hi I'm new here and need some friends



  • HarleyTweet
    HarleyTweet Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am new too, this is my second day of tracking after skipping about 4. I have ALOT to loose, about 100 ibs, but I love this site, SO EASY!! Would love to be friends and support each other. We can do this,
  • emilyc92
    emilyc92 Posts: 182 Member
    You're welcome to add me! I'm tall too (5'8''), so we probably have similar calorie goals!
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
  • Count me in...I love this site, it's really helping me stay focused and accountable. I have about 50 lbs (at a minimum) I need to lose, 4 down, 46 to go!
  • Ive only been here a few weeks , you are welcome to add me too if you would like too. Good Luck , hope you find it an easy site to use , its been brilliant for me im enjoying it :-)
  • polrbear
    polrbear Posts: 31 Member
    You can add me too. I am 5'7, maybe 5'8...can't remember which one I chose for this since age and Rx steroid use has cost me some height. I too have gained a lot of weight with steroids and gave up the idea of being thin and healthy for a long, long, time. I want to lose about 90 lbs. and this time I will! Let's help eachother.
  • You can add me too- been at this for three weeks and have a lot to lose. Im 5'6 and currently 227 I need the support as well :smile:
  • Feel free to add me! I say the BIGGER the cheering section the better! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

    Amen to that !!
  • Hi! I am definitely here for you. I have a decent amount to lose as well but have made some definite progress. I have been learning quite a bit over the last few months on nutrition and exercise so please feel free to utilize me. I am here for you! Feel free to get in touch anytime.
    hi everyone
    I am new on here and I would like some friends for help and support, I am 30 and I have quite a bit to lose, i'm 5'7 ans 224lb and my food intake is at 1450. I'm interested in people who have a bit to lose like me (or did and have lost some ) or who have a similar food intake . i did manage to to get to 194lb last year but i was on steroids and was not carefull whith what I ate :( so piled it back on. so if any one wold like to be friends I would like to hear from you :)
  • Hi- I will be your friend!
    I had thyroid cancer in 2006 and my thyroid was removed. In 2007, I got pregnant with our 3rd child-suprise!-and gained 75 + lbs. The day before he was born, I was at 225. I was so uncomfortable, I could hardly move. The birth was complicated and ended in emergency c-section and I lost 2 liters of blood, but was not given a transfusion. As a result of this, I was not "myself" for almost 6 months. No weight seemed to come off. I was totally miserable. When my son was almost 1, I decided that I was going to get rid of the weight. I started walking with my jogging stroller. I walked 7 or 8 miles a day. The weight started coming off. Once that happened, I got motivated and went back to my gym. I tend to fluctuate in different seasons.....Christmas is especially bad for me because I love to eat and bake, etc. I am not trying to lose a lot right now, but I understand where you are. It took 3 years for my thyroid meds to regulate, and I have been cancer-free for almost 6 years now. I no longer blame my weight on my thyroid stuff-in fact, I forget about it totally until it is time to go for a check up. All I can tell you is just hang on! The weight will come off. The food diary on MFP has been a huge help for me. I found that I was eating a LOT more than I thought. The support here is great-lots of great people! Welcome!
  • you can add me, Im 30 and need/want to lose about 65-70lbs, I have been one for a couple of weeks and it seems to be helping and the support is great. :) Welcome
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started 3 weeks ago. I started with needing 45 pounds to lose. I lost 15 so far. I am getting more nervous about how to keep losing and not hit plateaus.
  • AWyatt88
    AWyatt88 Posts: 18 Member
    You can add me as a friend :) I have to lose 75lbs to get down to my healthy weight.
  • hey add me too :)
  • peprwpr
    peprwpr Posts: 56 Member
    Im new here aslo. I have apx 60lbs to lose. Ive been working at it for 2 months now, although, I am new to the site. I started working with a personal trainer back in November, after seeing results from my co-workers who are using the same trainer. The gym offers a lot of incentives for weight loss, and works at making it fun. Right now, my office is involved in the "Biggest Loser Challenge", thru the gym, with weekly weigh ins, and prizes for the highest percentage of body fast lost each week.
    Im going into this with the mindset of living a healthier lifestyle. I have set a persona fitness goal of being able to compete in a 5K in March. Even though, Im sure I will be walking most of it. At least Im trying, and getting off the couch.
    I would love any new friends on this site that can help with the support and encouragement.
