It's so hard for me to find the motivation to exercise...

I don't have trouble staying under calories anymore. I've finally been able to give up the sweets. But now I have encountered a new problem. I can not make myself exercise. I have a treadmill, but it's almost tourture for me to get on it. I like riding my bike, but it's a bit to cold outside right now to ride everyday. Maybe I'm just lazy, I don't know. But I would seriously appreciate some helpful tips to actually enjoy a workout.


  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    You may want to get a stationary bike... I LOVE mine and use it almost everyday!:smile:
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm a pragmatist. So first...perhaps you should remove the expectation that you will enjoy it. You *may*, in fact, with time, find something you like. But that will take time, and experimentation. Which I will encourage you to do. But, you may find, that you *never* enjoy it. An analogy: Some of us *love* our jobs. But many of us could take it or leave it. Its a job. We have to do it, its not so bad, so we do it. That's it.

    I tried to find things I liked for exercise. I came to the conclusion that: I do not like it. Another way of thinking about it is: I found that my favorite exercise is the shortest exercise. So, I run, because if you're doing it for exercise and not for "training" purposes, its short. I do intervals...because its short. I do body weight exercises in an interval/no rest fashion. Because its short. I do not *like* these any more than fast-walking, a yoga class, or zumba. But these alternatives are 45 minute to an hour. Mine? 20-30. So I prefer mine.

    I'm not saying you are like me. Which is why I encourage you to experiment. Maybe a social activity will be more motivating than working out by your lonesome. BUT, I tell you my story because, I think you have to get rid of the notion that people that exercise "enjoy every second of it". Because it won't always be a bucket of laughs, even *if* you find something you, relatively speaking, enjoy. There will always be an element of having to "parent" the child in you who'd rather not. And that doesn't make you lazy. That just makes you human.
  • ashtonalayna
    I found that if I do my exercises as soon as I get up it doesn't seem like that much of a chore. If I wait till afternoon or evening I'm tired and have zero motivation. Also I have discovered If I do it in the mornings I feel better about myself during the whole day and make better choices as to what I eat. For me exercise was fun at first than I got tired so now I look at as a way of bettering myself and for me that helps alot. Hope you can find your motivation soo. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!:smile:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Dont exercise then!
    Youll lose fat and lean mass!
    It's a lose lose situation!


    Do what I do and workout 20 mins 3x a week!

    Its simple!
  • aarroyo0529
    aarroyo0529 Posts: 46 Member
    I joined some groups from mfp that has helped
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    How about strength training? To quote the Men's Warehouse guy, "You're gonna love the way you look. I guarantee it."
  • christina_michelle
    look up on google couch to 5k
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    How about strength training? To quote the Men's Warehouse guy, "You're gonna love the way you look. I guarantee it."

    The force is strong in this one!

    Listen to the Jedi's of this website!
    We know what we talk about!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    So layer your clothes and enjoy your bike outside. I ride in the winter, in Chicago, from time to time. When there is snow I snowshoe. Take a spin class. I went for five years and loved it so much that I bought a spin bike for home and am currently "riding virtually across the USA" in 2012. Yep, that's like 3600 miles with the route I'm taking.

    Or just suck it up because it's good for you. Hopefully once you do it for several weeks it'll become normal and you'll crave it.

    Good luck :)
  • luisabaeta
    luisabaeta Posts: 30 Member
    I have the same problem. I haven't exercised almost at all since i started on MFP, and what i've lost so far was just dieting.
    But i really want that to change...

    I'm starting a new strategy now. When i started dieting, i thought i couldn't do it, and i set myself the lowest possible expectations, and after i started losing weight and i noticed the difference, that was in itself a motivation to continue (because, let's face it, nobody likes dieting, either). So now i'm picking ONE thing in my body that i wanna try to improve (i chose my belly), and i'm gonna try to work on that with the minimum effort. So i'm trying to do some abs at home almost every day. It's taking 5 minutes off my day and i don't have to go out in the cold or anything (most of the time i just do it in my pyjamas). If after a couple of months i can notice that my belly is firmer and i look better, i'm sure that will give me more motivation to start strength-training other parts of my body.
    I know this is the laziest advice EVER, and it will take a while to show results (if indeed it does), but i've tried exercising before with higher goals and expectations and i always gave up very soon. I can't deal with a big life change in something i HATE doing. But i can deal with a small one... So i'm going for baby steps.
    Whether it will work for my body or not, i don't know yet, but the good news is i have been sticking to it for a few weeks, it hasn't been much effort or taken much time, and maybe it's psychological, but i'm starting to see a subtle improvement.

    My point is: try to work out a way that works for you in which you will stick to it rather than giving up soon. And remember you just need to find something until the weather gets better, and then you can ride your bike again.

    My bigger point is: i love your topic and i hope someone has better advice than me! (which so far has been the case, haha)
  • fluffy925
    fluffy925 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm just lazy and have bought a vibropower machine ( no rude comments please :)!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Pilates is actually very enjoyable, and you can do it at home with a dvd and mat. It really works, too.
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    Watch TV or read a book while you work out. I watch food network while I do the stair stepper or elliptical.

    I also started working out as soon as the gym opens, before work. I used to make up excuses or reasons not to go after work because I was tired and lazy...

    Working out first thing makes me feel good-more energy. And now I look forward to it.
  • Sabineslims
    You have to find what you enjoy doing and make it fun.
    I personally love spin class. It is challenging and the cranked up music always motivates me. I developed friendships in class and people expect to see me. They help hold me accountable.
    When I am feeling particularly lazy, I just put on my work out clothes and then my brain just kind of follows my motions and before I know it, I am breaking a sweat!
    I think the important thing is to find what you enjoy doing and at a time that works for you.
    Good luck!
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    Personally, I had to invest in a gym membership...I'm cheap enough that if I'm giving up 25 bucks a month to belong to a gym, I'm going to use it.
    Try fitness fave are spin and kickboxing...I find it easier to motivate myself in a class...

    Try starting out small, go for a walk after dinner. Plug in your iPod and before you know it 20 minutes will be up! I've never been able to use a treadmill at home or anything, I always find excuses to quit...hope this helps!
  • tataliciousd89
    I just fill my ipod with good music and tune out the world. Working out is my time out. My break from the world. To me it is as relaxing as a nice massage or bubble bath. Plus you know that feeling when you try to walk down the stairs after a good workout and you have that nice after sex, jello legged feeling? Oh hell yeah! thats the best feeling in the world.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    True story!
    Healthy bodies are built in the kitchen and while we sleep!
    Everything else is secondary!
  • tmoyer1209
    tmoyer1209 Posts: 215 Member
    Trust me, I hate exercise too! Everything about it! But like some wonderful smart person said, my favorite exercise is the shortest! I do Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 because it takes only about 20 mins and burns 350 to 375 calories. Now I do crave the feeling I get after exercise, I feel powerful and confident, but the sweating still sucks!! LOL I figure I hate to do the dishes too, but they are a fact of life and I hate being overweight, or according to my BMI obese. Hope you find something that works for you!!
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    do zumba! or some other form of dancing. Its exercise but its so fun you don't even know you are working!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I don't have trouble staying under calories anymore. I've finally been able to give up the sweets. But now I have encountered a new problem. I can not make myself exercise. I have a treadmill, but it's almost tourture for me to get on it. I like riding my bike, but it's a bit to cold outside right now to ride everyday. Maybe I'm just lazy, I don't know. But I would seriously appreciate some helpful tips to actually enjoy a workout.

    I put a 60 inch big screen TV in front of my treadmill and have been enjoying my walks ever since. Suspense is great, because I walk faster when I get scared. The time just flies! I do 90 min per day.