Distribution of Weight Loss

Hi there all!

I just wondered if any one else had noticed not noticing where their weight is falling off from?

I have lost 11 lbs, and so far, the only area to have lost any inches is my butt!

Does the body lose weight in a specific order - butt, inner thighs, under arms, and lastly the tum - or does it depend on the person!?

Would love to hear all of your thoughts on this. As I'm starting to wonder if it's all a conspiracy, and I will not be satisfied until the scales read a least another stone less before I actually believe the weight to be going!



  • lol...my butt is still here!! it is the last to go for me :(
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    There isn't really an order...weight comes off from where the body reckons it should - would be awesome to be able to choose though. I seem to be losing from my face, arms and legs but when it comes to my butt/hip area it's not quite coming off like I'd hoped it would. Ahh well, it's happening so I'm happy enough :-))
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Yes, it's falling from all the places I least care about.....:huh:
  • ndneternity720
    ndneternity720 Posts: 5 Member
    My stomach and upper arms are my problem areas and always the last to go :/
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I am losing in my bust area.... Sad to see them go! LOL

    Each of us stores fat in different areas and when we start losing weight we will start losing in different areas.
    Not always, but a lot of female bodies store fat in boobs and butts/thighs...so these are the areas where we lose first... this is why it is good to do measurements for all areas of your body...neck, chest, waist, hips, thighs, biceps and calves...

    A friend of mine noticed inches lost on her neck first, then her boobs... Stomach is usually the last to go unfortunately...that is stubborn fat...lol
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    first was boobs, then arms, legs, face, feet, and then stomach and thighs.
  • I appear to have lost most from my waist, but this week noticed a difference in my hip measurements.

    However the weirdest thing ive noticed is ive lost weight from my feet...... my shoes are getting too big, and one pair ive had to fasten on a tighter hole.

    My butt however seems the same :-( but i live in hope
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My stomach and upper arms are my problem areas and always the last to go :/
    It always seems to be the problem area that takes the longest. I HATE THAT. I lost on my belly, but my calves got bigger. Go figure.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    first was boobs, then arms, legs, face, feet, and then stomach and thighs.
    I really don't want to loose ANY boobs. I just don't have enough to spare LOL.
  • I only seem to be losing from my stomach. Which is good and bad. Bad because of the way jeans fit me now. I always have a huge gap. My thighs are here to stay, I think. Lol
  • well, most people loose weight first in their butt and their boobs.
    not too sure why haha.
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    My thighs and hips have always been bigger than my upper body. I have lost 40 lbs total over the last 4 years and I went from a size 2x top to a large and a size 20 pants to an 18. So like the poster above me said. My thighs are here to stay!
  • ThinningDownChick
    ThinningDownChick Posts: 95 Member
    My butt NEVER leaves... I have a ghetto booty. I lose from the head down but it's like my butt is the speed bump that it just JUMPS right over, LOL!!! So, I just play it up and make sure it stays tight, gotta work with what you got, LOL!!
  • Great response guys thanks!

    It seems it either goes from where we'd less like it to go (boobs, feet, hidden areas) and from our butts first! Pretty much half and half!

    I just wish I had measured my thighs at the start, but for some reason didn't think of that! I think thats where it's gone mostly from.

    I wonder if it goes from where it went on last? My hips were definately the last place for the fat to add itself to, so with this in mind, it should, if my theory is right, then go from my back (under the strap), cats bellies (bingo wings/underarms) then gradually from everywhere else, boobs last! I desperately want to get rid of my underbra belly too, you know the one sits on top of your tummy...:embarassed:

    I'd love my boobs to be smaller though, they are hurting my back now, and I can't see my feet! :blushing:

  • sexyminxinthemaking
    sexyminxinthemaking Posts: 451 Member
    i always find that the first place i loose weight is just under my boobs but not my belly sods law as its the belly i want to loose lol x
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    Happily, since joining and working with a trainer, I have lost 4.5 inches in each thigh, 4.5 inches in my waist, thighs, hips and across my stomach, 1.25 in my chest and 1 in my arms. I am not a pear anymore :-)
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    The way your weight is distributed and where you lose from first is largely genetic. I lose from my stomach and legs first and my hips and butt last...just the way it goes.
  • LOL... I have lost almost 10 lbs, and the only place I notice a loss is in my face... Although I am sure I have lost other places (I don't measure) I guess If it starts from the top and works down, My belly will get some loss shortly...
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    My waist, arms, and face are shrinking..but my bust, hips, and butt are here to stay!...for now.