PT session. Then you aren't "losing" any time. I find I always have a higher calorie burn when I workout with my PT and sometimes it's fun to workout with someone so you aren't slogging it out on your own. In particular, I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing boxing training with my PT - it really pushes me and because I'm not watching my HR, I regularly surpass my normal limits because I'm having fun and it's an adrenalin rush!!

    I hope you enjoy the session :happy:
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    If you do get a trainer, make sure you get one who is going to do a serious weight routine with you. Watching you on a treadmill/elliptical is pointless, unless you really can't motivate yourself. But doing weights is much harder if you don't know how to use them properly, and really beneficial for weight loss.

    This is true. I like the stuff we do the most that I've never done before. I've learnt SOOO much from my PT sessions that I have built into my regular workouts now.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Am a PT and would bury you if you requested it! Actually the majority of my clients like the way I train them. I'm Tough Love. I take no excuses and don't let clients give up on themselves. Since I work in a Health/Wellness facility, some of my clients are recovering from heart attack, surgery, or disease so I get to work with so many different scenarios. I'm also no nonsense. No gimmicks or having people buy supplements, etc. I give it to them straight and am not afraid to tell them if they are being less than effective. Probably why I'm always busy at work. Even when I try to work out on my own.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    wow really great feedback, thanks all!

    I have an appt next Friday. I checked his website as well. He works AT my gym but not FOR my gym.

    Thanks again and I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.
  • badbull69
    badbull69 Posts: 157 Member
    Im not a personal trainer, although I have thought about becoming one. Cuz I really just like helping people. I have helped a few of my high school classmates. But Im 42 going on 43 and who is gonna hire me. I've always trained with one, I have had three of them. All approach my diet in different ways. The one thing I do know, is that when I had one, it helped me be more accountable, since I had to report in.